Dry January: Day 20

Ahhh. Another weekend down and in the books for dry January.

Not to throw them under the bus but I do know someone who was doing dry January and had a slip up Saturday…. And honestly once I found out she had a drink, the temptations started to flood in. It was kinda a FOMO feeling and a “well if she’s doing it then so can I” situation, but I knew I just have to take it day by day and even if that was hard and overwhelming, take it down to hour by hour. 

So instead of going for drinks later that Saturday I decided to go for a walk with a friend to get distracted (can you guess that I’ve been doing a lot of walking this January). After the walk my friend invited me back to her house for a game night. She invited a couple more of our friends over however I knew that knowing my friend group wine would most certainly be involved in this game night. I mean come on, uno and a glass of chardonnay, a match made in heaven. 

uno DOS!!!!

So what did I do? I was the DD for the night. I picked up some of the girls going over and we headed over with a quick stop at McDonald’s so that I could get a Diet Coke. On a side note – the amount of Diet Coke and Coke Zero I’ve been consuming in the last 20 days is actually disgusting. I can’t stop. It’s so good. And having a drink in hand while they were sipping on their wine really did help.

I think I’m lucky with the fact that I have a super supportive friend group – they didn’t even think to offer me a glass cause they know I’m doing it which helps because then I don’t even have to say no. I’m also so lucky to have a friend group that can make drinking Diet Coke an awesome Saturday night. 

I completed my mission as DD and left the night feeling so accomplished. Sunday was spent catching up on cleaning and homework so it was a pretty smooth sailing Sunday for the most part.

I’m officially 3 weekends down and have 2 more left to go. If you’re sticking to your dry January plan, major props to you and the finishing line is in sight.