Caffeine Craze

Everything that goes up must go down. It’s a simple law of gravity. But this law doesn;t just apply to gravity, it applies to you too. The high then the crash, the buzz to the zzz, and the energy to exhaustion. It’s a hidden drug we all feel like we can’t live without. Our body craves it and we feel like we need it to get through the day. Caffeine. 

Monster, energy drink!

Studying till 3am, getting to class for 8:30, repeating it day in and day out, fuelling yourself with whatever you can get in between and of course, caffeine. A situation almost every college student has experienced at one point or another. Finals week or just a project, you know it can be fueled by just putting some gas in the tank (caffeine).

It used to be starting your day with a nice cup of coffee and making sure to not have any more caffeine past 3pm, but now the culture of caffeine and how we consume it has changed drastically. Dry scooping pre workout before leg day, pounding a Celcius first thing in the morning, or even a vodka Redbull on a night out to keep you going the whole night (I guess the whole no caffeine after 3pm flew out the window hey?). 

College students (me included) are abusing caffeine but it’s just seen as normal. Even on the side of the energy drink I’m drinking right now says you shouldn’t have more than one of these a day but what they don’t know is I’ve already had my morning coffee, now this, and then probably something more to keep me going into the late afternoon. 

Mini One Redbull

It’s all just a vicious cycle that is way too easy to get trapped in. Stayed up too late studying then you woke up early for class? Energy drink to power through the day. But guess what? Now you can’t sleep, so you’re going to toss and turn the whole night wishing you didn’t have that drink. Then you’re going to wake up tired and groggy from not sleeping and then I bet you can guess the next move, cracking another one right open. You’re stuck in the cycle. 

And the only way to get out? Breaking the cycle. Feeling the feeling of being tired, having the struggle of making it through the day, and hitting the pillow for a good night’s rest. But to be honest, I don’t plan on quitting caffeine any time soon, so you do you.