The Duality Of Music Taste

Everyone has their own style, quirks, traits, and things that they like. Whether it be the clothes you wear, what you believe in, or even the music you listen to, everyone seems to have their own brand to them, their ways of living. However, what is shown on the outside may not be what’s going on inside. 

I feel like there’s this idea that your personality and self has to be very cookie cutter. Like if you dress one way you have to act the same as you dress, or if you listen to one type of music then you must be like the style you listen to.

Well I’m here to tell you that is wrong. Specifically looking at music taste for this example. The duality of music taste is real. 

If you know me well, you know that I am a MAJOR Swiftie. Like major. I’m obsessed with everything about Taylor. From her outfits, albums, re-releases, merch, ah! I just love it all. And I kinda match the typical Swift listeners “brand” . I dress pretty girly, I drive a Volkswagen bug, and always have pink nails. I suit the typical Taylor Swift fan stereotype.

On the other hand, sometimes what’s playing in my headphones doesn’t suit my “image”. From what I described up above about myself I but you’ll never be able to guess what I was listening to bright and early this morning. I had South Of Heaven blasting my eardrums. Yup. You heard that right. While I was doing my hot girl walk on the treadmill in a pink workout outfit this morning, Slayer was the motivation behind that power walk. Sometimes you just need something to get you up and going in the morning and that’s what it does for me. 

So this just proves the point that you really can’t judge a book by its cover. And in a world where everyone is judging and making opinions, it’s funny to surprise people.

I was always kinda set on being one thing and honing in on that. From my style, personality, to music taste I wanted everything to be in union but I realized that’s no fun and being yourself may just be a mix of everything. So in a world where we’re always being told to fit into a mold, step outside of the mold and just be you even if that means hot pink nails and a Slayer playlist. 

“Step outside yourself and let your mind go” Seasons In The Abyss, Slayer