BCIT response to University of Waterloo attack

BCIT is deeply saddened and disturbed by the recent acts of violence that occurred at the University of Waterloo. Our condolences go out to the victims, their loved ones, and the entire University of Waterloo community affected by this senseless act of violence against the 2S/LGBTQIA+ community.

BCIT firmly condemns all forms of gender and sexual violence. We champion diversity of experiences, ideas, cultures, and perspectives, fostering a community permeated with equality and inclusivity.

Acts of violence like this remind us of the ongoing challenges faced by the 2S/LGBTQIA+ community. We must work together to create safe spaces on campuses and within our communities where individuals feel protected, supported, and empowered to report any instances of harassment, assault, or discrimination.

BCIT works continuously towards providing necessary resources, support, and education to our students, faculty, and staff to prevent discriminatory acts and ensure a safe and inclusive environment. We encourage all members of the BCIT community to stand together against discrimination.

If you require support or would like to report an incident related to 2S/LGBTQIA+ discrimination, we urge you to reach out to BCIT’s resources listed below. We are here to listen, support, and empower you.

Resources for students

Resources for staff & faculty

Resources for all of us

Thank you,

Lisa Collins, Vice President, Students

Ana Lopez, Vice President, Human Resources and People Development

Laura Vail and Blake Edwards, Co-chairs, BCIT Pride Committee

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