Events This Saturday & Sunday

It’s the weekend again. One thing about me is I need to have some fun things going on with my weekend or else I feel as if I have wasted it. I know some good R & R can be healing for the soul and get you ready for the weekend but that’s just not how I roll. I spent my Friday working so now I have to make up for it with my Saturday night. And if you’re in the same position as I am and looking to get your Saturday plans in motion you’re in luck. 

Tonight at Guilt and Co, located right in the heart of Gastown, Toma Zenda will be playing! Toma Zenda consists of five local Vancouver musicians and they will be bringing you good music and vibes all night long from 10:00 – 2:00. Dawn Pemberton will be on vocals where you can hear her smooth jazzy voice accompanied with guitar from Tristan Paxton and Gavin Youngash, drums from Mike Ardagh, and the bass from Derek DiFilippo. And better yet, if you are a last minute planner, you don’t need to get tickets for this one, however it is first come first serve so if you are a keener, I recommend you get there early. 

If you had a bit of a crazy Friday night and are suffering the repercussions today but are looking to find something to do Sunday again at Guilt and Co will have Jeff Bryant on stage as the early show and then The Colin Sankey Quintet will follow with the later show at 9:00. Jeff Bryant will be going on at 7:00 and you can expect some folky music from this Vancouver based artist. Colin Sankey will be changing the vibes later at night with some jazz and Latin fusion. When the clocks go back it always puts me in a bad mood so turn your frown upside down and head to gastown! 

Tonight at the Vogue Theatre the Richard Thompson Trio will be playing at 7:00. If you are looking for an event to spice up your Saturday night then I think this will do just the thing for you. Richard Thompson accompanied by Kacy & Clayton will bring a distinctive  British Folk Rock to the stage with a mix of electric guitar and acoustic. It is going to be a crazy night. 

Vougue Theatre, Vancouver

If you are looking to celebrate Diwali tonight Prem Dhillon will be at the Enso Event Centre bringing high energy to the stage with bright lights and colours. 


It’s never too late to get your weekend going in the right direction so I hope I was able to give you some ideas to get your Saturday and Sunday rolling.