This BCIT student project program is helping BC organizations save time and money

The Federation of Independent School Associations in British Columbia (FISA) is an umbrella organization of BC independent school associations. As part of the Industry Sponsored Student Projects (ISSP) program at BCIT, a group of Computer Information Technology (CIT) students (pictured above) were recently tasked with a major redesign of FISA’s website. Technical skills provide insight … Read more

Upgrade your skills: 3 free courses for the digital era

BCIT partners with Cisco Networking Academy to provide IT curriculum and training

Technology is changing the world faster than ever before and it is affecting how we live, think, and work. The advancement is so fast that at least two-thirds of students entering elementary school today will be employed in jobs that currently do not exist. With this ever-changing industry, new opportunities emerge across the job market. … Read more

SAP Gives BCIT Computing Co-op Students a Sneak Peek at Life in Tech

By Angus Lin A Friendly Greeting and Insightful Advice On January 23, 2019 BCIT CST and CIT students had the incredible opportunity to attend a tour of SAP’s Vancouver Office. Upon entering, we were greeted by several SAP employees including Joseph Hou, and many current SAP interns. Susanna Kan, our co-op coordinator introduced us and … Read more

Welcome to Microbiology

After spending the past few months split between Chemistry and Hematology, I’m finally in a new department! Microbiology is the study of living organisms too small to be seen with the naked eye – hence the ‘micro.’ In Chemistry and Hematology, you’re predominately testing the levels of specific analytes in blood; these samples are collected … Read more

What is experiential learning, and why is it key to getting a job?

Students use experiential learning to explore a space suit in a warehouse at a BCIT learning facility.

Post-secondary education is one of the most exciting journeys you’ll ever take. It’s a chance to explore new subjects, meet new people, and grow as an individual. But eventually you’re going to graduate—and that means your school also has to prepare you for what comes next. Experiential learning — otherwise known as work-integrated learning (WIL) … Read more

A Valentine’s Day-inspired love story: Why this BCIT alumnus and student tied the knot on Burnaby Campus

After Jurie helped Lili with a flat tire, she invited him to dinner. Sparks flew, igniting a powerful romance whose wedding could only be held at BCIT’s Burnaby Campus. “We thought it would be a unique and an amazing experience to have our wedding at a location that means something wonderful to both Lili and … Read more

Every day can be Valentine’s Day: This BCIT couple share their romance advice

If you saw Irina Saczuk at her convocation, you probably witnessed the big hug and kiss husband Eric gave her as she crossed the stage. It was June 2017, and Irina had just graduated from the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, officially becoming a BCIT alumna. Eric, a member of the platform party, could … Read more

Pink Shirt Day – Be Kind!

Contrary to the common train of thought that bullying is an issue for children in middle school or high school, bullying is rather a major issue that has the potential to victimize any individual in any community. Whether it be through verbal attack, physical violence, or social media, bullying entraps millions of people around the … Read more

From biochemistry to the tech sector: a Computer Systems Technology grad shares her journey

When Nadia Dobrianskaia, saw the gap between what scientists needed and what developers could provide, she enrolled in BCIT’s Computer Systems Technology program to follow her father’s footsteps into a career in the tech sector. Why or how did you move into the tech sector? My family moved to Canada when I was 10 years … Read more