The perfect trip

What comes to your mind when you hear “the perfect trip”? Is it laying in the blazing sun on the beaches of Mexico, or maybe skiing in the Swiss alps? How about somewhere a little more tropical like Hawaii? Is the concrete jungle of New York your vibe? No matter what kind of vacation you’re going on and whatever the climate is, there’s always going to be some important criteria that needs to be met. This may vary from person to person, but here are some factors that need to be considered when planning the perfect trip.


The perfect trip has to be something different! Meaning it has to be a stark contrast from what you’re used to. If you’re living in downtown Vancouver you already get a mix of the sun, the beaches, and the big city vibe. So what would be the fun in going to New York when it would just be a practical reskin of what you’re already used to. Somewhere like the Austrian mountains would be a perfect getaway from the big city life where you could have opportunities that you might not get in the urban complex. The seclusion could be a nice difference from the packed street, while you snowshoe Stuhleck mountain. Make sure that it’s something you know you’ll enjoy! If you’re a fan of the heat rather than cold, don’t go to Russia in the winter!


This may seem basic, but another thing to give your trip an extra gear is to simply be sporadic. Society is all about routine and repeating your day over and over. Instead of planning ahead, go for a walk to see if there’s anything interesting that catches your eye. Now don’t be too sporadic, if you’re going to do this make sure to at least get a survey of where is safe, and what areas you should maybe stay away from. This could be fun though as it makes your stay seem like more of an adventure and maybe like less of following a tour guide. Check out markets, or small local shops and see what the community has to offer. 


It’s important to plan your trip for an ideal amount of time. Some people like breaking out of the norm and are away any chance they can get. A longer trip would be perfect if that’s your lifestyle. If you’re someone who gets homesick easily, don’t make your trip too long. It would be a shame to plan your trip for two weeks just to spend the last week miserable and wanting to go home. If you want to be really sporadic and that vibe suits you, maybe don’t plan a length at all! Fly out to your desired destination and see how long you can last. Every year lots of people take trips backpacking across Europe, seeing all of its charm and even sometimes living off the land.  Everyone’s different and make sure to know what suits you best!


This next one will divide people in half, but when going on vacation, try going technology free. In today’s day and age obviously that’s not always entirely realistic, but consider limiting the amount of time spent on your phone. We’re hooked to our phones constantly whether it’s for social purposes or maybe we need it to do work. A break is always good, vacation or not so don’t let your phone drag you back home when you have the opportunity to get away. If that’s not a suitable option, staying off social media might even be a breath of fresh air and help to let you live in the moment. 


It goes without saying that the ultimate purpose of a vacation is to have fun, but saving a big activity for the end could be the perfect way to cap off your trip. This could look different for everybody. If you’re headed to New York, you could save Times Square for the last night there or if you’re an architecture nerd then the Empire State Building could be a cool final destination. Same applies for The Colosseum in Rome. If the purpose of your trip is to relax and have some lazy days, you could plan for your final day to be where you go out and try all the activities your landing place has to offer. 


Another aspect that’s somewhat of a given when planning out your stay is the accommodation. Have you ever been on a trip where the hotel you stayed at made or broke your trip? If you’ve been on both sides of the spectrum, it’s abundantly clear that the place you stay is a gamechanger regardless of your destination. The difference from even a three to a four star hotel is a splash of water to the face. It’s essential to feel comfortable wherever you’re staying. Not only is it important for enjoyment, but also sleep. Get yourself a place with a nice bed that you can sink yourself into after a long day of activities and maybe even a jacuzzi to wind down in. If you’re spending the time and finances to travel, you may as well go all out.  That pool could be a difference maker when looking back on your time.

Trip aside, let’s take a look at the travel. Assuming that you’ll be traveling via plane to your chosen spot, it’s crucial to make sure you get those good vibes on your way in. Firstly, making a seat selection. The court of public opinion seems to be vastly divided on what the ideal seat is when flying. For someone that’s scared of heights the window seat might not be the best spot. Anyone with tiny bladders here? The aisle seat might provide a little more comfort because, who wants to climb over people every twenty minutes. First class might be a little out of the price range for what it is, although it is heavily recommended if you have the means to do it, but making sure to get on a high end flight where drinks and snacks are available could be just what you need. Make sure to check ahead of time for what the flight provides as well as things like baggage fees.

The final and most important factor when putting together the perfect trio is to make sure that you create memories. What’s the point of a trip if it was forgettable? Memories are core to us and are what we take with us on every journey we take. They stick with us throughout our day and are something we keep until the end. You could even argue that the purpose of our time on earth is to see, discover, and experience all there is to offer. The best things we do in  our lives are the ones that leave everlasting memories and stories. So make sure you do everything you want to and make your trip something that you won’t forget anytime soon. Now that you have all the pieces of the puzzle to make your perfect trip. Where do you plan on visiting? What kind of activities will you do? Most importantly what kind of memories are you going to make along the way?