Scholarships for Exchange

Hello its Megan and I have some exciting news to share with you!

I was never a person to apply for scholarships but now I regret not applying to them earlier! I highly recommend just applying for scholarships because you might be the perfect candidate!

Here are the links to all the scholarships I applied to:

Ernst Mach Grant:

This programme is aimed at students from non-European universities who wish to spend a semester or two at an Austrian University of Applied Sciences (‘Fachhochschule’).

Target group: undergraduates and graduates from non-European universities

One World Scholarship:
Value: $1,000 – $3,500

Supported by the Irving K. Barber Society and handed out by the institution.
Make sure you check out the website to make sure you meet the requirements:

  • have clearly demonstrated significant community and/or school involvement and academic achievement, supported by two references submitted with the application;

Premier’s International Scholarship:
Value: $6,000 – $10,000

Given out by Irving K. Barber Society and roughly gives about 25-30 a year to students in BC. Make sure you check out the website to make sure you meet the requirements:

  • have achieved a minimum B+ academic standing;
  • have clearly demonstrated significant community and/or school involvement and academic achievement, supported by two references submitted with the application

Let me know if you have any questions about the scholarship or exchange!


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