New Health Sciences Centre
BCIT is excited to open its new Health Sciences Centre. The new Health Sciences Centre will provide comprehensive health sciences simulation in multiple care settings in one building on campus in Burnaby, BC. Through the use of technology and on-site learning spaces, the School of Health Sciences will provide personalized, collaborative, interprofessional learning opportunities that promote active participation of all health sciences professions whether located in the Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada or the world. The Health Science Centre will create opportunities for interprofessional collaboration with experts and learners from different areas where they can immerse themselves in new realities and jointly engineer solutions. This approach links institutions together with industry to create an inspirational environment conducive to learning, teaching, researching and innovating.
Our goal is always to provide authentic and relevant learning for safe patient centered care. The new BCIT Health Sciences Centre provides a next generation learning environment for students to practice complex skills and decision making in a standardized and scaffold approach utilizing a multitude of processes and tools . As patients receive care from a variety of healthcare professionals, students will have opportunities to practice in teams so they understand how to work collaboratively as healthcare professionals for the best outcomes for our patients.
For more detailed information see the Health Sciences Centre for Advanced Simulations (HSCAS) facilities project webpage.