BCIT inspires prospective students in navigating their career paths through hands-on learning

man on a lift beside a building

The world is changing quickly, as are the skills required in tomorrow’s workplaces. For more than 55 years, the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) has been delivering flexible, relevant, and future-proof education that prepares learners to provide applied solutions to industry challenges – across BC and around the world. In October 2021, the Institute … Read more

BC Proof of Vaccination is required to access select BCIT services

As many of you will have heard, the Provincial Health Officer announced that proof of vaccination is required for many non-essential services. We understand this will be a significant change affecting many people in our community and so, we wanted to explain how this will apply to some activities and places on BCIT campuses. As … Read more

Welcome to the Fall 2021 term from President Kathy Kinloch

Kathy Kinloch at the BCIT Burnaby campus wearing a cloth mask with Van Gogh's starry night painting as a pattern, light blue shirt, and a white cardigan

President Kathy Kinloch is pleased to welcome all students, faculty, and staff to BCIT for Fall 2021 term. While the new term is filled with excitement and opportunities, President Kinloch reminds everyone to be kind and patient as we continue to safely transition back to more on-campus activity. There are also important resources to bookmark … Read more