Cramming Chaos

If there’s a collective thing all college students are good at, it’s procrastination. No matter how many times we tell ourselves, Next time, I’ll start studying early.  You always end up in the same place, frantically flipping through notes at 2 AM, fuelled by caffeine, stress, and the distant hope that sheer willpower can replace actual preparation, and if all else fails, just fill in C on the scantron. It literally happens to me every time, I walk into a midterm, ready to bolt the other way, I take it, and then I walk out with the same response “at least we have the final we can study and do well at”. Sounds familiar right? 

It always starts the same way: absolute denial. Maybe you forgot about the exam. Maybe you convinced yourself there was still plenty of time. Either way, reality hits and bam, next thing you know the exam is tomorrow. “Are you ready for the test tomorrow?” Cue the five stages of academic grief:

  1. DenialNo way it’s tomorrow. How did this week fly by?
  2. AngerIt’s not my fault I skipped so much class!
  3. BargainingIf I study all night and skip breakfast, maybe I can cram everything in, I got this.
  4. DepressionThere’s no way I’m passing. Maybe I should just drop out.
  5. AcceptanceIt’s in God’s hands now. 

But us college students don’t give up. We are paying our life savings (literally) in tuition and we cannot afford to (financially and mentally) fail this exam. Cue the caffeine. No all nighter is complete without coffee, energy drinks, matcha, whatever it may be to keep your brain firing and awake, or even just alert enough to absorb some sort of information. Beware of the inevitable caffeine crash, though. There’s nothing worse than powering through an all-nighter only to get to the exam and be struggling to keep your eyes open, this happens to me far too often. 

Since time is not on your side with the last minute cramming methods, efficiency is everything. Forget deep learning, this is about getting as much information into your brain as humanly possible in the shortest amount of time. Even just slightly touching on a top topic so if it comes up in a multiple choice question you’re ready to go. Here’s how:

The Skim & Pray Method 

Read through your notes at light speed, highlighting everything that looks important.

The YouTube Crash Course

Find a 10-minute video explaining the entire semester’s worth of material. Preferably with animations. Khan academy is always my go to for quick math explanations

The Group Study Hack 

Meet with friends who actually studied and let them summarize everything for you. It’s a win-win situation, they get to study by repeating back to you and you get a sense for what will be on the exam! Perfect!

One thing about me is that I’m not built for an all nighter life. I’m a girl who needs her sleep. 8 hours minimum. Regularly, I’m in bed by 10 and ready to count some Z’s but those 2 times a year (midterm and finals). It’s go time for me. Surviving an all nighter and taking an exam the next day is not for the weak. It’s something that requires practice and serious skill. You need to get to know yourself and know how your body works before you master the all nighter. But there’s always that inevitable wall you reach around 3am. The wall that makes you question if this all is really worth it. But you can always push through. 

  • Set Study Goals – Break down topics into 30-minute chunks so you don’t get overwhelmed. To be honest, there’s no way you’re going to learn a whole college course in one night, keep it realistic and focus on things you know will be on the test. 
  • Use the Pomodoro Technique – Study for 25 minutes, take a 5-minute break. Repeat until your soul leaves your body. I found this method on TikTok and to be honest, it does the trick for me. 25 minutes is just enough where I’m locked in the whole time. (I know I know, this generation has a horrible attention span)
  • Snack – Having little bites to eat here and there, keeps me awake. My other hack is to find a small sweet treat you like (mine is skittles) and give yourself one each time you get a question right or move on to the next chapter. This always keeps me motivated to keep on keeping on. 
  • Move Around – Every hour, stand up, stretch, or do jumping jacks. This keeps your brain from melting. It gets hard but what’s harder, failing your exam? Or moving around a little to stay awake? 

Of course, the time will come when it’s time to sit down and write this thing. If there’s 2 things I took away from elementary school then this is it. 1 skip a question if you aren’t sure, you can always come back to it (unless it’s an online exam where your teacher has it set to one question at a time and once you answer then you can’t go back, then good luck) and 2, take a breath, in the grand scheme of things, this is just one single exam you will take in your life. It’s not going to be the end of the world. There’s probably more exams and assignments to come that can boost your grade anyway (and if this is the final and you need a 92% to pass the course, then good luck). But there’s a couple more things you can do to feel a bit better about this exam.

Skim Everything Again – A last-minute review can maybe point out a couple multiple choice answers right?

Fake Confidence – Even if you have no idea what’s happening, answer questions with conviction. Teachers can smell fear. Fake it till you make it right! You are so ready for this! 

Guess Smart – If all else fails, go with C. It’s not scientifically proven, but it feels right.

Cramming isn’t ideal, but let’s face it—it’s a college tradition at this point. At one point or another you are going to have to deal with this, if you didn’t then are you even human? Will you ever learn your lesson and develop better study habits? Probably not. But as long as caffeine exists, last-minute studying will always have a place in academia.

Good luck, fellow procrastinators especially just in the midst of midterm season. You got this, and hang in there. 

The Wrath Of Group Projects

I strongly dislike group projects. And of course, for starters I should mention how I know they do prepare us for work life, collaborating with your co-workers and all that, but having these group projects in school just drives me up the wall. At least in a job you are all there hopefully because you enjoy what you do and because it makes you money. But in school, you and your classmates probably all want to do different things post grad, just can’t get on the same page, and probably have different work ethics. But if there’s one universal thing that I think students can bond and be on the same page on, it’s hating group projects. 

Library, Jordanville Technical School, July, 1965

Every group project consists of the same seven archetypes of students, no matter what the class, the teacher, or the assignment. It’s like the universe itself has decided that these roles must exist in every academic group work setting. If you’ve ever been in a group project (which, unfortunately, you have), you’ve met these people:

The Overachiever (in other words the group leader)
Ok to be completely yes, I do like taking the role of the group leader on, but not in the controlling scary way, I just like to know that what I want done will get done, I don’t mind taking a little extra on to ensure a good grade, but let me stress, I’m not crazy. But let’s look at the scary overachiever, the one that is relentless, and at times, a bit too forward.  They send the initial text, create the Google Doc, write out the plan, and—by the end—probably just do the whole thing themselves out of sheer survival instinct. They are fuelled by rage, caffeine, and the knowledge that their entire GPA is riding on people who haven’t responded to a single email. They will plan pointless group meetings when at the end of day, probably could’ve all just been sent with a quick text or email. You’re either happy you’re in their group cause that means a little bit of free riding or you’re dreading the unneeded stress that’s about to come with this. 


Then at the opposite end of the spectrum we have the person who is always missing in action. You probably have seen them a couple times at the beginning of the school year and then never again. They were technically assigned to your group, but are they real? Do they exist? No one knows. They’ve never responded to a message, never shown up to a meeting, and if they did, they just nodded in the Zoom call while playing video games in another tab. The night the project is due they either pull it together and hand in a masterpiece or that parts get a zero.

The Control Freak

The Overachievers’ evil twin. This person insists on approving everything, assigns way too many deadlines, and rewrites your entire section because they “just wanted to clean it up a little.” They send seven follow-up messages in the group chat at 2 AM. They have no faith in the team and they will make sure that you know your part of the project is bad. Every little detail or suggestion you bring up is immediately shot down because they think that you will never be at the academic level that they are. 

The Disappearing Act 

This is the Ghost’s more chaotic cousin. They show up in the beginning, make some confident claims about what they’ll contribute, and then vanish until the night before the project is due. Suddenly, they resurface with an excuse and a hastily written paragraph or something you can tell is 100% Chat Gpt’d. Their work is so bad that the Overachiever has to redo it anyway.

The Bare Minimum

This person has mastered the act of just sliding through the cracks. This person technically contributes, but just enough to avoid outright failure. If they’re assigned a slide in a presentation, expect a single bullet point and a blurry image copied straight from Wikipedia. Their favourite phrases are “What do you guys need me to do?” and “Can someone check my work?”. They will do what they need to do, but never expect much out of them. 

The Hit Or Miss

Maybe you’ve had this person in a group project once and they completely blew your expectations out of the water. They hit the mark with everything, got it done ahead of time, and maybe even helped out some other members. Then you get them in your next project and they are a complete trainwreck, a real hit or miss. They are willing to put in the work sometimes if it’s something they are really interested in, but if it’s not up their alley, they tune it out. 

The Ideal Member

And of course, there is the ideal member. They just get it. They want to get it done right, they strive for good grades, they don’t need all those pointless after school meetings, and they are able to get along with everyone. They know what they need to do, and they do it right. They come to the group with a positive attitude and bring some great ideas. A solid 10/10.

But the group members don’t just make or break the group flow, there are a lot of outside factors as well. For insistence, the group chat. The group chat is where all the suffering begins. The Overachiever starts it off with an enthusiastic, “Hey guys! When do you want to meet up to start working on the project?” Silence. Crickets. Absolute void. Then, 48 hours later, one person finally replies with, “Oh sorry, just saw this! I’m good with whatever.” Translation: I will be of no help. Three days later, someone else says, “Same!” And another, “I work a lot, so I’m not sure when I’m free.” Congratulations, your project has already failed. Of course the ideal member will chime in here and there suggesting that roles get assigned and you guys get on it, but the control freak will have none of that, they are relying on this meeting. 


After the meeting that probably never happened gets sorted out, (probably just a quick zoom call where everyone is over it and zoned out) it’s time to get to the actual work. Once it’s clear that barely nothing is getting done right, the Overachiever caves and starts putting everything together. The Bare Minimum finally submits their part, and it’s riddled with typos and looks like it was written by a third grader who just discovered Microsoft Word. The Ideal Member gets their part done right and now the control freak is comparing their work to everyone else’s. It’s a mess. Everyone is frustrated. The Disappearing Act is really just nowhere to be found and it’s due at midnight. 

Then of course, presentation day comes along. The control freak and the ideal member take over while the overachiever is in the corner having a panic attack. Then it’s over, you probably won’t talk to them again, you’re traumatized, and then bam, 2 weeks later, the teacher assigned another group project. What do you think about group projects? Are you over them just as much as me? 

Your Vancouver Weekend Itinerary

I don’t know about you but this week flew by for me. Like what are you saying it’s already Friday?! This is what usually happens for me the week after a long weekend. You start off a little out of sync on Tuesday, trying to shake off that long weekend mode, and then by the time Thursday rolls around, you’re finally finding your rhythm and getting into the groove of things. And just when you think you have a handle on the week, bam! It’s already Friday. It’s like the universe just fast-forwards time as soon as you start feeling productive. But hey, I’m not complaining, bring on the weekend! But the only problem with this is you were probably so focused on getting back on track this week that you had no time to plan out your weekend! But don’t hit the panic button just yet, lucky for you, I’ve got this weekend in Vancouver covered with some awesome ideas, spots, and plans I think you should hit up this weekend. 

Vancouver Sevens

Starting off with a bang, guess what starts today. The Vancouver Sevens better known as the Rugby 7s. This isn’t just your average rugby tournament. It’s a rugby party. If you were wondering why you’ve been seeing people walking around Vancouver in wild costumes, this is why. These games are basically just sped up intense rugby games with only seven players per team (instead of the usual 15) and in short 14-minute matches. This makes for jaw dropping action the whole time. Off the field, BC Place kinda turns into a zoo. The drinks flow hard and fans are known to get a little bit rowdy. You can expect a little bit of everything, it’s a mix of die-hard rugby fans, casual sports lovers, and people who just love a good excuse to party. The energy inside BC Place is unmatched, you’ve got fans singing, dancing, and making friends with complete strangers. The famous “South End” of the stadium is where things get particularly rowdy, with fans bringing the chaotic energy you love to see all day long. This year, teams from around the world, like New Zealand, Fiji, and South Africa, will be battling it out for the title. Canada will also be hitting the field, hoping to make some noise in front of the home crowd, (hopefully our good Canadian energy from last night’s Four Nations win will carry on into Rugby). To be honest I’m actually not sure where the costumes come from but all I know is that it’s just the dress code, so if you’ve got that old group Halloween costume collecting dust in your closet this could be the perfect time to pull it out. The Rugby 7s start today and will continue on through Sunday. You can buy 1 day passes into BC Place but if this sounds right up your alley and you want to spend the whole weekend partying it up while watching some rugby, 3 day passes are available too. 

Bowen Island Day Trip

Rugby and partying not really on your ideal itinerary this weekend? No problem. I think a lot of Vancouverites forget just how close to Bowen Island we are, and if you got a free day this weekend it could just be the perfect opportunity for you to escape the city and go be an Island dweller for a day. You can hop on the ferry from Horseshoe bay and in 20 minutes you’re there. No car needed, you can explore the island by foot. If you’re in the mood to hike and explore the outdoors Bowen has so much to offer, but if you want to avoid the rain there are so many cute shops and coffee shops that you can pop in and out of. It really is the perfect day trip if you’re looking to have a mellow weekend away from the craziness that Vancouver brings. 

Bryght Bowen Island FamilyCon 30July2005 - 98

The Art Of Banksy: “Without Limits” Exhibition 

If art is your thing, then you should 100% check this out. I went last year and I thought it was one of the coolest art shows I’ve ever been to. It’s an impressive street art exhibition of Banksy’s greatest works, with over 200 pieces! You can see original artworks, prints, photographs, sculptures, installations, murals, and more. Located right in Gastown, this is something you don’t want to miss and it’s also the perfect thing to do with this rainy weekend ahead of us.

Guilt and Co

Keeping in the Gastown area (hint: maybe this is something you do after the Banksy exhibit) head over to Guilt and Co to catch a live music show. This cozy underground joint offers 2 early shows a night, (an earlier act and a later act). They serve up delicious food and drinks making it the perfect late night Friday or Saturday spot. I will point out that there are no reservations and it’s all first come first serve so make sure you’re prepared to either wait in a line or head over earlier to save your spot. 

Granville Island Market 

Nothing screams a Vancouver weekend morning to be more than the Granville Island public market. This market is a food lover’s dream. You can grab everything from fresh produce and seafood, to delicious pastries and donuts, and even some awesome sit down restaurants. Local vendors offer everything from handcrafted cheeses and charcuterie to fruit and veggies, even handmade art pieces and jewelry. And let’s not forget the coffee, because every great market adventure needs a solid caffeine boost. The views are stunning too, overlooking False Creek and if you want to get to the other side of town you can hop on the Aqua Bus for under $10 and it will take you straight Downtown. 

Granville Island Part 2

Jerry Sienfeld

The Sunday scaries are real, and whether you’re dreading going back to work or hitting the books after a great weekend of fun, there’s no reason to stop the weekend flow Sunday morning because of a little case of the scaries! Jerry Sienfeld will be doing 2 shows at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre! This show presented by Just For Laughs Vancouver is the perfect way to close off the weekend and get your mood right for the week ahead. 

No matter what you’re into or what you’re feeling up for this rainy weekend, Vancouver has something fun going on for you. Whether you decide to catch a couple of games and get the party vibes going at Rugby 7s, or want to explore Granville Island’s food scene, or maybe even feel like a calming day on Bowen is the move, there’s no shortage of things to do. So grab your friends and make the most of it! And hey, if all else fails, there’s always a good coffee shop or brewery waiting for you. Whatever you choose, enjoy the weekend, Vancouver never disappoints!


Friendship Breakups

Break ups suck. We all know that. Whether you’ve gone through one personally or have just seen it on TV, there’s no other way to describe it than it sucks. You go through the motions—crying, eating your body weight in ice cream, listening to sad songs that feel way too relatable and of course, try to go no contact to cut yourself off from that person and heal. It sucks. It hurts. It’s awful. 


But you know what hits even harder? A friendship break up. And I’m not talking about the gradual drifting apart where you both just kind of stop texting and those hangouts and coffee catch ups you mean to plan just never end up happening. I mean the kind of friendship breakup that feels like someone ripped a chunk out of your soul, to put it simply, you just lost your best friend. I will die on the hill believing that friendship breakups hurt more than romantic ones. I mean that was the person who helped you get through those romantic break ups and tough times, and then suddenly one day, things just aren’t the same. 


Let’s be real – most romantic relationships don’t last. That’s just statistics. From pointless relationships in highschool, to fun summer flings, and those relationships in college that last for max 2 years, I hate to say it, but most of those will come to an end. Friendships are supposed to last a lifetime. There’s this statistic that if a friendship is longer than 7 years, it will last forever. Well, I can prove that that is wrong. I had a 14 friendships that came to a crashing halt last year. All the way from kindergarten to college. 

When you break up with a romantic partner, there’s usually a conversation. Maybe it’s messy, maybe it’s emotional, but at least you get some kind of ending. There was probably some valid reason for the breakup, a big fight, or maybe even they cheated, either way it had to end. But the main case for a friendship breakup could leave you confused, wondering what changed so fast and where it all went south. 

In romantic relationships, first impressions matter, you’re going to wanna dress up for a date, make sure you say the right things, just overall put your best foot forward, I think you can admit that there is a bit of a “filter” put on the first initial dates right? Well not in a friendship. Those friends from early on see the unfiltered authentic version of yourself, they took you in exactly as you come. There was no need for you to put on any sort of a show for your friends. No dressing up, no makeup, no thinking twice about what you’re going to say. That’s why it hurts so much to lose that person who fully accepted you for you. Just like the dating pool, the friend pool is hard nowadays, it isn’t so easy meeting new people, so when you lose that one you thought was a lifelong friend, it stings. 

Fishing Buddies

Friendship loss is always a weird thing, but especially if you are still close with the people within that same social circle. It’s an odd feeling. You hear so much about this person from other people when you used to have daily phone calls and hangouts about what was going on in their life. You used to be that first point of connection but now, you hear about what they are up to through other people. Then of course if you guys were in the same social circle, you’re bound to run into each other from time to time. A birthday party or a celebration? Chances are you guys are both going to be in the same room. But how do you go about that? I feel with ex partners you can try to be civil or just ignore, you probably could have gotten the vibe of how things are going to be when you were breaking up. But a friend, there’s no playbook for these situations. 

When you break up with a partner, people expect you to be devastated. They check in on you, bring you ice cream, offer to slash your ex’s tires (or at least talk trash about them for moral support). But when you lose a friend? People don’t always know how to react. It’s not that talked about. I mean you lose more romantic partners than friends, so it doesn’t get brought up that often right? There’s no “friendship recovery” guide. No dramatic breakup playlists. No sad movies specifically about losing a best friend. It’s this weird, silent grief that nobody acknowledges, even though it can hurt just as much, if not more, then losing a romantic partner.

My best friend and I had a pretty bad falling out around this time last year. It was weird, it was a bit of a drift away but when we went to talk about it everything bubbled up and it started a pretty heated argument. Neither of us are one to argue so I was left with the feeling of where the heck did that come from. We chatted a few times after and I occasionally see her out at the bar or at friends’ birthdays. But there is always such a weird vibe when I see her. I really don’t even understand what made this happen. It’s so odd to me how you can go from knowing someone inside and out to not even knowing what they are doing for work now. We rarely see each other now, but I really do think of her everyday. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about us being friends again, cause I do every day, I just don’t see how that’s possible right now. I never got any closure, I’m constantly left with the feeling of wondering what went wrong, way worse than any breakup I’ve gone through. 

Losing a friend hurts more than a breakup because friendships are supposed to be the relationships that are unbreakable. It’s a platonic love that I’ve learned can end just as bad as a breakup. So if you’re grieving a lost friendship, know to miss them, to feel angry, to wish things had gone differently. Taking the time to heal from this is just as important as anything else. It’s not just losing a friend, it’s losing someone that was supposed to be the person that’d be there forever, and that kinda loss deserves to be acknowledged. 

Raincouver Activities

In a city that never stops raining it’s a good idea to have a list of things to do while it pours outside. And while yes, a rainy cozy day is good here and there, in a city where it practically never stops raining from September to May, you can’t always just stay inside. As a born and raised Vancouverite I’ve mastered rainy day itineraries. 


Cabin fever is real and staying inside all day can take a serious toll on your mental health whether you realize it or not. Although we had a pretty lucky January with some amazing sunny streaks, my weather app is showing straight rain and clouds for the next 2 weeks … nice. But don’t get too alarmed. Spring is right around the corner if you do some of my favourite rainy day activities before you know it the sun will be shining and it’s back to picnics and days at the beach. 

The Vancouver Aquarium:

This is a childhood classic for me! Some of my best memories growing up spending a rainy Sunday at the aquarium with my dad. And even though 15 some odd years have passed since those days the aquarium still hits every single time. And ya, there definitely is some sea life that you have to go outside to see but it’s so worth it! Grab lunch or a coffee and take a friend and walk around and explore the aquarium. The gift shop is pretty awesome too. 

Vancouver Art Gallery 

How many times have you driven past the art gallery on your way in or out of town and always wondered what kinds of exhibits are going on inside. I mean for me personally if I’m being honest the last time I visited was a school field trip in grade 5, I just added this on to my list for rainy day activities cause it really is the perfect thing to do. 

Closet Clean Out

Yup, I know, ugh.. How long have you been putting this one off for? I mean a spring clean is good right? How many unmatched socks do you have? Or just clothes thrown in a pile of stuffed in your dresser? And really, do you actually need every single one of those graphic tees? I may be outing myself out here, but my closet is a disaster. And if you’re going to spend the day inside, why not make it a productive one? Better yet, head down and donate some clothes or if you have some stuff in good shape, list it on Facebook Marketplace, then you can even make some extra cash! 

Deep Clean 

Whether it’s your car, your bathroom, your room, or heck maybe even your whole house, nothing feels better than just getting it done. All the nooks and crannies, vacuuming, dusting high to low, there’s just never time to do it all. But what about that rainy Saturday coming up? Get it done in the am then the pm is all yours for some quality rainy day rest and relaxation. 

Science World

Science World just hits differently in the rain. I mean the dome shape with the rain coming down, ah so nice. And again, how many times have you driven past just wondering what’s going on inside? Probably quite a bit so why not check it out! 

Science World

Fly Over Canada 

I love Fly Over Canada. Well I love all rides actually. But Fly Over Canada is just awesome. In this economy who’s getting away anyway? The price of a round trip flight costs an arm and a leg so why not skip the cost and go all around Canada in one day? It’s also located in a great area too, so grab a bite to eat, walk around, take in the views, and visit all around the country in just one day.


Who said the rain had to stop ya from having outdoor fun? The Seawall, Stanley Park or West Van, is my absolute number one favourite walk to do in the city, and I honestly like doing it in the rain. Put on that raincoat, grab a friend and a warm coffee, and get those steps in! You’ll feel accomplished cause you did a little bit of workout but also fresh air heals. Maybe your mindset is stuck in a dark rainy cloud just like the one outside, but that’s nothing a little jaunt on the Seawall can’t fix! Every time I walk it, rain or shine, I’m reminded just how lucky Vancourites are to live in such a beautiful city and it makes my $8 latte in my hand feel just a bit more worth it. 


The best part about a forest hike on a rainy day is that trees stop some of the rain from coming down on you so you actually won’t get as wet as just walking out in the open on the streets. I love to do the Cleveland Dam or Lynn Canyon because the water is always rushing so fast with the rain. If you want a bit more of a challenge, Grouse Mountain or Quarry Rock can still be great rainy-day hikes—just be prepared for a bit of mud and some slippery sections and the views at the top are totally worth it. If you’re feeling extra crazy head down the BCMC when you do the Grouse Grind, you won’t have to pay for a lift ticket down and it’s an extra workout. 


Cafes and Coffee Shops

Of course, not every rainy day calls for an outdoor adventure. Some days, you just want to be somewhere warm, dry, and full of good food or entertainment. Vancouver has no shortage of cozy cafes. My personal favourites to escape a storm are Crema in West Vancouver, Pure Bread in Kits, and Nemesis in Gastown. 


Ramen + a rainy day = pure joy. There’s nothing like a bowl of ramen to warm your rainy day up. Ramen Danbo and Kinton Ramen are my go to’s. I’m never one to crave ramen on the regular but when the rain starts pouring it’s something I always need to get into my system. Go with some friends or order it in on and watch some movies on your couch, either way, it’s the perfect rainy day meal in my opinion. 

Honestly, rainy days are the perfect days to become a tourist in your own city. Life gets busy, work piles up and all those things that you’ve been wanting to do just get pushed off. If you let the rain stop you from making plans, you’ll end up missing out on so much of what makes Vancouver special. Instead of avoiding it, learning to work with it or, even enjoy it, can completely change the way you experience the city. So, invest in good rain gear, find your favourite rainy day spots, and embrace the cozy charm of Vancouver in the rain. After all, when the sun does eventually come out, it makes you appreciate those blue-sky days even more. 

Life In Your 20s

Just wait for your 20s. They will be the best years of your life. Really mom? Cause right now all I feel is a whole lotta stress and confusion. Your 20s are often painted as the best years of your life—full of freedom, self-discovery, and endless possibilities. But the reality? It’s often a confusing, chaotic, and overwhelming decade where you’re expected to be living your best life, but also having it all together. It’s like you’re being told to have all this fun but at the same time you feel so guilty for it? I don’t know about you but so far, my 20s have been … rough. One minute, you’re excited about your future, and the next, you’re drowning in student debt, questioning your career path, and wondering if you should just pack a bag and move to Bali. If you’re feeling lost, you’re not alone. Today alone I’ve complicated moving 5 times, quitting my job, and had a meltdown over what to make for dinner. Rough. 

Harvard University

For most in their early 20s you’re probably attending college, university, or trade school, there’s a constant pressure to figure out your career path and make the right decisions. But what happens when you’re halfway through your degree and realize you don’t even like your major? Yup. This happened to me. Rough. I mean I wasn’t halfway through but I was really getting close to it and then I dropped out. Just dropped everything, packed my bags, moved home, said bye bye to my psychology degree and started from scratch? Do I regret this? From time to time, I mean love what I do now but to put it all in perspective that’s a lot of time and money just wasted but hey your 20s are all about those drastic changes right?

Then the time will come (soon for me) where you’re just kicked out into the real world. Scary. After graduation, you’re thrown into the deep end of the workforce, and suddenly, the real world isn’t as glamorous as it seemed. Finding a job that aligns with your degree (and actually pays well) is harder than expected, and many end up in entry-level positions that barely cover rent. And every single job out there you need to have experience. Well how can you get experience if you can’t land a job. It’s a vicious cycle. The reality is, most people don’t land their dream job right away. Instead, they take whatever job they can to pay the bills. The service industry, retail, and freelancing become survival jobs while trying to build experience in a chosen field. The phrase “entry-level job with 3-5 years of experience required” starts to feel like a cruel joke. 

It’s a funny age right now. I’m 21 and I know people who are travelling Australia and Europe with nothing planned past this week, and some friends who are settled down and married with kids. It’s exhausting keeping up, it all feels so weird. I hate growing up. There’s nothing more appealing than the idea of escaping reality and traveling the world in your 20s. Like spending your day at the beach. Sign me up. But then that guilt comes in. Am I doing life wrong? Should I be saving my money? Should I be in school to get a job? It just feels like you can never be right in your 20s no matter what. Seeing others travel the world can make you feel like you’re wasting your youth stuck in a 9-to-5 job. The idea of quitting everything and traveling full-time is tempting, but it’s not always the right thing to do, you don’t want to break the bank. Some make it work by teaching English abroad, working remote jobs, or picking up gigs along the way, while others wait until they land a “big job” and have more financial freedom. But how do you know what you’re doing is right? Are you making the right decision? Who knows! I mean the one nice thing about life right now is I’m seeing a lot more work from home jobs popping up on my Linkedin feed. That gives me a bit of relief. Could it be possible to have the best of both worlds? 


Your 20s are a rollercoaster when it comes to relationships. Friendships shift, people move away, and romantic relationships become more complex. It’s a time of this so-called “self-discovery”, and as you grow, so do your relationships. It’s hard those people you thought were going to be your friends for life might have moved off to college and forgot about you or mauve that person who you thought was going to be your high school sweetheart moved across the world. Rough. Gone are the days when friendships were built solely on proximity. After college, people move for jobs, relationships, or just a fresh start, making it harder to maintain close friendships. Suddenly, you find yourself scheduling FaceTime calls instead of spontaneous hangouts. Making new friends in your 20s is hard. I feel like half the people just are content being just mutuals while the other half already has a group that’s super cliquey. 

Don’t even get me started with the dating scene of your 20s.  Some people find “the one” early, while others spend years navigating the wild world of dating apps, situationships, and long-distance relationships. The pressure to settle down can be intense, but the reality is that everyone moves at their own pace. It’s okay to take time to figure out what you want in a partner and to make mistakes along the way. But it can be super hard when it feels like the clock is ticking, everyone has someone, and you’re still spending your Friday nights at your parents house. These are just such messy years where anything goes yet at the same time you feel like you have to mould in with what everyone else is doing. 

One of the biggest struggles of your 20s is the constant comparison game. Social media makes it seem like everyone else is thriving—getting promotions, traveling, getting engaged—while you’re just trying to remember to pay your internet bill on time. The truth? Most people are just as lost as you, they’re just better at hiding it. This makes me feel better. I mean social media is always fabricated and it’s hard to decipher what and what not to believe but at the end of the day everyone has their own struggles going on and are just trying to figure it out just like you. 

Don’t beat yourself up too hard about life in your 20s. It’s just rough. Everyone has their own path and at the end of the day it;s not like those movies or shows we grew up watching as kids, times have changed and that’s okay. So if you’re like me, and feel as if your 20s that are supposed to be “the greatest time of your life” are turning out just rough and messy, it will get better and at least you aren’t peaking now – that just means the best times of your life are still to come. 

The Social Media Paradox

Social media is pretty much unavoidable nowadays. It’s become a part of your everyday life. You can search just about anything, watch anything anytime instantly, run a business, market a business, post, like, comment, share, communicate, and even more on social media. It’s completely taken over life now, but the question always arises – has it been taken too far? What do you think? Do you just wish it would go away sometimes? Maybe that TikTok ban would’ve been a good thing. Social media has fully changed the way we interact, communicate, and take in information. It’s just an integral part of modern life influencing everything from politics and business to personal relationships and even how you see yourself. But with all the benefits we can see from social media – it’s a paradox because it can be awful. It’s a space we love to visit and can’t seem to get off of, but it can make us feel miserable. 


Here’s why I’m a fan of social media. It’s instant connectivity. One of my best friends lives in Germany, if social media wasn’t a thing, it would take weeks to get in contact with her. Now we just send instagram posts back and forth to each other and comment on each others TikToks. It’s so easy. It’s an instant gratification and keeps us caught up with one another no matter how close or far we may be. I even got my grandma on Instagram and now she can keep up with all her grandkids on socials and even find some new recipes to try. 


Social media can also create a sense of belonging. Different online communities like makeup influencers and even wilderness camping videos can make you feel a part of someone’s life, like you actually know them. From online chat rooms to live videos, it’s a place where people can just make friends, be happy, and share in some common interests. 

The internet is also a great source of entertainment. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram are designed to provide endless streams of short, digestible content, 30 second videos are less that show what we want to see. I mean I’ve been guilty of scrolling on TikTok for hours alone in my room literal;y laughing out loud at some of the videos I see, however at the end of the day, that never makes me feel good about myself. This constant stream of never ending entertainment not only distracts us from the monotony of daily life but also provides us with brief moments of laughter and connection. It’s a weird type of escapism. You are able to tune out of daily life but that enthralled with the chaos of other people’s life. It’s weird, it’s addicting, it’s now the norm. 

One thing I notice the most is social media is a great place for self expression. There’s different areas of the internet where everyone is accepted for everything. You can be free to create and post whatever. Whether it’s posting Day In The Life videos or Get Ready With Me’s, or even live streaming you playing video games, you can just be you on social media and you will be able to get followers that share the same interests. Sounds all sunshine and rainbows right? 


But here are my main problems with social media. It can be a place of bullying and lead to many insecurities and bad habits. 

Social media can be an addiction. A lot of people just have their phone glued to their hand with insane screen times of up to 10 hours a day. And it’s a bad cycle too, one that leads a lot of people to a feeling of guilt and regret, there goes your whole day to just watching someone else live theirs. 

One of the most frustrating aspects of social media is the pressure it creates to present a “perfect” life. It’s super important to remember social media is a highlight reel. People pick and choose what they want to show. So that Day In The Life of that perfect influencer you may have seen is likely not accurate. It’s a constant battle of comparing yourself. Wishing you were like the people on your screen when in reality those people perfectly curate their posts, editing, filters, and only sharing what they want. It can become super messy. The constant exposure to perfection can be mentally exhausting. Comparing yourself is one of the worst things you can do to your esteem and unfortunately, social media does an excellent job of forcing us to compare. 

So much time and energy can get wasted on social media doom scrolling. This is probably one of the most anxiety inducing things out there in the world right now. It’s the habit of endlessly scrolling through negative posts on social media. Deep diving into the latest problems and issues when in reality probably more than half of it is fabricated. It’s tough and it’s hard to change and break that habit. 

Even though you probably know what it does to your brain, it’s just something you can’t let go. t’s a paradox: we love it for the connection, entertainment, and validation it offers, yet we hate it for the anxiety, pressure, and disconnection it also causes. But again it can be so complicated because of all the good that has come out of it. What do you think? Has social media gotten out of control? Or is it doing a good job keeping the world closely connected? 

The Secret Life Of A Server

“Your job seems so easy, all you have to do is just write down orders, how hard can it be” ha ha, very funny. Yup, you’re totally right Karen, I’ll I do in a shift is just write down orders and bring the food out to your table. NOT. Working as a server is one of those jobs that everyone thinks they understand—until they actually do it. It seems simple: take orders, bring food, collect tips.


But once you get into the action, it’s wild. Serving is a skill, and like all skills practice makes perfect. But do I think anyone will ever be perfect at serving? No, because there will never be a perfect customer. Ok, I may have over shot that one, there can be perfect customers but it is so so so rare these days. Behind the (fake) smiles and niceness us servers give off is a whole world of chaos.  From dealing with impossible customers to mastering the art of balancing ten different tasks at once, the life of a server is far more complex than most people realize. So next time you’re going to complain about me forgetting your side of ketchup, you might think twice before giving me such a hard time. 


Serving is basically mastering the art of multitasking. And studies show multitasking is kinda impossible. I mean you’ll never be able to give 100% of your attention to two things at the same time, things have to get prioritized (like your 10th side of ketchup or a slice of lemon for your water). And trust me I know good service is hitting all those marks but sometimes it can literally just be impossible. Imagine being in the middle of taking an order when another table waves you down for the bill, the kitchen yells that a plate is ready, and a new group walks in expecting immediate attention. Servers live in a constant state of multitasking. In this chaotic state where it feels like a million people are needing my attention I can’t remember if table 10 needed a refill or if table 14 needed the bill, it’s sink or swim, I’m just trying to survive. And in a job where your tips practically make up the majority of your income you want to make sure you’re doing it right. It’s also just bad when you go out to eat and the service sucks. I don’t want to be the one who takes the fault of ruining your birthday dinner or date night, sometimes it’s just one of those days. 

One of the best (and worst) parts of serving is dealing with customers. I’ve had the chance to meet some pretty great people. (one of which I actually gave a job application to while serving and now they are one of my work besties). It’s also fun for me to read the room and get the grasp of the vibe of the table. Serving a 19th birthday? Let’s sound a round of shots over. Celebrating a 60th anniversary, I’ll probably be putting your dessert on the house. But with all these celebrations, sometimes people come in that have been going through it. I served a group of people that were just grabbing a bite to eat after a funeral last week and it was hard, they got emotional and opened up to me. So I really do get to meet such a big variety of people from all walks of life and as a self proclaimed social butterfly, I love it. But then there’s those people that literally make you want to just quit on the spot, through your apron down and just walk out, and unfortunately that happens way too often. I’m also a pretty sensitive person so if you tell me you don’t like the food, I’m taking it to heart and holding back tears. There are some who treat you like their personal butler, snap their fingers, or talk to you like you’re beneath them. It’s honestly super hard to deal with. I know I’m a “server” but I shouldn’t be treated so poorly. Some people are just plain rude. Asking me how hard it is to just take down an order when 9/10 times it’s the kitchen misreading the bill, but us servers get the grunt of it all.  And let’s not forget the “campers”—the people who linger for hours after paying, holding up a table that could have seated two more rounds of customers. Some customers come up with requests that make you question reality, or dishes that aren’t on the menu. The most annoying part is when I’m super busy and have a 100 things to do and a table waves their arms at me ready to order so I go over anddddd they aren’t ready. At all. “What do you have for starters” then I go “oh well here is our starters on the menu” *they glance at it once* “hmmm do you have nachos?” nope we don’t and if you read the menu maybe you’d know that. Those are the times I just want to get up and walk away, but that would be considered rude, so I just bite my tongue, smile and nod. 

1515 Restaurant

Unlike other jobs where pay checks are consistent, servers rely on tips. And let’s be real—some customers just don’t tip well (or at all). It’s a gamble every night. You could provide flawless service, make jokes, keep drinks filled, and still walk away with a 5% tip. I also 100% get that sometimes all that’s in the budget is the food, and that’s completely okay to me, I get it this economy is insane right now. But what I don’t get is being completely rude, not tipping, and letting me know that you aren’t going to tip. Like okay? Just keep that to yourself. On the flip side, some customers are surprisingly generous, leaving a 30% tip for no reason other than being kind. You never know what you’re going to get, which makes every shift a financial mystery. Gambling is kinda fun right? Ya, I think so, but not when it’s a gamble on being able to fill up your gas tank all the way. But that’s just the name of the game, I signed up for this so I can’t be one to complain. 

Despite the stress, there are some amazing perks to being a server. First, the money can be surprisingly good, especially in busy restaurants or high-end spots. You might leave a shift with a stack of cash that rivals a desk job’s pay check. The culture and camaraderie of my fellow servers is great too. We all just get it. It’s fun. Sometimes it’s just like being paid to chat it up with friends and strangers. 

So ya, serving is not as easy as it looks, obviously I’m not a heart surgeon performing a 24 hour surgery, but ya it can be tough. So, if you’ve ever thought about being a server, just know: it’s tough, it’s unpredictable, but it’s also one of the most rewarding jobs out there and a great part time gig to pick up while in school. And if you’re a server, I salute you, you got it. 


Vancouver Bar Scene

I don’t know if it’s just me, but I keep seeing people say Vancouver’s nightlife is awful.. My social media is flooded with complaints—bars and clubs are dead, the dancing is awkward, and the crowd is either too stiff or too cliquey. Whether it’s TikTok rants or Instagram comments, the consensus seems to be that going out in Vancouver just isn’t fun as other cities. But is it really that bad, or are people just exaggerating? Maybe the city’s nightlife scene is just different from what people expect. 


One thing I will say, from an insider’s perspective, Vancouver doesn’t really have anything to it. Like think about it, Whistler has skiing and the whole Apres scene, Calgary is all fun country bars and the Stampede, Toronto is all Drake, and Vancouver has ….. The rain? I mean correct me if I’m wrong but as someone who has grown up in Vancouver I just can’t say we got a lot going on besides our beautiful scenery. 

I also strongly agree that the group you’re with can make or break your night. The right people can turn even the most mediocre boring bar into a party, while the wrong vibe can make the best club feel dull. If you’re out with a fun, energetic group who are ready to dance, laugh, and make the most of the night, you’re almost guaranteed to have a great time. A solid girls’ night is always a win—fun energy, inside jokes, and a “we’re making this fun no matter what” mindset can turn any night into a memorable one. It can even just be me and my best friend, and we will make a simple duo into a party. 

Not to sound like a huge complainer but I do have a couple of complaints that are for the most part, completely out of my control that I think adds to the dull Vancouver nightlife. 

  • The Rain

I mean they don’t call it Raincouver for nothing.  Nothing sucks more than putting on a good outfit, doing your hair, maybe putting a little makeup on and then stepping outside and looking like a drenched rat. I mean yes, I know rain jackets and umbrellas are a thing but it’s just a struggle. The jacket ruins the outfit and then the umbrella is just annoying to carry around the bar. I mean if there’s a coat check then it can be somewhat okay but if there’s not do you really want to be carrying around your puffer coat and a sopping wet umbrella? I didn’t think so. 

  • The Money

It’s impossible to not spend at least over $50 on a night out and that is being very very budget friendly. The pre-drinks, the ubers there and back, the insane cover fees, and of course, the overpriced beer. It’s gotten way out of hand, it’s straight robbery. Like really? $25 just to step foot in a bar that’s half-empty with weak music and no vibe? No thanks, I’ll pass. And don’t even get me started on drinks—$12 for a watered-down vodka soda? At that point, I might as well stay home and throw my own party. Certainly would save me from waking up with a huge dent in my wallet accompanied with a pounding headache from cheap vodka shots. 

  • The People

To be quite frank, I think people have just gotten plain rude. What happened to a simple, excuse me?  Instead of a polite tap on the shoulder or a quick “sorry,” I’m just getting shoved out of the way like I don’t exist! I get your in the moment, probably drunk and not thinking right, but c’mon, just a little bit of human decency would be nice right? Whether it’s at the bar, on the dance floor, or even just walking through a crowded space, people seem more impatient and self-absorbed than ever. It’s like common courtesy has been replaced with this entitled, every-person-for-themselves attitude. A night out is supposed to be fun, but when you’re constantly getting elbowed aside with zero acknowledgment, it definitely kills the vibe.

So, although Vancouver’s nightlife has its fair share of disappointments, there are still a few spots that never let me down. Here’s my go-to list of places that actually bring the energy and make a night out worth it.

The Roxy

I know, I know, I might already be scaring you with this one but hear me out. 2 words. Country Sundays. How could you not want that fun? The music is a live band, the bartenders are great, and the people are there for just straight good times. It’s also more of a casual vibe, no need to put on a collared shirt or a dress, jeans and a tee shirt do just fine. This place is a generational hit. I mean even my parents have some crazy stories from their Roxy days so it’s funny to fill them in on my nights at this classic joint. My best friend’s parents even met in the Roxy so if you’re having no luck on the dating apps, take this as your sign to hit up the Roxy. But seriously, I’ve never had a night go south there, it’s one of those places that just makes you want to dance. 

The Blarney Stone

An Irish bar? Enough said. Sign me up. I mean really how could you go wrong with an Irish bar. Nothing like throwing back pints of Guinness with “Shipping Up To Boston” blasting in your ears right? This place has great live music too. I know usually bars and clubs have DJs but in my opinion, live music rocks compared to corny mash ups and house beats. Located in the heart of Gastown if you’re looking for a place to get your night right, Blarney has got you covered. 

The Blarney Stone

The Yale

I’m a sucker for country music and beer. And The Yale hits both of those marks so that’s why it lands at the number 3 spot for me. The cover fee is a bit steep but honestly, I’ve never regretted paying it. Bring out your cowboy boots and hat for this one, and brush up on your line dancing and you will fit right in. But if country music isn’t your thing, then I’d skip this one because it’s literally just country music all night.

The Granville Warehouse

Throwing in a bar for good measure, the Warehouse is the place you want to be if you’re looking to throw some drinks back with friends over conversation and good music, this is more of a sit down place you can order food at too. And the best part, cheapest drinks and food you will find in the city. I think you can grab a beer for like $5. I don’t know anywhere else downtown Vancouver where you can do that! 

At the end of the day, Vancouver’s nightlife might not be perfect, but with the right places, the right people, and the right mindset, you can still make a great night out of it—just don’t expect it to come cheap or without a few annoyances along the way. But either way, if you hit up one of these spots at least you can guarantee that your on the right path for having a good night. 


The Ultimate Family Day Weekend

Ahhhhh the weekend. The thing we count down from Sunday night for, the thing that’s usually stress free and fun, the thing that lets you just live your life without having to go to work at school. But I’m sure you’ve had it happen from time to time. You clock out of work on Friday or you walk out of classes and come to the harsh realization that you don’t have any plans for the weekend. You were so caught up in whatever the work week threw at you that you forgot to plan out the thing you’ve been looking forward to for the past week! Trust me I know this feeling all too well and to be quite frank this is the worst weekend that could happen to you. I mean we got Valentine’s day today, then of course the classic Saturday Sunday duo and then yup it’s a long weekend so you got Family day Monday too, it’s a big weekend. Yikes, don’t have anything planned? Well, don’t dress out yet, you’re in luck cause I’ve got your weekend planned out from today all the way to Monday. And as a weekend expert myself I think I’ve crafted the perfect way to long weekend. The first tip is to not burn yourself out too quickly. And what I really mean is not party too hard tonight so you’re hungover in bed and ruin the whole weekend (we save that for Sunday). But let’s keep it simple and go through this day to day.


So obviously today is Valentine’s day, I mean it’s pretty obvious my social media feeds have been flooded with couple posts and there’s been Valentine’s themed things all over the grocery store. But there’s 3 main ways I think you can celebrate valentines. 

  1. Have a friends night – if you and your friends are all single, celebrate that together. Maybe you guys want to head out for happy hour or stay at home and have a movie marathon, either works in my opinion.
  2. In a relationship? Go out for dinner. I mean it is Valentine’s so take out your partner for a yummy dinner and celebrate the day.
  3. Hate Valentine’s? Well then you’re in the same boat as me, and I’m in a relationship! My plans for the night are staying in with my boyfriend and making some nice steaks. To me, Valentine’s is just a hallmark money grab holiday. 

At the end of the day, whether you’re celebrating Valentine’s or not, my advice is to take Friday easy. After all, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. 

For me, the perfect long weekend Saturday is all about getting outside, taking it easy, re-setting, happy hour and all of that good stuff. But the only downfall this weekend is the forecast is showing rain for tomorrow. Usually I’d say Saturday’s are the perfect day for a hike in the North Shore mountains, or maybe a walk on the seawall, and then head to a patio for a Saturday day happy hour drinks, but with the looks of this weather, maybe you just want to skip right to the happy hour part. But I do have some good indoor Saturday activity ideas so you don’t just let the day go to waste. 

  1. The Invictus Games – an international adaptive sporting event for wounded, injured, and sick service personnel and veterans, founded by Prince Harry in 2014. And the cool thing is, the games are in Vancouver this year. Saturday you can catch a sitting Volleyball game in the heart of downtown Vancouver! 
  2. I’m all about taking in the winter sports while you still can before spring comes and I think the perfect way to do that is going ice skating. Robson Ice Skating rink is still open and guess what? It’s covered. So no need to rain check this idea! And if you want to continue the skating team, head to your favourite sports bar after the rink and tune into the Four Nations to see our Canadian boys face off to our friends down south. Puck drop is at 8pm and if you’re a Canucks fan this could be your opportunity to finally cheer for Connor McDavid instead of cheering against him (as an Oilers fan I’m not sure how to feel about this). 

Robson Square Ice Rink

Then it brings us to Sunday. Me and Sunday have a love hate relationship, but on a long weekend, Sunday is for sure in my good books. So how do you handle a Sunday that’s technically like a Saturday, i’ll tell you. Hopefully you followed my advice with the whole. It’s not a marathon, it’s a spring thing cause Sunday is the day where we are close to the finish line and we need to drive it home fast, so this is how it’s gonna look.

  1. Brunch. Brunch it up. Bottomless mimosas, caesars, eggs, bacon, the whole 9 yards. Do brunch right. Fill up, get boozy, and get the day started off right. 
  2. I don’t know about you, but a couple mid morning mimosas make me want to nap, and that’s perfectly fine, it was a long week you deserve it, but just know you gotta be up and going at 5.
  3. So then 5 rolls around, get your friends over, order a pizza, and get the party started. This is the pre for my favourite long weekend Sunday activity which is….. Drumroll please…. The Roxy!! I Mean how could it not be? The Roxy + Country music = Country Sundays, and let me tell you, it’s an absolute blast. And the vibes are great. Everybody has the day off since it’s a stat so it’s straight good vibes and tequila shots, what could be better than that?

Uh oh…. Monday rolls around. You might have a headache, you’re probably tired but the weekend doesn’t stop here. I think the best cure for a hangover is fresh air (and a ceaser) so maybe you walk to breakfast? I mean the possibilities are endless. Prefer something cozy? A movie marathon, board games, or baking together are great options. But here’s how my Sunday is going to look. I’m going to get up, force myself on a walk, grab a coffee and a bite to eat, walk home, clean my room, and then just movie it up. I mean ya, it’s family day, maybe I’ll see if my family wants to get in on my Harry Potter binge watching but it was literally a long weekend, your tired, you got a big week ahead, just lean into the Sunday vibes on a Monday and get yourself ready for the week.

I hope I was able to give you some ideas on how to get your long weekend to be the most perfect weekend you could ask for. You worked hard so now it’s time to reward yourself with a great weekend, leave your problems still Tuesday! So whether you’re spending your weekend with your partner, your family, your friends, or maybe doing it solo, cheers to a great one, you earned it.