Creature Of Habit

One thing about me is that I’m a massive movie re-watcher. To be honest, I don’t even really care about any of the new stuff. I mean sure I’m looking forward to Happy Gilmore 2 but probably only because I’ve seen the OG Happy Gilmore probably over 10 times.

Harper Theatre in Detroit

And this isn’t just something that started recently. Back when Frozen came out I was hooked. For some reason I couldn’t  get enough of” Let It Go” and the whole Elsa thing. I guess I’m just a creature of habit. 

My friends are over it. Every movie night when it comes down to finally picking the movie and you have all your snacks ready my answer is the same every time. “The Hangover! Any of them! You guys pick 1,2,or 3” they usually just straight up ignore me, or shoot me a dirty look and continue flipping through Netflix. I can’t blame them though, they entertained me for awhile with the re-watches but now they are just over my antics. 


I think I just like the fact that I can guarantee that when I go to relax and watch a movie, I can just sit down and I know I’m going to love it. But what’s the fun in that? I mean I think it’s fun. It would be worse if I put something on that I didn’t like right? I’d rather put my eggs all into one basket knowing I’m going to love it rather than hate it. There’s nothing better than your favourite comfort classic. 

I guess you could view me as someone who doesn’t like to step out of their comfort zone. You’re not completely wrong, but not completely right either, I can be spontaneous! Just not with my movie taste.. 

Don’t get me started on TV shows either, this may come as a surprise (or not) but I rarely watch a new TV show. I just cycle through my favourites. Start to end and then onto the next. Some of my go-tos are Gilmore Girls, Dead to Me, Greys Anatomy, and of course, The Bachelor. I know, I know judge me all you want, I can take it. I got my system down and no judgement will change my mind.

So what side are you on? Team re-watchers, or team try something new?