Sunday Resets

By no means am I a messy person, I’m generally pretty clean, I mean my car is a different story but I just blame that on my 90 pound golden retriever, Goose, who loves car rides. I like to keep my room clean and tidy and I really lean into the statement a clean room = clean mind.

cleaning gloves

But I never really had a cleaning schedule. When I ran out of clean clothes I did my laundry, the room was starting to look like a tornado swept through it, time for a clean up. But in the summer my social media became flooded with this whole culture and ritual of “Sunday resets”. I thought it was kinda weird at the start, like why do all these influencers need to document their cleaning as it’s not like something any other regular person does. But I kinda liked the way it sounded. Cleaning your room, getting all the laundry done and starting the week off fresh. 

Fine, I’ll try it out I said….. And wow I’m hooked. It’s my new Sunday tradition, it’s not a Kamryn Sunday without a whole reset. And the feeling after, oh my, it’s the best. Getting into my bed at the end of the night with clean sheets, pjs, and everything put away nicely for the week ahead is seriously life changing. 

But I felt like I needed to take this feeling a step further…

Now I’ve turned a bit crazy with this whole reset thing. But kinda for the better.

I’ve found I’ve been way more on top of my school work. The feeling of having all your work done by Sunday night – chefs kiss. And now I’m a big week planner. In my notes app I have everything I need to do on each day organized in bullet points. I punch in important dates, appointments, and meetings into my calendar and live my week days nicely planned out how I made the Sunday prior. Sometimes if I’m feeling extra crazy and some to kill I even meal prep. But that’s pretty rare. 

So I hope you don’t think i’m totally insane, I mean reading this back does make me out to seem like a clean freak but I swear I’m not that crazy, I’m just overly organized:)