Who Will Win KSI VS Temper?

KSI and Faze Temper are set to face off in just a few hours.

KSI is the self proclaimed youtube boxing king and as of right now is currently a undefeated boxer. He holds wins over Logan Paul, Joe Weller, and Swarmz.

Today was supposed to be the day KSI took a step up in competition and faced off against Dillon Danis. If you read my 3 part series on the Dillon Danis disaster you know how that played out though.

Instead KSI will be facing Faze Temper.

Faze is a 1-1 boxer with both fights ending in K.O.

The question is, who’s going to win this super fight today? In my honest opinion, I’m going with Faze Temper.

While KSI might have a better record, the quality of KSI’s past opponents is very low, and KSI himself is by no means a good boxer. In his past fights hes flailed his arms around, swinging wildly and missing many times. If Faze can counter those wild shots and land with his own, KSI will be in real trouble.

Many are wondering if this was a smart fight for KSI to take on short notice. Faze has proved he has power in his hands with his dangerous knockout. If KSI does beat faze though he gains absolutely nothing from this win. He doesn’t advance further up the rankings, and this fight brings him no closer to his desired bout against who in my opinion is the king of youtube boxing, Jake Paul.

Time will tell very soon who will win this fight. Tune in to Misfits Boxing right now to catch the fight!

The Dillon Danis Disaster Part 3

Dillon Danis was at one point in his life regarded as one of the best Jiu Jitsu grapplers in the world, a promising MMA star, and huge draw in the youtube boxing world.

In this three part series I’ll be covering the rise and fall of Dillon Danis. If you haven’t yet read part 1 and 2 click the link and read those stories first:

The Dillon Danis Disaster Part 1

The Dillon Danis Disaster Part 2

After years of talking trash on the internet to everybody and anyone who would take the bait, a certain community finally talked back to Dillon.

The fast rising youtube boxing community had been called out by Danis on multiple occasions and he was noticed by a few of the bigger names. Jake Paul, Logan Paul, and KSI all took interest in a potential match with Danis and a fight was eventually announced for Danis and KSI on January 14th 2023.

This fight had enormous hype behind it. Dillon did multiple interviews online and one of them gained massive traction and popularity. Many questioned if Dillon would show up to the fight though when he stated in this interview that he didn’t have a coach yet.

“I just don’t trust anybody.” Said Danis.

Not having a coach three weeks out from one of the biggest pay days of your life is not the brightest move someone could make. Regardless Danis said that despite this fact he would still be showing up to the fight.

Just a few days after Danis did this interview he pulled out of the fight. Sources say he just wasn’t ready and underprepared.

Not being ready to fight a YouTube personality when you’re a professional fighter is truly embarrassing for Dillon Danis.

So far in this 3 part series we’ve gone over Dillons jiu jitsu career, MMA career, and potential boxing career. When Dillon announced that he pulled out of this fight it was the last straw for these 3 communities, and they all banded together to name Dillon “the wet fart of combat sports.”

 Dillon started out with one of the most promising careers a fighter coming up through the ranks could have. He was given every single opportunity imaginable and found a way to mess up every single one.

Dillon Danis’s situation can only be summed up by one word. Disaster.

Gordon Ryan vs Felipe Pena 4!

Gordon Ryan will look to tie the score against Felipe Pena when they face off for the 4th time on February 25th.


Gordon Ryan is largely considered the greatest of all time in the no-gi jiu jitsu world. He’s won ADCC (the olympics of jiu jitsu) 5 times, he won the ADCC super fights against Andre Galvao who hasn’t been beaten in that rule set for 15 years, hes a multiple time world champion, and hes single handily put jiu jitsu on the map.

So its sometimes strange to think that he lost to the same person twice.

Felipe Pena has flown under the radar for most of his career, winning the occasional world championship but not getting much recognition for it.

When a young Gordon Ryan was coming up the ranks, Felipe Pena was in theory the perfect step up for him in competition. He challenged Felipe Pena to a match with 10 thousand dollars of each men’s own money on the line. Everybody expected Gordon Ryan to win the match. The hype behind him at the time was unmatched.

Felipe Pena shut down the hype fast though when he tapped Gordon Ryan out with a rear naked choke.

Gordon was fuming but was confident that when they met in the final at the next ADCC he would get the win.

Then Pena beat him again, even hitting him with the exact same move for the win.

Pena stopped competing as much the next few years and Gordon dominated the rest of the competition destroying everyone in his path. Gordon begged for the rematch for years though and Pena always declined saying Gordon didn’t deserve it.

Then 5 years after their second meeting Pena finally accepted.

Gordon dominated the match up, putting Pena in trouble multiple times. When the match reached the half hour point Pena tapped out. Gordon didn’t even have a submission on. Pena said “he just wasn’t feeling it.”

Gordon Ryan has all the momentum in the world behind him, and Felipe Pena is coming off of a few tough losses. I fully expect Gordon to dominate this match, but I wont count Pena out yet as hes proved he can beat Gordon twice before.

Watch this match live on FLOGRAPPLING February 25th.

The Dillon Danis Disaster Part 2

Dillon Danis was at one point in his life regarded as one of the best Jiu Jitsu grapplers in the world, a promising MMA star, and huge draw in the youtube boxing world.

In this 3 part series I’ll be covering the rise and fall of Dillon Danis. If you haven’t read part 1 click the link and read that story first:

The Dillon Danis Disaster Part 1

After joining forces with Conor McGregor Dillon Danis’s popularity increased and he started to focus on the MMA world, leaving jiu jitsu in the past.

But the singular moment that made Dillon Danis’s popularity and career potential skyrocket was coaching Conor in the Khabib fight. The fight played out pretty one sided and the eventual result was Khabib tapping Conor out.

But Khabib didn’t stop there.

He jumped over the fence and went straight for Dillon. The two got into a all out brawl and the whole stadium was in chaos.

Dillon gained millions of followers as a result of this.

Everyone wanted to know who this jiu jitsu coach was that Khabib wanted to fight so bad. Bellator MMA reached out to Dillon Danis to see if he wanted to fight for them and signed him to a very large contract. Speculation is that it’s the biggest contract for an 0-0 fighter in MMA history.

Dillon had two fights with Bellator winning both by submission in the first round. This was no surprise to anyone who knew Dillon, and it showed that his years with Marcelo Garcia had paid off.

Then Dillon started to have knee issues. He was forced to have two surgeries in just a few months and was out for a long time to recover.

In this time Dillon decided to become a twitter fighter though. He would tweet multiple times a day what fighters he would beat in a fight, how hes the greatest of all time, and how nobody’s ever going to beat him.

This is usual stuff for fighters to say but not fighters who are 2-0 and haven’t fought in years. The MMA community turned on Dillon and tons of fighters spoke publicly about how they wanted to “shut him up.”

Dillon Danis hasn’t fought in 3 years now and many question if he will ever fight again in MMA.

Boxing was fully on the table for Dillon though.

We will cover Dillons youtube boxing career in part 3 of The Dillon Danis Disaster.

The Dillon Danis Disaster Part 1

Dillon Danis was at one point in his life regarded as one of the best Jiu Jitsu grapplers in the world, a promising MMA star, and huge draw in the youtube boxing world.

But in just 3 years all of Dillon Danis hype has died.

How did Dillon Danis fall so far off? Its hard to sum it up in just one story. It started with his split from Marcelo Garcia, then went into his controversial MMA coaching and career, then finally into his short lived boxing career. Lets divide Dillon Danis into a 3 part story, starting with Jiu jitsu.

Dillon Danis started his career at a very young age with one of the best jiu jitsu practitioners in the world as his coach, Marcelo Garcia. Marcelo Garcia is a very humble, kind, and caring competitor who has translated his competition style into coaching flawlessly. With his very high level training partners Dillon was able to gain world championships at blue belt, purple belt, and even brown belt. He was on track for a very promising Jiu jitsu career.

Then one day Dillon Danis was noticed by the notorious Conor McGregor and was asked by McGregor to join his team and help him level up his jiu jitsu for his next fight. McGregor is known for running his mouth and large brash opinions, not scared of who he will offend. This is why Conor rose to popularity so fast and is the most well known MMA fighter of all time.

When Dillon joined McGregor’s team you could tell something changed with him. He was no longer this humble, kind, caring, Marcelo Garcia student. He fully adapted the Conor McGregor style and personality. As a result of this Dillons popularity skyrocketed by millions of followers. Shortly after joining forces with Conor, Dillon Danis was kicked out of Marcelo Garcias gym.

Dillon hardly competed in jiu jitsu after his split with Marcelo, and eventually made the full transition to MMA.

We will cover Dillons MMA career in part 2 of The Dillon Danis Disaster series.


The recreation centre at the British Columbia Institute Of Technology (BCIT) is always looking for new ways to innovate and inspire students to come out and join them for physical activity.


The rec centres latest idea is to host Glow Week from January 16th-19th.

The whole week is $5 and includes four activities and a free t shirt for you to design.

Activity 1 is glow volleyball, activity 2 is glow yoga, activity 3 is glow spin, and the final activity is glow Zumba.

How are they going to make all these activities “glow”? If I’m being honest with you I have no clue. I’m imagining glow sticks inside a volleyball, glows sticks in your hands doing yoga, glow sticks on bikes doing spin, and glow sticks in the entire room and on the floor during Zumba.

So in summary what can you expect from glow week? A fun time, and tons of glow sticks. Go check it out!

Canucks Inability to Hold On To A Lead Costs Them Another Game

The Canucks inability to hold on to a lead has been the downfall of this team multiple times this season.

When the Canucks went up 3-0 in the first 8 minute of their game against Pittsburg last night, they seemed almost unstoppable. Vancouver Canucks fans could finally assume their team was going to win a game, and I don’t blame them. How could a team possibly go up by 3 in the first period of the game and still lose?

Don’t worry folks, the Canucks will find a way to blow it.

Vancouver allowed 5 unanswered goals in a row, and ended up losing the game 5-4.

Canucks fans keep having to ask themselves, how did this happen? And I think the players and coaching staff are probably asking the same thing! The Canucks seem to have all the makings of a great team with star players up and down the ice. But they cant seem to put their potential together to win a game. One youtube comment from the attached video sums this up well:

“I see a bunch of players but no team.”

The stats back up that this does seem to be part of the issue. The Canucks have the 4th most goals scored in the NHL this season! But on the other side of that stat, Canucks have let the 3rd most goals in this season. Theirs a whole lot of people on the team who have the capability to get the puck in the net. But when it comes to defensive efforts as a team, and moving the puck down the ice together it seems the Canucks are largely lacking in that department.

Lets hope that this Vancouver team and coaching staff can fix this teams issues in the near future.

The Canucks face the Lightning tomorrow night on the road.

10 NFL Teams Are Looking To Sign B.C. Lions Quarterback Nathan Rourke

It’s less of a rare occurrence then you’d think for a NFL team to pick up a CFL star. And in Nathan Rourke’s case, many teams seem like they want him.


Nathan had a breakout season this year so its no secret that teams are looking to snatch him up. So far in his off season hes worked out with the Cincinnati Bengals, L.A. Chargers, Las Vegas, Jacksonville Jaguars, Minnesota Vikings, Denver Broncos, Indianapolis Colts Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Kansas City Chiefs, and Arizona Cardinals. Its also confirmed he will have even more workout sessions with unannounced teams in the coming weeks. He told media that it was in his plan to explore his options this off season:

“I never had a true opportunity at the NFL level, not as a quarterback, and that’s always been something that I’ve wanted to at least try for a very long time.”

“I’m fortunate to have an opportunity and see where that goes and understand that I have a heck of an opportunity still here with the Lions. And so, to me, it’s a win-win, really.”


Rourke was a potential draft pick in the 2021 NFL season, but went un drafted. It was then he made the decision to join the CFL and was pricked up by the B.C. Lions.

Rourke had a superstar season leading the B.C. Lions to a 8-1 record before he got injured and was named the leagues top Canadian.

B.C. would be sad to see Rourke go, but its nice to see this young superstar get the recognition he deserves.

B.C. Wrestling Dominates Recent Tournament!

Team B.C has made a big comeback in the world of high school wrestling.

B.C’s wrestling team made the journey to compete in the well known Jurassic Classic and Dino Cup tournaments this weekend.


They faced off against team Alberta and team Saskatchewan. B.C wrestlers came out on top of both competitions, coming home with 14 golds, 7 silvers, and 5 bronzes. These results were enough for B.C to win the team trophy for both of these tournaments.


This is a great feat for team B.C considering what they’ve been through in the past few years.

When covid-19 started back in 2020 its no secret that gyms, sports clubs, and other forms of physical activity were sidelined for a very long time. After awhile sports like baseball, soccer, and hockey were allowed to resume and gyms were open, all under social distancing guidelines.

The sport of wrestling though was cast aside and deemed not important or suitable for social distancing regulations on multiple occasions.

Schools started cutting their wrestling programs when they reopened in the latter half of 2020. Wrestling clubs in the lower main land were forced out of their usual practice spots in schools and forced to shut down or relocate, often in mixed martial arts gyms. The clubs would run practices once a week which was barely enough to help them stay open.

Now that the pandemic has slowed down schools are starting to reopen their programs, tournaments are starting to pop back up, and wrestling clubs are able to reopen and move in to bigger spaces, all with no need for social distancing.

Its nice to see a sport with such rich history back in B.C and even better to see the team dominating the competition.

Check out @b.c.wrestling on instagram for more news and updates on whats next for B.C wrestling.

Vancouver Canucks: Civil War

JT Miller is now feuding with his own team.

Last week when the Vancouver Canucks faced off against the Winnipeg Jets the Canucks found themselves trailing by one heading into the final minute of play. JT Miller decided to take it upon himself to tell Collin Delia to leave the game so the Canucks could use the extra attacker. This by no means was a bad play from the Canucks.

The way JT Miller went about it was all wrong though.

When Delia didn’t immediately comply with JT Millers orders, JT Miller started to scream at his goalie saying “Get out! Get the f*ck out!” He then started to whack his stick on his goalies post.

Delia then speedily left the game and the Canucks took the puck down to the offensive zone. Not for long though as the Winnipeg Jets got the puck back and scored on an empty net, making the score 4-2.

Then in last nights game against the Avalanche, early in the first Miller skated by Delia so fast he knocked the stick out of Delia’s hand. Delia was then forced to defend without a stick for the next few seconds.

The latter incident can be summed up as an accident, but screaming at your goalie and hitting his goal post while hes actively trying to stay engaged in the game is no accident. When JT Miller was asked about the incident he seemed to imply that the media was making this situation seem like a bigger deal then it is.

But I don’t think this is as small of an issue as Miller wants us to think. The Canucks have many other problems that they need to focus their efforts towards including a failing defensive line. Internal issues between a upcoming goalie and assistant captain is not good for this struggling team.

Don’t worry though, JT Miller says “he doesn’t really care about this at all.”

The Canucks face the Penguins tomorrow night in Pittsburg.