Four steps to follow for a successful job search

Whether you are looking for a new job or wanting to stay on top of your job applications, it’s important to utilize your resources and know how to optimize your search process.  British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) Human Resources recruitment experts offer the following valuable tips to help you kickstart your job search and become a savvy job seeker.

1. Create a plan

Begin your research on the type of job that you see yourself doing. Creating a plan means you are not applying for any job posting on LinkedIn, Indeed or any other job boards as it becomes available. Instead you are being deliberate and applying for jobs you are genuinely interested in and excited about. Narrow and identify jobs that are the best fit for you.

2. Utilize your network

Get the word out to your network, let them know you are actively searching. Your network is made up of your family, friends, former coworkers, alumni and LinkedIn contacts. You may be surprised the leads you may attain when you just reach out.

Looking for a career in the education sector? Visit the BCIT Careers website to apply for opportunities.

3. Reviving your resume and cover letter

Ensure that your resume is stellar. This means that it is error free and contains the necessary qualifications and responsibilities indicated in the job description. Tailor your resume to the job description instead of using a generic resume to apply for different job postings. While tailoring your resume, ensure your application contains relevant information with related experiences.

4. Staying organized

Applying to different job opportunities may cause you to lose track of all the positions you have applied for and even forget that you have an interview coming up. Keeping a record of the jobs you have applied for, interviews you have attended is important in the job search process. It is important to be organized when managing your interview process, a job search spreadsheet is one way keep track of the progress of your job applications. You can use a basic spreadsheet to help organize your job search where you can keep track of all the roles you have applied to. Customize the spreadsheet with columns and even colour code as you progress in your job search.

According to BCIT Human Resources Specialist, Alex Ip, effective job hunting also requires commitment and consistency. “It is important to note that looking for a job and eventually landing one is a process within itself,” he says. “These processes should be seen as learning experiences while you are in the transition process of searching for roles, sending in your applications, attending interviews and awaiting feedback.”

While job searching comes with its own challenges, staying positive and keeping an open mind are key to help you land the role that will take you to the next step in your career. “Remember, sometimes the organization’s vision and yours may not be aligned, and that’s okay. Be intentional with your applications, do your research, and if you feel confident that it’s a role that you’d like, then give it a shot,” says Alex.

BCIT recognized for the twelfth year in a row as BC’s Top Employers for 2022. 

1 thought on “Four steps to follow for a successful job search”

  1. Hi, fellow BCIT student here. I find all articles on employment very helpful here, as I know that looking for a job in its self is a hard task.


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