An Expository Exploration of Examination Exsanguination

Nights in Toronto – Shot by Mark

The title, of course, is metaphorical. I don’t propose any exsanguination whatsoever. As I said before, I prefer not to conform to the standardized conventions of blog-writing. So, instead of talking about exam or study tips, let’s explore the atmospheric shifts in the coming exam season. Lethargy, fatigue, stress, and all the like are all symptoms of preparation and consistent studiousness, or cramming. I’ve heard descriptions of this lethargy to be a feeling of faintness, and draining; hence I’m metaphorically coining it as an exsanguination.

The business school is so focused on the progression of term projects to the absolute last day, that time is the scarcest resource. A flaw in the curriculum, so to speak. But what more would you expect at this school? The tagline may as well be “to become work ethic personified”. A driving force so capable of entering work that you can probably understand the reasoning behind the 96% of students hired statistic from an external point-of-view. I’m starting to understand the audacity of such an approach to education, and the sacrificial gains behind the scenes – like this horrendous midterm season.

Although, I’d like to note that this exam period is probably a more positive one than others. March’s midterm season hints at a few things. Spring break, for one. Also, the gradual but exciting transition of the weather. The everlasting rainy season is dull and dreary. I’ve observed a shift in public behaviours en masse when the sun comes out in April. It’s really just a brighter and more positive season to study. Also, exposure to sunlight does correlate to increased overall happiness and well-being, which we can all advocate for, I’m sure.

I’ve mentioned this already in one of my other channels, so I’ll mention it here as well. Recognize serendipity when you feel it is absent. Make your efforts and your time with friends and family count, and realize that there is an underlying beauty that constantly surprises. Good luck on the studies; more content to come after the break, so stay tuned.

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