Technology Support Professional grads: A solid IT foundation

The BCIT Technology Support Professional (TSP) program is a 10-month full-time program designed to prepare learners for a career in Information Technology. We reached out to three TSP alumni to find out about their BCIT experience and how their careers have evolved. Here are their stories.

A solid foundation builds job-readiness as an IT professional

Jeremy Colby, TSP grad 2015 – Automation Specialist at Nucleus Networks Inc
“I’ve been good with computers since I was a kid, so it was an obvious choice to pursue this interest professionally. I decided to attend an info session at BCIT where I learned about the TSP program. It seemed like a perfect match for what I was looking for. The condensed course and stellar reputation of BCIT students getting hired really sold me.

And it turned out to be a really good choice. The opportunities were plentiful, the instructors left us well prepared, and [instructors] Orrett and Raj are awesome. I learned so much and gained a vast amount of experience in TSP. The ability to graduate with work experience and some industry certificates under the belt is a great benefit, and you can make some great connections along the way. The program gave me my foundation as an IT professional, and armed me with skills and knowledge to build a career.

It’s been a few years since I graduated now, so what I do today looks quite different from when I first started. I get to touch many different tools and technologies these days, but most of what I do now revolves around automation and data visualization.

Data and automation are definitely my biggest areas of interest. I hope to continue working in the field of data analytics and visualization and developing my skills.

Overall, I had a great experience at BCIT: good location, environment, people, and a great school with a well-deserved reputation. You need to apply yourself, but they really set you up for success.”

From an arts degree to the IT world

Karina Chan, TSP grad 2019, Support Specialist at Nucleus Networks
“I worked in retail my whole life. I went to SFU for my Bachelor of Arts but still stayed in the retail field afterwards. Eventually, I decided to go for a career change.

The reason I chose TSP was because of its condensed nature. It’s hard to commit three or four years of your life to something you’re unsure about.

In the end, it all worked out: I was lucky to get hired after my internship and have been with the same company since. TSP gave me a great foundation for what I would tackle in the everyday IT world. It can be difficult to teach something that is always changing and always moving to something faster, newer, and better, but TSP equipped me with the basics of how everything works.

While I was studying, COVID-19 hit us, and we all had to pivot to remote learning. It’s nice to have the flexibility, but I think it’s important that you’re willing to learn and engage despite being part of a blended online model. The appeal of online is that you don’t need to interact or engage, but I feel it’s even more important in an environment like this. You learn best when you ask questions and troubleshoot with your fellow students!

I am enjoying being a Support Specialist at Nucleus Networks, a managed service provider. I’m exposed to numerous different clients with a wide array of IT infrastructure. I learn something new every day, which is exactly what I was looking for in my career.

In the end, I couldn’t have done it without my instructors, Orrett and Rajen. They both have so much knowledge and experience and are genuinely passionate about what they teach. It makes a big difference when your instructors love what they teach. It makes the whole learning process that much more enjoyable.”

An internship paved the path to a permanent job

Shajimon Prabhakaran, TSP grad 2016, Network Security Administrator Delta School District
“Before enrolling in TSP, I was working as a Telecommunications Technician. An accident at work led to surgery on both knees, and it left me partially disabled. So I decided to change my career with the help of WorksafeBC. Applying for TSP was literally life-changing.

Apart from the classroom training by the industry-experienced trainers and softer skills training like resumé building, the best part of this program was the internship that I did at Delta School District. I got hired after completing it, initially on a temporary contract, but I got a permanent spot after eight months.

During the internship, I could use all the knowledge and best practices learned during the TSP program, which really helped me to end up in a full-time position. Now I am pretty much working in all IT areas (Network Administration, hardware troubleshooting, Network Security using Palo Alto, SCCM etc.). I am very happy with the current position and employer.

Thank you, BCIT, for such a wonderful program. And thank you to my instructors Orrett and Rajen, for their endless support and inspiration.”

The TSP program is ideal for learners with no previous background or education in computing, as well as those who need to retrain or upgrade their computer skills. Learn more about the Technology Support Professional program.


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