How to stay motivated while studying online for final exams

These tips are shared by Social Media Contributor and first-year Business Management student Hanna Sudom.

There’s nothing better than rolling out of bed two minutes before class and sliding right into lecture with crusty eyes, morning breath, and pajamas… right? Wrong! As the novelty of online learning dwindled, the semester gained momentum with no mercy for the procrastinators.

Many students at BCIT struggle with some form of mid-semester motivation crash. This year more so, because having a cozy bed at an arm’s length away from school makes staying focused even more challenging.

Is this crash inevitable? No, but it’s important to be proactive and develop good habits to help avoid burnout. I admit, I am not the perfect student, but I do have some strategies to share with you that have helped keep me on-track this semester.

These strategies are to

  1. keep a daily routine
  2. take time for yourself.

Keep a daily routine

Our bodies crave routine, and having consistency in your day can improve your life in a multitude of ways.

For example, going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends, will regulate your body’s internal clock and improve your quality of sleep. You are more likely to procrastinate when you are exhausted from a restless night, so having a structured sleep regimen is a good idea.

Take time for yourself

You, like me, likely spend most of the day alone in front of your screen grinding away at schoolwork.  We spend most of the day in solitude, so why is it important to make even more time for ourselves?

Taking time for yourself doesn’t have to be alone time; it can be anything besides school, work, or chores that you enjoy doing on your own or with others. This time is essential for our brains to reset and de-stress. If your day looks chaotic like mine often does, schedule “me time” right into your daily to-do list.

For me, this is doing a 20-minute yoga video in the middle of my school day, and watching my new favorite TV show after I finish my homework every night.

Both being consistent with my routine and prioritizing personal time have helped keep me focused, and more importantly, retain my sanity so far this semester. Even though we are nearing the home stretch, it’s never too late to switch things up and try something new to ignite that a final surge of motivation – just in time for finals!

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