The Perfect Drink

Imagine a scorching summer day, the sun is blazing, the sky is clear and you just went for a run in the park. There’s a table setup on the side of the path with bottles on it for the passing by runners. What’s in those bottles?  Universally we’re all supposed to drink water, it’s the most natural thing on earth and makes up about 60 percent of the human body. However everyone has a favorite drink, some more legal than others. From fizzy to flat, fruity to bland there are so many options in today’s age, it’s a drink connoisseur’s paradise out there. Luckily for you that’s exactly what you got right here, and we’ll be going over some fan favorites and some sleeper picks for quenching your thirst.


Let’s start off with one of the most underrated drinks on the market and if you’ve tried this then you know exactly what’s up. Sparkling juice. This is a sneaky one as there’s a lot of people out there who haven’t even heard of sparkling juice and to those people I say: where have you been? You can get it at most local grocery stores and they come in flavours like; apple, pomegranate, mango, and even grape. Want to feel fancy, but don’t want to pop that bottle of champagne? Sparkling juice. Want to cook up a cocktail with something a little on the harder side? Sparkling juice. It’s the perfect balance of taste, elegance, and versatility. Who says no?


Next up for you soda lovers were going to take a look at Fanta. The beautiful thing about Fanta is all the flavors that it comes in. It started with the original orange but has since branched off into lemon, pineapple, and grape among many more. It’s a little different from classic sodas like Pepsi and Coke in the sense that it’s still fizzy, but goes down your throat a lot smoother with what tastes like a real fruit “punch” to it.  What makes this drink even more interesting is the history behind it. It was created in 1940 by Nazi Germany at their Coca-Cola plant because they weren’t receiving any shipments from the United States, they couldn’t make the classic Coke we all love today. Instead they began concocting their own drinks and so came Fanta!



One of the more forgotten drinks out on the shelves has to be sparkling water. Now I know what you’re thinking, and you’re not alone. Why not drink regular water, why have the water sparkle for no reason? EVen though sparkling water is still just water, that carbonation gives it a taste that just can’t seem to be replicated. Even when you compare it to flavoured sparkling water, something about that plain H20 carbonation just hits a little different. What makes this even more convenient is the emergence of Soda Streams over recent years, making it much more convenient to make at home and saving you the consumer the feeling of wasting money that lots of us have when purchasing water out and about.


Are you an athlete? Chances are if you’ve done a sport competitively at some point you were running on a steadfast diet of gatorade. Similar to the many of the previous drinks gatorade has tons of flavour options with the new and limited time ones coming out semi regularly. Trying to cut down on a diet? Gatorade also released a zero option in late 2018 for people trying to slim down on their calorie intake making it a suitable option for athletes no matter what their weight goals are. For those looking for something a little sweeter in the sports drink market a new gatorade competitor has burst onto the scene, that being Prime Hydration. Prime after it’s initial release was one of if not the most popular beverage in the world for a period of time and consumers were dashing to stores the second they were in stock to buy them off the shelves. There was even a supply issue for months due to people buying up every last bottle and they were even being resold for up to five times their retail value. This was in large part due to the fact that famous United States and United Kingdom youtubers Logan Paul and KSI founded the drink and were marketing it all across their social media platforms.


Back onto the topic of sodas, there’s only one correct answer when it comes to the best tasting sodas. You may not be a cherry fan, but who doesn’t like a good flavoured cherry soda. Across the market there are various great tasting cherry sodas, most notably Dr. Pepper. EVen regular cola based sodas like Pepsi and Coke carry a cherry flavour in their ranks. Feeling double cherry? Although it’s hard to come by in Canada these days, cherry Dr. Pepper has to be up there when talking about the all time greatest soda.


Another goat worthy mention for the soda lovers out there is root beer. The market is rich in root beer options with some big brands such as Mugs, Barq’s, and A&W leading the way. They’ve all had their time in the spotlight with A&W’s iconic recipe, Mugs recent TikTok trend garnering popularity as well as Barq’s seemingly being the generation before us root beer of choice. Because of these three brands hogging the spotlight it only seems fitting to give some of the smaller brands a shout out. Not much can beat a “Dad’s Root Beer” on a hot day and they come in the classic glass bottles that always give a drink an extra bit of appeal. Preferring the can? Phillips Soda company’s “Galaxy Root Beer” is a hard to find yet expensive root beer that has its own unique twist on the classic drink.


Similar to Fanta, Mountain Dew has in a sense branched off from Pepsi into its own brand with as of August 2024 there being 28 different flavours of the citrus drink. Nothing beats the classic lemon-lime soda, however they do have some runner up spinoffs. Code Red and Voltage are among some of their more successful flavours, while quietly Major Melon and Spark bring a whole new twist on the beverage. There are also a ton of much lesser known flavours that are harder to come by in addition to a former Taco Bell exclusive in Baja Blast. Do you prefer Mountain Dew over Fanta?



Last but not least the greatest drink of all time, did you guess what it was? If you said chocolate milk you’re absolutely correct. Milk in general has to be one of the greatest things on planet earth, you give it a flavour? That’s game over for the competition. The refreshing taste of having a glass of regular milk with dinner gets taken to an all new level when you factor chocolate in. It’s sweet and creamy and you can drink it with just about anything, excluding chocolate of course. For the rare person that doesn’t see the hyper around chocolate milk, there are other not as good but suitable replacements like strawberry and even banana milk. Do you think that chocolate milk is the goat drink, if not what could top it?