Vancouver Displaying Art on the Streets to promote City Culture During Pandemic

I’m sure we’ve all felt that the level of disconnect to city culture that Vancouverites are enduring matches that of the pandemic we face – mass(ive).

We all miss going to art shows, seeing live concerts, and experiencing everything of the like while partying at festivals. Due to the pandemic, we are all experiencing a lack of culture. But this isn’t news and Vancouver recognizes that.

Since not everyone is able to make it out (for obvious reasons) Vancouver has put out what’s called the City Platform’s 2020: Public Works. This public feature showcases visual artwork in outdoor urban settings for all our viewing pleasure.

To feed all our art-hungry bellies, the Public Works was brainstormed to continue progressing Vancouver’s City Culture|Shift.

The Head of Public Art for City of Vancouver, Eric Fredericksen says, “Platforms 2020: Public Works highlights the crucial role of art in our community by sharing the works of local artists who continue to work from their living rooms, bedrooms, and on the streets of the city at this critical moment,” He adds, “The themes addressed in these work are so central to

the human experience right now and will offer our community new ways to connect during this time of crisis.”

City Platforms 2020 will run until the end of the year, and switch things up on a monthly basis.

Check out Vancouver’s city website or walk downtown (with a mask!) to see what art pieces are posted this month.

Vancouver City website:

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