This is round 2 of midterms! Last week I had 3 midterms, and this week I have another 3. Juggling academics with working, volunteering, and other extra curricular activities gets a bit tough.
This weekend was definitely a rough one with working over 20 hours this weekend and making time to study for each of my midterms. I’m a person who likes keeping busy and doesn’t like saying “no” when extra shifts come up at each of my jobs. It’s also great to have extra spending money when you’re a student, plus it’s always nice to treat yourself.
When I know I have a hectic weekend ahead of me, I like to plan out my days to make sure I get enough study and personal time to keep me sane. Since Friday night was the only time to study I utilized it and studied until I needed to go to bed.
On Saturday I worked both of my jobs, back to back and did a little bit of studying during my breaks. Also, I’m fortunate enough that I can study while working at one of my jobs. I have to admit I do get interrupted quite a bit but it’s still time towards studying. After work, I came home exhausted but opened the books to do a bit more studying since I had the time and a little bit of energy left.
Sunday morning I went back to work and tried to squeeze in a bit of studying time during the work breaks. After I came home, I did a bit more studying and set aside some personal time in the evening to unwind from the hectic weekend. This weekend my cousin, sister, and I decided to participate in a community run. We decided to dress up since we heard there would be prizes and who doesn’t love a chance to win prizes!
It was amazing to see all these runners who came out for the community run. The seawall had a sea of lights from all the runners who decided to brave out the cold and darkness. At the end of the race we found out we won best costumes and it was such a nice surprise. We took a photo before the sun set just so you could see our matching costumes and one in the dark with our light up ears!

My recommendations for students who enjoy juggling a busy schedule is to:
- Make a plan and stick to it.
- Only agree to things that you know you can handle.
- Leave a section of personal time to recharge from everything, plus it’s great for your mental health.
Thanks for following my journey and let me know if you have any questions about BCIT or scheduling below!