Harnessing the power of data: BCIT Computing Flexible Learning expands offerings

Graphs and tables showing food crop prices made using MS Power BI

It would be hard to find an organization that didn’t want to save resources or increase revenue by better understanding their data. From customer behaviour to energy use, leaders across the world know that they may be missing out on critical insights. Skilled individuals who can harness the power of data, by creating visualizations and … Read more

BCIT Computing team places third at SAP hackathon

screen captures of app "waddle" showing cartoon duck wearing a blue baseball cap and carrying a messenger bag, a hand-drawn post it, a sign-in page, and an event listing

“We were up against 3rd and 4th year students from some of the other schools, and we’re really proud of how far we made it using the tools that BCIT gave us.” – Nolan Nordwall, CST Diploma Student  Over 100 post-secondary students kicked off fall by spending a weekend at SAPVanHack22. “The experience was amazing!” … Read more

Sharing so others know it is possible: My data analyst journey

Smiling woman with long brown hair in a light blazer holds a laptop while standing in front of a screen displaying data and graphs

Lluvia Meneses moved across a continent, began a new life in a new language, and expanded her family, but there was another challenge she planned to take on. She loved finding meaning in numbers, and she hoped to resume her career as a Data Analyst (DA). It took a lot of dedication, but in 2021 … Read more

Crime and intelligence analysis programs now offered online

As careers in crime solving move increasingly online, so BCIT’s Bachelor of Technology (BTech) and Advanced Certificate programs in Forensic Investigation: Crime and Intelligence Analysis (CIA) have followed. Canada-wide demand “We’ve had students from across Canada in our courses, so we know they appreciate the offering,” explains Ken Schulz, Interim Program Coordinator, and faculty member … Read more

Advanced Forensic Nurse Examiner Online Microcredential: 5 Questions

BCIT Forensic Health Sciences Instructor Tara Wilkie

We connected with Associate Dean Jennifer Talman to learn more about the newest BCIT Forensics microcredential, which aims to help prepare nurses who treat some of society’s most vulnerable patients. Q: Who is the Advanced Forensic Nurse Examiner (AFNE) microcredential for? Advanced Forensic Nurse Examiner is meant for Registered Nurses who have taken Forensic Nurse … Read more

New: Cybersecurity Essentials for IT Professionals

BCIT launches Canada's first Industrial Network Cybersecurity program

BCIT is offering a new microcredential (MC) in Cybersecurity Essentials for IT Professionals. We checked in with Raymond Yu, Program Coordinator, Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity, to find out more. Q: Who is the new microcredential for? RY: The new MC was designed for IT/computing workers from any business sector who might be interested in doing … Read more

Computing students develop apps to make life better

Mobile phone screen with word Shakeguard: Get ready for the Big One, Prepare your earthquake kit today

Faculty launched the annual intense May project for first year Computer Systems Technology Diploma students with the theme Conflict and Dialectic. “We know students are thinking about the conflict and tension in the world right now, whether extreme weather, global unrest including war and disinformation, mental unrest, or rising commodity prices,” explains Carly Orr, BCIT … Read more

From DNA sequencing at Children’s Hospital to leading-edge biotech, Forensic student shares co-op experiences

smiling young woman using laboratory equipment

“I loved the idea of learning the technical aspects of biochemistry, but applying it to real world situations with forensic science.” – Christine McCulloch We caught up with Christine McCulloch, currently in her fourth year of the Bachelor of Science Combined Honours in Biochemistry and Forensic Science to hear about her recent co-op experiences and … Read more

One-of-a-kind experience competing nationally: Computing student Princeton Dychinco

small car on mini race track

Princeton Dychinco just returned from competing nationally at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) DeepRacer WildCard Race in Ottawa. We checked in to learn more about his experience at the event, and in his Computer Systems Technology (CST) Diploma program. After completing a degree in Psychology from Simon Fraser University, Princeton found himself working in tech … Read more

“Outwit opponents, in a capture-the-flag kind of way”: Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity graduate James Black

headshot of james black

“I’ve loved computers and technology all my life, I can’t remember a time when I haven’t been heavily involved with them, though they were largely kept as a hobby,” explains James Black, graduating this spring with his Bachelor of Technology – Forensic Investigation, Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity Option. James took some time before finding his … Read more