Close you eyes and image this, you moved to a foreign country for your significant other, only for them to break up with you 2 months later. You wish you could go back home for the holidays, but the country you’re in doesn’t follow typical western holiday schedules and therefore you are required to be in the office during those days. You haven’t really made that many friends due to anxiety and/or language barriers. What do you do on a cold and lonely holiday season? I can tell you what I did, I watched a lot of puppy videos. But not just any kind of puppy video, “teacup” Pomeranian puppy videos. I fell hard for the cute, fluffy balls with eyes, their little bean toes, those little wiggles. On a normal day I would have a will of steel, my heart wouldn’t be swayed and I wouldn’t dare to get a puppy, let alone buy one from a pet store, but they got me. I started googling “teacup” Pomeranians, and as fate would have it, they were commonly sold in the country I happened to live in. I happened to stumble upon the Instagram account that specialized in selling smaller sized dogs, and that’s where I managed to meet him, my first fur baby and biggest headache, Coffee.
An ipulsive fluffy purchase