New Beginnings

Nights in Vancouver – Shot by Mark

Hi! I’m Mark and I wrote some posts a few years ago. Now I’m back doing some writing again for the school, where I realized that it could fuel my creative outlet outside of schoolwork as well as provide the extra cheese. For this post, I’m just looking to establish a foundation for the work I’m about to create. Essentially, I’ll try to steer away from cliche shortcomings on the conventions of blog-writing and put together more elaborate and thematic ideas that attempt to relate to a greater understanding of topics like student culture, school-work-life balance and simply what I like to call human nature. I try to offer scope into the tendencies of humanity in all aspects and address cultural mores. After all, a writer’s job is a humanitarian role, where this person creates an idea through words and expresses this idea in a more creative variation of English. I’ll also try to supplement writing with artistic photo and video pieces put together by myself or some of my colleagues, just to supplement my ideas with some eye candy.

What I find most interesting about writing, is that the most colorful ideas and contentions passed down through generations upon generations of culture, history and conflict are summarized into raw words connected and interlinked into idealism. As much as I like to write, however, I must admit that it’s probably one of the most difficult undertakings in my life because writing in school or for work eventually becomes forced and the idea turns bland. I’ll try my best to avoid these cliches and mitigate the instinctive mechanisms of pure business communication and create a more versatile form of writing.

Thus far, I’m happy to be back and hopefully will provide some good content. Myself and a bunch of genuinely talented digital and visual artists that will help me through my work are excited for the future. I’ll also invite you to check out and follow my Instagram (@marksarmiento_) and my VSCO ( for some cool flicks. I’m expanding my work right now, so it would be greatly appreciated!

So, let’s get down to business.

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