BCIT Forest Society receives Minister’s Award for Innovation and Excellence

BCIT Forest Society receives Minister’s Award for Innovation and Excellence

Congratulations to the BCIT Forest Society (BCITFS), along with instructor Jonathan Smyth, on receiving the 2020 Minister’s Award for Innovation and Excellence in Woodlot Management for the Coast area. Woodlot licensees are small scale forest managers which use sustainable long-term practices to harvest timber on Crown and private lands. They also have a duty to … Read more

How BCIT is building a sustainable home for health sciences education in BC

BCIT-Health Sciences Centre

The new BCIT Health Sciences Centre (HSC) is set to open in the spring of 2022. The four-storey, 111,460 square-feet building is a state-of-the-art teaching facility designed to foster learning and collaboration across all BCIT health students. This new building is also one of the most sustainable and accessible facilities on campus. Efficient systems Below … Read more

How BCIT innovated to provide applied solutions to industry challenges

BCIT researchers and research groups have been working with industries for 30 years, helping companies and organizations develop new technologies, products, and services. Despite the evolving challenges of the pandemic this year, BCIT continued its bold pursuit of new applications and technologies to solve real-life problems. The result? An impressive list of breakthrough accomplishments and … Read more

More than 30 years later: Remembering the Montreal Massacre

On December 6, 1989, a senseless act of gender-based violence at l’École Polytechnique de Montréal claimed the lives of 14 women. This tragedy shook our country and led Parliament to declare December 6 as The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women. It has been over 30 years since the devastating Montreal … Read more

BCIT Student Awards Celebration honours high-achieving students of 2021

Congratulations to the BCIT student award recipients of 2021. BCIT launched the online Student Awards Celebration on November 30 to recognize students’ achievements and provide a unique and memorable experience that they can share with family, friends, mentors, and peers. “On behalf of all our exceptional faculty and staff here at BCIT, I am very proud … Read more

BCIT partners with industry on virtual clean-energy training platform for First Nations communities

The British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), in partnership with Siemens Canada, Denesoline Corporation (Łutsël K’é Dene First Nation’s wholly-owned subsidiary), and the Digital Supercluster, is proud to announce its investment in empowering Indigenous communities by providing an online vocational training program in Clean Energy Power Plants. Many rural northern communities, such as Łutsël K’é … Read more

Studying part time to succeed in the Canadian workplace: Three pieces of advice from Hans Hwang

Entry to BCIT's Burnaby Campus

Hans Hwang relocated to Canada from China in 2015. He brought 20 years of experience as a software developer specializing in Quality Assurance (QA) and testing, and held a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science. Nevertheless, in Canada, he struggled with finding local employment. He was lucky to be able to work remotely for a past … Read more

BCIT and BC hospital create innovative device to improve chest tube stabilization for patients

Innovative researchers and designers from BCIT MAKE+ collaborated with entrepreneurial healthcare workers from the Royal Columbian Hospital to create a revolutionary device to improve the care of patients with collapsed lungs or fluid buildup in the chest cavity. Dr. Ali Abdalvand collects ideas. The Royal Columbian Hospital emergency physician considers himself an amateur inventor, albeit … Read more

BCIT teams up with BC post-secondaries to help UBC grads in their cap and gown experience

BCIT supports UBC grads

It was late Friday afternoon on November 19 when the University of British Columbia (UBC) contacted BCIT for help as their graduation regalia was stuck in a courier truck due to last week’s storm and would not arrive in time for UBC’s convocation ceremonies beginning the following Tuesday, November 23. When BCIT Senior Events and … Read more

Fireweed episode 5: To tech or not to tech

Fireweed episode 5: To tech or not to tech

Technology itself does not support or enhance learning. It’s the way we use them. Technology in the classroom is nothing new, and it’s always evolving. Innovators like UBC’s Dr. Claudia Krebs are using technologies like virtual and augmented reality to really bring course content to life. At BCIT, James Rout, Associate Vice-President, Education Support and … Read more