I Don’t Have Only Child Syndrome

“What’s it like not having any siblings?” is a question I always got asked growing up. How can I even answer that without having any siblings? Like seriously? “It’s quiet” was my usual response.


When I was younger every single one of my friends had siblings and they kinda used me being an only child as a way to shut me out of conversation. “Omg my sister stole my shirt, you’re so lucky you don’t have to deal with any siblings”, comments like this always made me so jealous. When I was in early elementary school I wanted a sibling so bad. But it wasn’t till I grew up that I realized I was super content being an only child.

Growing up as an only child, I’ve heard all the “only child” stereotypes, like how I must’ve been lonely or spoiled, or how I must’ve spent every day playing by myself bored out of my mind. I think there’s this whole culture and attitude based on just the negative sides of only child life, but honestly, from my point of view it wasn’t like that at all. 

I won’t lie, sometimes I wondered what it would’ve been like to have a sibling, having someone always there to do something with, but honestly? It taught me to be my own best friend. I know that sounds kinda sad but I don’t see it as sad. From a young age, I got used to being alone, and I got pretty good at entertaining myself. My independence took off from a young age which I think is one of greatest assets today. 

I think one of the best things to come from being an only child is how close I am with my parents. My mom is seriously my best friend (and I know, that also sounds sad). Now that I’m older and self-sufficient I just see my mom as a friend, we go to happy hour together, run together, go shopping, everything, it’s awesome. 

Dealing with the whole assumption of being “overly spoiled” was the most annoying part. For me, being an only child didn’t mean I was showered with whatever I wanted  or let off the hook when it came to responsibility. If anything, I was expected to be more self-sufficient and responsible because there wasn’t another child to balance the family dynamic. The idea that I was “spoiled” by my parents feels like a total oversimplification of what it means to grow up in a family of three.

I wouldn’t trade being an only child for anything and I’d rather deal with the annoying negative culture of being an only child than dealing with an annoying sibling:)