Arriving Home After the First Sea Phase

I have now returned home after my first sea phase. I look back and am very thankful for what I have had onboard Anthem of the Seas. I had enjoyed my time there very much.

Once I arrived back to Vancouver, I realized that it felt like just yesterday that I was here. There was a few new songs on the radio and new street lights put in near my house, but the feeling was the same. I have found it a bit different getting used to being on land again. Although it feels like I never left, the lifestyle is still different. I am back to driving, cooking, and all the different chores that are needed to get done after being gone for so long. The other thing that I am back to is hiking Vancouver’s beautiful trails and mountains. This is one thing that I have missed. The sun has been out almost everyday I have been back. It’s been perfect!

I still have a couple weeks till I am back in school. A few of the other cadets are also back in BC from their first sea phase, and others will be returing just days before classes start again.

We have had to work on a project while being away at sea for school. I had completed mine while being on board, and just put it all together these last few days that I have been back. It was great to look back at the memories and refresh what I had learned while being in board.

I have found it hard to slow down after constantly having something to do as I did on board. Now, I will try to take a break before going to school as it will help me be fully charged for the new school year.

2 thoughts on “Arriving Home After the First Sea Phase”

  1. Sounds like you had a great trip! I’m from the Airline Ops program and had the same feelings when we did our big trip away from Vancouver

    • Yes! A feeling you will never forget. There have been many great memories made so far! Thank you for the comment Sean!


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