Serving food: Exploring the rich tradition of Langar

LANGAR is the free food service of fresh prepared meals which comes from  Punjab, India and runs everywhere around the World. It is the part of Sikh community which beleives in serving others and help the ones who dont have enough resources.

Everyone is welcome to be its part, either eat, serve, cook or donate to do such a blissful job without any questions.

The podcast elaborates on its history, culture and activities. Our guest, Dr Bhavjinder Kaur Dhillon, the member of Directors of Sikh Board of Canada and Post Doctoral researcher  in Bioinformatics at UBC gives us uncovered and wonderful reasons behind the culture’s each activity.

something that raises the question is who runs these? so the donations come from all around the devotees who keep one-tenth of their pay to donate in charity and untimately it helps to fill hundreds of hungry bellies.



Basically, this question is WRONG, because a woman is indeed an example of just ‘ giving away’. Maybe the question could be moulded this way, what can we do special for women to thank them.

WOMEN ☕️!!


Umm.. yes you have heard a lot of times that “you are what, you eat”. So practically implying, eating cucumber would rejuvenate for some time and you have better packs of energy for the rest of your day. And similarly if you eat a pizza slice from last night will make your day a slower one according to the psychologists.



They say one must control their food habits as your metabolism may react to the body in different ways. However, everyone has a different kind of emotional system which makes you  attached to food that affects your mood swings.


No matter how bad your day was, if someone brings you your favourite hot and sizzling noodles. You become the happiest. When you eat those noodles, it is observed, there is an instant release of endorphins and oxytocin which are the happy hormones. Because you have emotionally attached yourself to the feeling that noodles have the capability to affect your mood positively.

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If you have ever set a goal like if you submit your assignment within next three hours, you will buy yourself a  gelato. In mostly cases, food is kept a reward in situation of practicing a gym. But its not the primary symbol of emotional food attachment as eating is the sole control and reward in that case. Meaning, when you have a certain goal of losing weight, gaining weight, building biceps or any personal fitness goal; it is usually, considered to control food consumption. And eat later with large proportions, because you haven’t had calorie-rich food since past-two weeks to satisfy your tongue.


food waste

Of course, there are environmental and economical both reasons not to waste food. However, those of you don’t entertain the wastage especially when the leftover is thrown away, recommend maybe someone can eat that later.

The example can be people bringing a huge cake for a group of 8-10 people, cut, serve and eat, and throw the rest later. That’s when the feeling of hatred rises against that person.


You just had a chipotle bowl with all that guacamole, spicy salsa, rice, chicken and that  creamy taste on the top, but you see someone dipping the chips in queso . And there you go again, you go buying that, just because it was your emotion of eating more, greed and satisfaction after filling your belly to full. Just because the food looked so crispy, sizzling,, tempting , etc. that you want to eat more of it even if you are full


Supposing you had a good and satisfying day at your work, and decide to leave in time just for a happy day when you do not have a family around you, what would you do ?

Going home, cook something special for you, or maybe ordering your favourite food from your favourite restaurant. This really forms an emotional part of your happy day and people call it self-love.


So, what if you craved and ordered two garlic breads, and they say we just have one, however, they serve you the hot and a good one. You are just standing in the café, hold it  about to put in your mouth, right there a teen guy comes pushing on your hand, and you see it thrown away on the floor.

Would you like to shout on the person because he wasted your only garlic bread at that eatery. Or would you let it go, because the guy comes apologizing for what he did it unknowingly.

However, it hurts a lot when someone( yeah I am talking about your annoying sibling) throws away your food, or it gets cold, the restaurant doesn’t cook or serve the item the way you wanted it to be, is the time which really frustrates at time affecting your peace of mind.


You start working at a Convenient Store, you start interacting and make friends around. You have two Managers at your work, you share with your co-workers that you like chocolates. And the next day, the other manager brings a box of FERRERO ROCHER for you. So if something wrong happens with you, which is the first Manager or  person you would go to talk to? That same manager right?

Perhaps this is the reason why they say food is the way to a man’s heart!

Well, to a woman, it’s a little hard!!

This might be so weird for some people but all others, y’all know what I mean?


For someone who loves food, if not really hungry but likes to just in front of the TV, play some movie, and keep eating popcorn, cook some noodles later. These are the symptoms you are trying to kill your loneliness instead of simply having a good big meal.


Has it ever happened to you that you get mad when you don’t get your food within time. Like when you are too hungry, and it gets late, your anger gets firing up at the servers for not doing it quick. Or you get mad at people around you because you can’t take hunger anymore.




You are biologically okay staying with empty belly but as soon as you see its raining, you want to cook something hot that would warm you from inside.

What if you get to eat your mom’s hand cooked food after almost two years which you love, and you eat more than what you usually eat? isn’t it the bias that people have that they have for their relationships and say ,” my mom cooks the best”. And, just eating a lot because you are emotionally attached to that food as you MOM cooked that for you.

Well, all these signs show that you are indeed a food lover, and what’s wrong if you love food more than anyone emotionally.

Like whats wrong if there’s no one to listen to your rants except your bedtime meal!!right?

What if there is no one as loyal as food to you. It doesn’t hurt you ever, but all it does, is making you feel happy and content about what you do?

However, keeping the emotions aside, this is the wrong and unhealthy consumption of what you eat. emotional intake of food can affect overtake of nutrients and unsettled metabolism.

Eating out of craving just fills the emotional system of your body and creates a problem for the process of digestion and assimilation which might lead to further health issues like varying blood pressure, obesity, mental anxeity, etc.





When it comes to teenage, what is the first thought of your mind? Ahh…young age? Honestly, this one is from my personal observation. Whenever I take transit,It can be heard that seven out of ten high school students just discuss about different flavours of vape.

According to the Canadian Centre on Substance use and addiction( CCSA) , almost 45% of Canada’s population is prone to substance use. And out of those, 27% consume substance such as alcohol, cannabis (which is on the top) and then E-cigarettes or vape.

It’s not only about substance abuse, but could be about genders identification, love or situation ships, bodily changes, self- confidence, bridging to adulthood or they might be struggling with their relationships with their own family.

Well these are some of the traditional and long-lived issues, however the American population is facing the problem which is GENDER IDENTITY. Well, we will talk about it in the later part of this article.

You would never realise what that expressionless co-passenger in that bus right in front of you might be going through? whether is sad, stressed or just pretending to live a life.

Therefore, it’s important to talk to all the teenagers around us to make sure that they are physically and mentally both healthy. This is the age when someone needs the most attention and compassion…! We often get so busy paying attention to our professional life, that we hardly pay attention to how our close ones are doing?



  REASONS explaining the challenges they face:

The very crucial age certainly begins around childhood, but it is to be noted the most twisted point of someone’s life iso usually during their puberty. Mostly Canadian teenagers live with both of their parents. Well parenting plays a major role in bringing up, of course.

According to psychologists, living with the caring parents makes a huge difference. For example, if Claire received a hateful comment about her looks at her school and she comes home sad, however, her parents try to ask her and finds her a solution, can certainly make her day and life better in the end.


But some of them who don’t get enough compassion from someone get stuck in some of the life confusions.  The following are some of the major issues that an adolescent is challenged according to the Canadian census:


1). Mental health: There are health issues such as anxiety and depression that destroy their mental peace and they are distracted from a simple living.


2). Substance abuse: Although the very consumption of alcohol starts from those restaurants just for social hangout but ends up drinking for fun. In the end, they are found drinking and driving subconsciously which is sometimes rash, and sometimes getting involved in an accident.

GLOBAL NEWS mentions 35% of teens riding with alcohol-impaired drivers in 2017. The number might have increased now.

Other consumptions include TOBACCO, DRUGS, VAPES and OPIOIDS misuse. These apprantely do not affect the physical state but mental make your body addicted to these and hormonal changes that affect the health consequently.


Yes, they say weed doesn’t get your health, but to many body types, it causes particular behavioural changes, to which our body develops chemicals and stops reacting naturally causing it to ask for more of its consumption.


There are definitely some reasons why  a person chooses drugs, could be peer pressure, sadness, wrong society or ‘ lets give it a try’. However, there is always a way back from the dark hole and these reasons are not enough to continue even if you realize that not good for you to live here healthily.



3).Bullying: there are different kinds of bullying, out of which the cyber-bullying is prevalent method. Also the traditional ways, such as, making fun on you talk or if you  fumble sometimes really affects the mindset. It affects your self-confidence and the way you carry outside after that.


4). Academic pressure: sometimes, the competition or the assignment to complete something by a certain deadline really affects the mental stability of a student especially when they in puberty.



5). Peer pressure: Which could be about having a “ cool social life”, a beautiful partner, good score in tests, living a luxurious lifestyle or mainly about being the most popular and good-looking teen your school lead to lots of stress. Or it could be about certain activities leading to risky behaviours, like rash or driving fast under peer pressure.


However, this sometimes comes to ego of a person, when your peers around you force you do something because you are not mature enough to take the right decisions and choose your health and safety.


6). Relationships: This is another major issue that I think we must pay attention to, not only for teens but for all age groups.  It is observed from a 19-year-old tall guy who talks more about situation ships in his life more than love relationships. Love and loyalty just seem to be words for most of the GEN Z.

This, of course, affects the tender age as they are unable to understand the delicacy of the relationships and get hurt later.


7). Bodily changes: The physical, hormonal, and mental changes a teen goes through makes the understanding of their surroundings hard for them.


8) Bridging to adulthood: Exiting to a bigger picture of life of choosing the professional career, better relationship, and human understanding, all these things form the bigger chunk of responsibilities that they never had before.


Financial literacy: honestly, this is something I am still learning. It is very important for a teen to understand the right use of money they earn or get as a pocket money.


9)Technology and screen time: the technology might be a very new thing for millennials, therefore its easier for them to leave the phone when needed. While the GEN Z, is always seen surfing on their mobile phones. Even if they are with their families and it’s a quality time.


Yeah, knowing all the pros and cons of using social media for too long, it sometimes get hard for me get off it . But there always some responsibilities or it could be your siblings playing around, that you need to throw it away and start fighting with them. This is ultimate method of making you happy internally as it releases lots of oxytocin and endorphin.


However, its not a major issue but seems to be a growing matter.  Since, Melissa Généreux, a public health physician in Sherbrooke, Quebec, noted a gender discrepancy in her recent survey of young people in Quebec.

Girls, transgender and non-binary teens reported higher rates of symptoms of anxiety and depression than boys.

We could include as many topics as available at this moment with the evolving technology and media, but I believe, Love is another physical dimension that exists.

Have you ever realised that the person you were missing 5 minutes back calls you right away? That powerful is Love. And God blessed you with limbs and tongue to communicate your felings. So lets make sure teenagers and everyone is doing mentally great.



What is the first thing that comes to your mind when someone talks about sex with you?

Pleasure, orgasm, method of reproduction, nudity or maybe the intimacy of calmness with someone.

Well, some of you might even check if anybody is watching you while you are reading this article because it is considered such a “taboo” subject. But I don’t think that SEX should be kept in that cover.

When something gets messed up, the first word that gets out is F#@k, right? But how many times do you pay attention to its actual meaning though?Just because the word is used more often, It is sometimes sad to see how lightly people take this subject.

However sex is a spiritual practice to connect with your partner. SO MAKE SURE, YOU DO NOT DO IT WITH EVERYONE!

This is the only way we are here on this earth, able to witness all the wonders of the Universe.

Philosophers and many intellectual people study and believe from decades that sex is  a but spiritual experience that a human can experience. It could be the experience of immense pleasure, ruthlessness, pain, or maybe satisfaction.

The conventional and considered meaning of sex is the complete penetration of male sex organ into that of females. However, the partners not only view it is as a physical intimation, an emotional experience but a spiritual one too.

KAMASUTRA, the Indian book on sexuality, begins the text as the ART of SEX. It explains how beautiful is to observe the fall into the physical infatuation of your partner’s fragrance, the touch and the methods of



When two bodies are in such a condition of sharing most comfort with each other, releasing all the tensions of the world, and just being present in the moment. When they physically follow the process of making love with someone, it is the warmth of two bodies, intimacy expressed emotionally that proceeds to the physical release around each other. Scientifically, during this, two partners connect with each other such a way that they can feel each other inside them.

The male’s cells containing another source of life which is his DNA in a chromosome enters into that of the woman’s inside universe. The chromosome is the most initial formation of a body cell through which a life develops in a female’s body. This is how the two souls connect with each other and create another life . Some mystics say there is a white light experienced when they feel its power.

They say physical touch is their love language which is true indeed because its even the touch of a hand to hand that sometimes makes someone feel very special, safe or even uncomfortable at times..!

So just wonder how much the full body contact would make the difference to your body’s aura.

However, today, without realising the spiritual power of the physical intimacy with your partner, the process has become just a method of timely satisfaction and fun.

Teenagers have had enough lectures on sex education, but the consent and will to do it with someone you feel connected is a different level of sharing the space.


But also, if we use that lens, almost everything around us comes that spiritually. For example, connecting with your mom, you might have experienced that many times, your mom gets the intuition about something good or wrong about to happen with you. You might not believe this but things are connected with each other some or the other way.

Therefore, my point to explain the spiritual side of sex is that choosing that sex should NOT BE  served to  EVERYONE.

Here’s a video that explains well.


However this certainly becomes very challenging for someone who is very new to sex and hasn’t yet achieved the purpose of focus into something. Because it is very new for him/her  to understand and is curious to know what is so special about it.


YES, that’s true, free cooked food for all. This concept is raised from a community that runs it as part of their culture which is Sikhism. Sikhism originates from PUNJAB region,( present India).

The religion is popular for its discipline, stories about sacrifice and bravery throughout the world. Yeah, I am talking about the same community which is seen wearing turbans and organized a procession of almost seven hundred thousand people this Spring in Surrey.

Video gives a clue about the community and its prinicples.


Sikhism is the religion that ignited the spirits of young men during 15th century because of their Gurus who taught them to fight againt crime and defend the needy! Its a great community which teaches equality,defence and sacrifice for those in need. There have been amamzing assets in the Past and many examples today that explain how certain teachings through a culture affect the society. The video explains the essence of paths a Sikh takes to live his life. Which in the community explains the GOLDEN deeds/ RULES of 1. ” NAAM JAPNA, ( to meditate ) 2. VAND CHAKHO, and ( to serve others/ volunteer) 3. KIRAT KARO ( to complete your duty) which is explained in same order in the video through visiting the Gurudwara, Volunteering to help others in need( usually serving Langar0- free food for all in the community kitchens) For kirat, Sikhs are given 5 Ks to help them live a simple and purposeful life. KES -to respect god’s creation , KANGHA- to comb hair and stay clean in life, KADA-to remind the fear of God, KARPAN-to be prepared to protect the sufferer, AND KACHHERRA- for a warrior to be ready in any situation) You can find enormous content based on the selfless service of the community and be witness yourself itself. But it raises a concern when due to one or two people people, the whole community is defamed! This video does not support any political parties or issues. It is purely based on the real-life sources, trusted contents and the Community representative’s information. Location: Guru Nanak Sikh Gurudwara,Surrey, BC (pictures courtesy: pixabay, terminology: wikipedia, ) #sikhism #punjab #punjabi #india #religions #journalism #canada #britishcolumbia #BC #Sikhismincanada

♬ original sound – Evolution 107.9 – Evolution Storytelling Company

The word ‘Langar’ comes from Persian language which means ‘the shelter place for the needy or travellers’.

It is found in the teachings of the community to provide the needy with strength, food and care when needed. Poverty and hunger are the two obstacles that are unpredictable, that is why the communal kitchens for the hungry.

The people who follow the Sikh faith serve free prepared meals in the community kitchens in the temples. This is usually from the start  to the end of the day and non-stop at some Sikh Temples.

Although the concept of langar was introduced in northern parts of India two thousand years ago, but it was only for a specific community. While the one introduced by Sikhs is based on service irrespective of sex, religion or race.


Guru Nanak Dev ji, who is considered the first teacher or guru in Sikhism was just a teenage( during 1500 CE)  when his father sent him to support someone in a business. The guru worked at a grocery store.

Where he saw a bunch of needy people and served them the food. Then within few days, he sold out everything for free chanting,” tera-Tera”. Which means its yours, all yours. It is from his teachings that disciples continue to provide and serve in charity.

Later the second guru ,Angad, institutionalised the concept of Langar in the gurudwaras, where people would visit and eat to relax.

He also set some rules to train the sevadars (volunteers) to work in the kitchen and serve the subjects.

And the third guru, Amardas ji, made it a prominent institution for the visitors to dine together in equal seating on the floor which is called ‘pangat’ in punjabi. Pangat is a queue in which people sit on mats facing each other across the hall, there might be numerous line-ups parallel to each other.


And today the tradition is carried forward by each Sikh individual and is a bit modernised.

I have Dr. Bhavjinder Kaur Dhillon who is a Postdoctral researcher in Bioinformatics at UBC .

She serves as one of the Directors for the WORLD SIKH ORGANISATION of Canada. She has also studied food and nutrition in her under-graduate studies .

She will be highlighting us on the concept of Langar through her experience in service towards Sikhism and  knowledge in Food as well.

Bhavjinder  emphasizes on the fact that Sikhs live by three golden principles of

  1. Naam Japo which means to meditate and pray
  2. Kirat Karo which means do the deed of perfoming your duty
  3. Vand chakho : volunteer and put yourself to charity

The langar is included in the rule of Vand Chakho which states the living for others.

Inclusions of a Langar :

Sikhs believe in ‘tyar-bar-tyar’ which means you can have the ‘Guru ka langar’ anytime and subject is always welcome.

While the langaris (volunteers) cook or serve the food, there is Gurbaani ( guru’s words) playing in the background which states the Guru’s communal food for all.

The volunteers pray and keep some piece aside in the name of the lord. The words are:

kari paksaal soch Pavitra, huni laavahu bhog hari raye”

I have made kitchen pure and sacred by your name, now, O my Sovereign Lord king, sample my food.

Dr. Dhillon also highlights the beauty of equality and compassion expressed through Langar. The prime rule of the Langar is for all to be seated on the floor with everyone. There could be a beggar or a celebrity visiting the Gurudwara, but the seating arrangements remain the same, they are not given any special treatment despite their social status.

Also everyone is served with same food, with no special demands. This conveys the Guru’s message of treating everyone equal and being content with what a person is blessed with.

COOKING in the langar:


The Langar plan is based on a nutritional meal which has all nutrients served as an Indian plate. The most common Langar meal has Roti/ Parshada( bread) served with one or two curries of pulses. There might be some rice, yogurt, a dessert, tea and salad  provided. Its completely your choice to choose between those.

The Langar is prepared with utmost hygiene and careful use of all spices minding the metabolism of all kinds of visitors whether old, children or even people with any gastral problems.

Honestly, whether its India or Canada, the meals in all the gurudwaras have just perfect taste of mild spices, the yellow lentil soup or the yummy chickpea curry are just so refreshing and remind me of my mom’s cooked food.

It has been always relieving to visit a  Gurudwara with all the peace and chanting of good deeds and praying good for everyone altogether already satisfies your heart and the food just fills your heart!!!

Besides the main meal, there are some visitors who don’t have enough time to feed on the langar.

Therefore,before they leave the Gurudwara after greeting the Holy Scripture, the ‘pathi’ serves them with “ Kadah Pashad”. This is a brown coloured hot-sweet pudding made with wheat flour, is considered to be of high nutritional value.


This is my favourite part of the food served.

Expenses :

And you know what ? Six million meals are served in one day across the world. The langar is by the sangat and for the sangat.( the volunteers and people feeding on the langars)

Its quite interesting the langars have been non-stop service of food and compassion at Golden Temple, Amritsar, India serving thousands in a minute and serves 24X7.

But who provides for the expenses of food?

The Gurbani mentions about the DASVANDH’, which is the ten percent of a person’s total income to be given in charity. The Sikhs from around the world donate certain amount which os either equal or more than one-tenth of their pay.

Their thoughtfulness is based on the theory that the more they give away, the more they receive from the Lord who is creator.

Isn’t it just amazing to see all people seating together in one place irrespective of colour, sex and social status and eating together.

My most favourite part of the Langar is that anyone can volunteer to serve the ‘sangat’.

I think this is a great idea to promote the communal harmony and compassion for each other right under one roof.

Anyone can donate, volunteer or eat the Langar and participate in this spiritual activity which is away from religion or such differences.


Do you know, we were almost going to hit the parked car when we were just 60 kilometres away from Toronto.

However, I am safe right now, but I will follow up with the story.

Also this is my first time travelling or visiting Toronto.

Coming back to our dating road trip to pass the scary roads full of wildfires and witnessing all kinds of beautiful scenes  with waters and lakes on the sides, we are going to switch to the plain grasslands of Canada.

Well, I have just been the passenger princess and the DJ of the time who spent the boring routes by napping throughout, because I felt personally there was no physical work to do. Although I felt my brother was already been driving past almost 16 hours.


Crossing the Alberta border and now entering the lands of Saskatchewan. Since, we had already covered the distance of some 1200 km, honestly we hardly realised when Alberta passed by. I mean as such 300s of km just passed by real quick. I was wondering if I would ever like the long drive dates of 2 hours with my boyfriend anymore if it doesn’t have mountains!

We smoothly slided into the province and the first city we stopped by was REGINA. Honestly, it gave me those old- school countryside city feels.

I could see pick-up trucks in more number than usual, people were not fancily dressed, just casual light coloured- T’s with boxers. I mostly saw the working people there.Women were not in makeup. We were at Regina by 12: 30 noon. And I think there were people like us travelling from distances in the RCB vans and others were workers who grabbed chilled iced coffees and crispy chicken wraps from the big Tim Hortons.

Yeah I love Tim, because they actually promise taste and budget together.

Ahh..the brunch of crispy and spicy chicken wraps, chilled coffee and hot hashbrown especially when you are hungry, is such a relief to your taste buds.

Well moving forward,  I saw the fields of bright yellow mustard flowers . Besides, the fields were the large wind mills farm that blazed in air , I guess the visibility was good enough that I could see the landmarks of American borders.

All the agricultural scenes reminded me of my home where we had all kinds of farming including dairy and raising the cattle as well.

Saskatchewan prairies



I was not yet overwhelmed with plains and warm PRAIRIES with half of Manitoba. The green of Alberta had already passed and then onwards, followed the yellowish- green prairies. But we started observing the green in the plains as soon as we came close to Elton city around 4 pm. I really enjoyed that drive because it was something refreshing to my eyes after a 2-hour nap and dull visuals of Saskatchewan.

I was glad to open my eyes to the smiling yellow sunflowers covering both the sides of the 4- laned Highway.

And we made it to our  Airbnb by 7: 30 pm in Winnipeg.  Maybe it was evening, but the city looked quite dead. And of course it was not as busy as Vancouver or Toronto but seemed to be calm.


I just slept for 4-5 hours, but that sleep was so good that it relieved all my fatigue apparently.

Although we were supposed to leave at 6 AM but I was all ready to leave at 5 am. I was excited for the rest of 50 per cent of our route to the destination.

Manitoba was a beautiful dark green land with dense forests on the sides and a river like Red river and white mouth river with a very bright and sunny morning.

Colourful names right? But actually the water was dark coloured, not speeding nor steady but calm!

Well I felt Manitoba was very friendly to me as I could relate a lot to my city back in India.



We just got out of Winnipeg, it felt like we were at Kenora, ONTARIO border within a few minutes.

Its very amazing to see that each province has its own natural differences and classified because of their own uniquenesses.

I was eager to see why is ONTARIO like ‘YOURS TO DISCOVER’!

It was not too hard to understand that as I saw people taking their RCB vans to nearby lakes to camp and do such activities.

But also there were several lakes where I just saw even one family at a time. Which pretty well explains that people are discovering their own spots.

At least Ontario was not a plain grassland, but there were ups and downs and ofcourse surrounded with dark green mountains but it was quite hot.

It was 5 hours in Ontario, and we were at our next halt which was THUNDER BAY.

We actually relaxed at one of the beaches of the Largest lake, LAKE SUPERIOR  

By evening we were on the wide empty roads of  SAULT ST. MARIE, where we could only see large trucks.


Now my brother felt really exhausted as he had just one joint left in his box. That’s weird right? I have heard that people feel sleepy after smoking weed but my brother feels his senses are more awake, so we palnned to buy one from Sudbury. But it was hard for us to reach before 9 pm when all the cannabis stores close. And we lost it!

I was like already dead, and passed out in sometime.

Technically, the ETA from Sudbury to Toronto is like 4 hours. And I thought I would wake up in Toronto itself so I slept easily.


August 6th:

But perhaps after few hours, it’s a liitle bit dark and I see flashing lights on my very left and our car swinging on the right lane towards a black Toyota parked on emergency lights, within that fraction of seconds while I realise there is something wrong, I listen to a sharp honk of a horn from back . And thanks to that, both of us got awake, I turned the steering left and my brother pulled the brakes. I literally took a sigh of relief when we halted.

It was sad to know that there was no drive thru or other fuel station in the way. Thankfully we had filled the car’s tank from the jerrycan already.

Well, My brother took a nap for some time and we resumed the drive.

FINALLY, around 8 AM, we get to see the big 6 laned- highways and flyovers that I have always heard of. The traffic was crazy there. There were car drivers who were actually didn’t let us pass them or accelerate deliberately with a vroom sound when we were close from either of the side.

Definitely, it’s a big city with huge buildings, well-planned infrastructures and busy lifestyle.

It was a mesmerizing experience to view  the Niagara falls along with the twisted buildings of Mississauga which is a combo of nature and development both.

Overall, the trip was a relieving and reliving both experience for me where I realise some facts and thank the Lord for giving this beautiful planet to live with such miraculous features.

I was happy to realise the essence of “ LIVING IN THE PRESENT” and To realise how important it is to enjoy the music you are capable to groove on!





How much do you like driving?

And how much do you like being the passenger princess?

If yes, then THIS experience is for you!!!

So, do you like either of the jobs as much as you can go on a road trip of thousands of miles..?

Well for me, yes definitely,

Yes because I completed this journey of 4500 kilometres from Surrey to Toronto within four days this summer.

google Maps- Vancouver to Toronto route

Well, this was supposed to be a moving trip, BUT it ended up being a wonderful experience of learning about Canada’s geography, from FLORA to FAUNA and witnessing its different REALMS through the day and night, travelling from lands to GRASSLANDS, sometimes besides LAKES, MOUNTAINS and through different TIME ZONES.


The Canadian land is not all about the snow and cold that we always heard of.

No one talks about its natural beauty and habitat of wonderful animals.

Infact, Canada is a country that has some of the world’s MOST SCENIC VIEWS especially if you have got enough time to travel by road…!

How we planned the trip? :

My brother is an aviation technician and he got a job offer in Montreal, so he decided to move to the city. And the next day, we decided, out of nowhere, to drive to Quebec.

And I can visit my friend who lives in Toronto.

My brother, Rohit, and I love travelling, therefore, were already in. But now, there were two obstacles. First I can not drive legally, so he would be the one experiencing fatigue. Second my brother, who is like 8 years elder to me, had to bear with me for more than 70 hours which I was afraid if he might get mad at me for something that I wont even do.

However, We took our white Honda Civic coupe all-set to ride miles not worrying about its condition for the journey, knowing we had the technician with us.

On a serious note, while checking the routes, we found out the Rossmoore Lake wildfire was spreading faster everyday especially in the Okanagan area. I was quite nervous watching the pictures of red light igniting from the horizons of land in the dark night. It literally gave me goosebumps. However, my brother told me its gonna be different route for us. So I just trusted my charioteer and left.

We started on August 3rd, Thursday’s evening and he had to start with his new job on August 7th morning.

It was quite hot, I wore my black pants and blue linen shirt for the cold weather in night and my brother in his sweatpants and our car with the fuel of 25 L in the jerrycan, were all good to go.

Journey begins..( PART ONE )


We left Surrey around 4 pm, estimating to reach Winnipeg , the next evening cuz we had an Airbnb check-in around 7 pm of August 4th. till Calgary was not new to us, but different this time, as there were wildfires and this time it was the overnight driving.

Also, I forgot to mention about our third fellow traveller, which was MUSIC! Honestly, music was really our best friend throughout the trip.

All those roads to Okanagan belt from Shakespeare’s characters like Shylock Road and Portia Road situate me with a memory of my high- school literature. The lighted tunnels with the grisly bears crafted amazed me but I never got to see one. Kamloops was quite safe place but smoky and grey in colour for a few kilometres. Though its beauty cannot go unseen. Our first stop where we relaxed and  took our power meal was Revelstoke around midnight. We could not see the mountains but was rejuvenated to see the sparkling stream of water just by the bridge.

So we were approaching the border of BC and Alberta, that we were just a couple of hours away from Calgary. We were at Golden, and here comes the twist, the direct route via Highway 1, to Alberta was closed at 10 pm due to construction purposes, would open at 7 am . Therefore, we had to take the alternate route through the radium hot springs which was 2 hours of more drive.

Now this road seemed kind of scary, as there were no road lights, and the road was wide enough to pass one lane at a time. Well, it wasn’t complete dark though, there was some red light visible from far of a mountain. Which I guessed was the first wildfire that we could confront..!

And we spotted a couple of  deers with their eyes producing reflections into our eyes from far on the dark road.

However, when we went close, it was a small flickering patch of fire spreading up the mountain and we drove as fast as we could and we escaped safely.

However, I was done for the day and passed out.


The Wild Rose country-ALBERTA:

Ahh… After a satisfying nap, I open my eyes to the most beautiful morning ever in my life! I yawn and stretch to see the green mountains in front and white snow on their top, feeling a little cold to look at but cozy inside of the moving car, and ears were blessed to listen to that old Bollywood song shot in Switzerland. Yes, I was imaging myself as a protagonist of some super famous film scene. That was my kind of morning. Always thankful for that!

Umm..From last night I do not remember when we got back to HWY 1, but I was so delighted that I was simply looking ahead of my journey. Really first couple of hours of drive including BANFF is so beautiful in Alberta.

Here we played all my favourite songs and just enjoyed the journey.

As soon as we entered the Calgary borders, leaving the Rockies, I don’t know why I felt the grass in Clagary was different kind of green, you know the green in the middle of olive and bottle green, like the dead green.

British Columbia’s green is the perfect  green, the alive one. (I am not being biased)

It was 8 AM already and sun was bright as afternoon, and my brother was feeling too sleepy. So We parked the car at Tilley. While my brother was taking a power nap, I took a video of the grasslands, saw so many cattle grazing and hanging out.

I think its right after Calgary that the Rockies end, and the flat grasslands run up to Ontario.

Well Alberta was a small patch of mountains and we crossed it within seven hours.

Now, we were supposed to reach Winnipeg by evening, will it be possible for my brother to drive next 11 hours or he is already tired?

Lets see, in the next one!

I am so glad that I could witness all the crafts of the creator throughout the southern belt of Canada so far. Whether it was city life, Mountainous roads, snowy views, sunny mornings, grasslands, wildfire or the cattle and deer that were grazing and crossing the roads.

Check the next article for complete trip.