An Exam Day in the Nursing Department

Exam time is stressful for most people. Whether it’s the pressure of being evaluated or the difficulty of time management to balance assignments and studying. To help show everyone what it’s like to undergo midterms in the nursing department, I have decided to use my cats, Winnifred (also known as Freddy), since she is much more fun to look at than I am.  She will show you what my midterm days usually look like.

So this is basically me when my alarm goes off on Monday morning. I cannot even pretend to be a morning person. Although we don’t have class until later in the day, because I carpool to campus I still get to campus by 07:30.




I try really hard to be productive in the morning. There’s always so much to do that if I don’t use my time wisely it’s easy to fall behind. If I’m not in the library studying I’m probably at the gym in the morning working off my stress.


After class, we usually have our midterm on Monday afternoon. Right before I usually try to pretend that it’s not going to happen so that I don’t stress too much. As you can see from the picture, I’m not usually successful. No matter how hard I try, I am just a worrier and will always be a bit freaked out before exams.



I try to make sure that I eat something before the exam starts, but a lot of times I’m so nervous that I don’t have an appetite. (Please don’t think that all students get this nervous before BCIT exams. I’m generally just a high-stress person so it hits me pretty hard.)






By the time I’m done writing the test I basically don’t know what to make of life anymore.



But then I can relax knowing that all of my hard work has paid off!





At least until I remember that I still have 3 midterms left over the next few weeks…



Anywhoo, I hope you liked my story! Please feel free to share your exam stories in the comments section!

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