Reading Culture, Yes Or No?

Do you ever have that moment where everyone around you is into one thing but you just can’t seem to get into it, that’s me with reading right now. And don’t get me wrong, I do like reading, but lately I’ve been having a hard time getting into books and sticking with them. It’s like I’ll start a new book, read the first 2 chapters, and then push it aside for a bit. 


Right now, I feel like everyone around me is on this huge reading train. It feels like everyone around me is always posting their latest reads, talking about a new series, or recommending old one’s, I can’t keep up! 

In the summer, reading is definitely something that’s more enjoyable for me. The beach, with a refreshing drink in hand and a good book you just can’t seem to put down is the perfect match for a good summer day. And that’s the best part with reading. When you get so invested in a book you can’t put it down and you’re turning page to page so fast you get so into it. But for me that’s rare, and when I don’t have that hooked in feeling with a book, it’s hard for me to stay into it. 

During the school year it’s hard for me to stay reading. It makes sense though, with so many school readings to do and homework at the end of the day, the last thing on my mind is picking up a book, I just want to go to bed! I also feel as if sometimes I’m just forcing myself to read so I’m really not retaining anything and getting lost in the story line. 

bók fyrir bók

I’m at the age where people are switching from TV shows to reading and it’s scaring me. I feel like there’s this whole group of people just maturing right in front of me and I can’t keep up! It’s almost like I feel like there’s this judgment put towards me when I say I’m not into reading. It’s like I get the vibe that people just don’t think I’m intellectual enough or something, I swear I am, I’m just not really a reader! 

Are you a big reader? Is reading a thing I need to jump on or am I just doing fine living my life with a couple books in the summer?

Playlist Culture

There’s some people out there that just have a playlist for everything, every moment, and every mood. Or even playlists just for that month like “February 2025” or “March 2020” , music that they have on replay for that month and once that month is over it’s kinda like a time capsule that brings you back to those moments and memories. 

The Spotift

I know some people that are really specific with the names of their playlists like “rainy day in a coffee shop” or “the smell of fresh cut grass on a spring day” and to me the funny part is, the playlist gives off those exact vibes. I always wonder how my friends are able to nail it down so well, maybe it’s cause they’re musically inclined but for me my brain just doesn’t swing that way.

I love hanging out with specific playlist type of people. They can just make every moment better with the right type of music. If the group is a little tired before going out and we all need to wake up, they know how to get us up and going. Or if we’re at the beach for a day of tanning, reading, and relaxing, they have the right playlist to set the summer vibes, it’s just the best. 

Then on the other hand, there’s people like me, with no serious playlist organization. You can usually find me shuffling my liked songs or just playing the same couple of albums on repeat. And it’s not that I’m not into music, I am, I just don’t have the unique creative ability to curate such well thought out playlists. I’m never asked to take aux because I can never just get the group’s vibe right. And even if I shuffle my liked songs it’s just a crazy mix that can go from anything Taylor Swift, to Nickelback, and then maybe a little Kendrick, you never know what’s going to be next in my car. 

A saviour for me is the pre made Spotify playlists. If it is the odd time where I’m required to step up to the plate and take on the aux role, I usually just play it safe and put on a Spotify playlist until people get bored of it and I’m benched from the aux cord. 

So what type of person are you? The type that curates the most amazing specific playlists for every mood or vibe? Or someone like me, who just hits shuffles and see’s what’s next?

Surviving Superbowl

It’s Superbowl weekend, the Sunday where all sports fans are glued to the TV and the non sports fans are just hoping they are able to get through the weekend. I’m someone who’s super into tuning into all sports, and although I’m looking forward to the Superbowl, I do have a couple close friends in my circle who aren’t so into sports. But lucky for them I do have a couple Superbowl survivor hacks for them to get through Sunday. So if you are anything like my friends and are just wanting Sunday to fly by here are some of my tips for getting through the Superbowl.

  • Snacks

The Superbowl is known for the classic comfort snacks like chicken wings, pigs in a blanket, and nachos. So if you’re not looking forward to the game at least you can look forward to the snacks. And if you’re not sure snacks will be where you’re watching it, make something fun and bring it over. At least that somewhat shows your looking forward to the day. 

  • The Halftime Show

I mean common, you can’t say you’re not looking forward to the Halftime Show. For non football fans it’s 100% the best part of the day and this year you get to see Kendrick light up the stage and I can guarantee it’s going to be awesome. I mean it’s a concert in the middle of a football game, the best of both worlds in the entertainment world, sports and music, so what can be better?!

  • The Social Aspect 

How often is it you get together with friends on a Sunday day and just get to relax, drink beer, and eat good food? Not that often I bet. So if you’re dreading the Superbowl, look at it in a positive light, you get to hang out with your friends, do something you wouldn’t normally do on a Sunday, that sounds kinda fun right?

  • Betting

Don’t really know a lot about football but still want to be in the know with the game? Place some bets. Look, I’m not here to support gambling but placing bets on a game definitely can keep you locked in on the TV, I mean you have money on the line here! It can even teach you a thing or two about the game and get you involved in the action, who knows, you might cash out big!

At the end of the day sports isn’t for everyone I get that, but Superbowl doesn’t all have to be about sports, think of Sunday as an opportunity to hang out with your best buddies and have a good time, Cheers to Superbowl! 


Fighting Winter Blues

It’s the dead of winter now. January felt like a million years and now somehow, someway, February already feels like it’s just blasting by. The days are dark and cold and I don’t know about you but it feels like everyday my motivation just slips away a bit more. I mean it’s so easy to just come home after a long day when it’s pitch black and feels like -10 and all you want to do is lay in bed, and although it may seem like the right choice in the moment, it’s kinda just digging yourself more into the unmotivated vibe that winter easily gives off. But I’ve formed some quick and easy little tips and tricks in my life that make the winter feel a bit more doable. 

  • The 5 Second Rule

Whether it’s getting out of bed, going to the gym, even just finding the energy and motivation to start that assignment you’ve been putting off, give yourself 5 seconds to get up and get going. And ya, 5 seconds is not a lot of time at all but that’s the point, you don’t want to let yourself waste anymore time. Counting down from 5 gets me up and after whatever task I’ve got laid out without even thinking too much about it. So, tomorrow morning when your alarm goes off and it’s still dark out, give yourself 5 seconds to get out of bed and get your day started without hitting snooze and I promise it will start your day off on the right foot. 

  • Make Plans 

Having a light at the tunnel at the end of the week really does make it easier for me to get through the Monday to Friday grind. Even something as small as a movie date with friends or a quick happy hour, just having some social interaction that isn’t just school or work goes a long way in lifting your mood. 

  • Get Active

Yes, I know it’s cold and the weather is cold but don’t let that be an excuse. I promise getting up and active can be a huge game changer in mood. If all you have in you is just a quick walk around your neighbourhood that’s good too. Just giving yourself something to get your body moving will do you a world of good. 

The winter can be tough for all but it’s no reason to put your life pause, get active, get motivated, and be social! Don’t wait around for spring, get out there and try to enjoy the winter!

Fast Paced Vs Slow Living

As a busy college student, part time employee, and someone who prioritizes getting active, I feel as if I live a million lives in one day, but I love it. It’s all so exciting I feel like I get to be so many different people in just one day. It’s like I’m a shapeshifter.From waking up at the crack of dawn to get to the gym, to classes at school all day, and ending my night with a serving shift, my days go by so fast yet it feels like a million things happen in a day. It’s kinda wild, kinda drives me crazy, yet I wouldn’t change a thing.

Living a fast paced lifestyle is definitely something that just clicks for me. I feel like I rarely have time to overthink anymore cause I’m too focussed on the present and that’s the perfect way for me. Instead of sitting around worrying about things that may or may not happen, I’m constantly moving, always onto the next thing. It keeps me sharp, keeps me engaged, and honestly, it keeps life interesting. I never know what’s going to come my way next, maybe it’s 10 new assignments or maybe it’s an extra long shift at the restaurant, but it keeps me on my toes and keeps me awake. 

Sure, it gets exhausting. There are definitely days when I feel like I’m running on fumes, surviving off caffeine and whatever quick meal I can grab between responsibilities. But even on those days, there’s something so satisfying about knowing I made the most out of every hour. I don’t feel like I’m wasting time—I feel like I’m living. I think it’s also refreshing to see so many different types of people in a day, at the gym I get my active crowd. It’s nice to talk about different fitness goals I have with the people at my gym. At school it’s always a fun group of people where we get to have fun learning and share some laughs at lunch. Then when I get to work it’s just like I’m hanging out with my friends and getting paid to serve tables which I honestly I kinda enjoy doing anyway (except the dirty dishes part, yuck.)

Even though my life feels like a constant whirlwind sometimes, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. The fast pace, the challenges, and the endless to-do lists all make me feel alive. I thrive in the chaos, and while it might not be for everyone, it’s exactly the kind of life that fuels me. What do you like better? Slow living? Or fast paced madness? 

Dog Owner Life

As a dog owner and someone who has grown up around my dogs my whole life, I can spot a fellow dog owner from a mile away. Owning a dog isn’t just a responsibility—it’s a full-blown lifestyle. The hair, the walks, and the food, it’s not just fun and games it’s kinda like having a kid. My golden Goose is my whole life – which to non dog owners might sound weird.


If you’ve ever overheard a conversation between two dog owners, you may have mistaken it for an in-depth discussion about human children. “How old is he?” “Oh, he’s a pandemic puppy—so he’s a little socially awkward.” “Has she been eating okay?” all the usual things you’d ask a new mother, can basically apply to new puppy parents. It sounds insane to outsiders but to insiders it’s just the norm. I mean these dogs are your babies, your whole life, it isn’t just a dog, it’s a member of your family. 

One major key in spotting a dog owner is the “welllll I have to get home cause my dog needs me”, I mean sure your dog is probably fine but the people just don’t understand that separation anxiety from your dog is real. It’s a serious connection, and I don’t know about you but my dog definitely gives me the cold shoulder if I’m out for a long period of time. 


Being able to spot a dog owner also means I’ve gotten pretty good at spotting dog haters. “Oh, I just don’t want to get any hair on me” immediate red flag, run away as far as you can, people who don’t like dogs cannot be trusted under any circumstance. Like what do you mean you don’t want a best friend that gives the best company??

Despite the chaos, the fur, the vet bills, and the occasional public humiliation when your dog takes off on you at the park and ignores all recall, dog owners wouldn’t trade it for the world. Dog owner life is some serious love and not just a connection between you and your dog but other dog owners as well. It’s like a little club and if you’re a member of the club then I can guarantee you know how special it is. 

The Thrill Of Thrifting

The thrill of the hunt, going through racks and racks digging and finding that perfect item to wear to that one costume party. You guessed it. Thrifting. 

Thrifting can seriously be so fun but it is a huge hit or miss. Sometimes you’re hitting the jackpot and taking home a gorgeous mint condition vintage leather jacket, where on the other hand sometimes maybe the best find you’ll come across is an old grandma sweater. But hey, grandma sweaters can also be totally cool. 

I started thrifting with my friends back in high school. It was kinda competitive. Like who’s going to get the best find of the day or who will score the cool graphic tee. It was always like a race, but still super fun and little did we know what we were doing was actually sustainable too, helping the planet without even knowing. 

Now skip forward a couple years, a fun activity me and my friends like to do is go into the thrift and pick out outfits for our night out. Randomly selecting the worst outfits, cheetah print tops with purple corduroy jeans, or graphic tees with a fur coat. Going out in these random matches is the best part of the night. Having people try to decide if it’s serious or not is always hilarious and we get some pretty good reactions out of people too. Sometimes people are really into it other times we are scaring the bar with our over the top outfits, but we find it awesome. 

The best feeling is when you need a last minute piece for an outfit and you score it at a thrift. Celebrating St. Patrick’s day and you need a green shirt, I can guarantee you will find a good one at the thrift store. From ugly Christmas sweaters, to shirts for Canada day I promise you the thrift will have you covered for your next themed party. 

So what’s my best thrift fine to date? Vintage red leather cowboy boots. I truly hit the jackpot when I came across these bad boys. I couldn’t even believe it and they were $20! I went home and found the same exact brand and shoe online for $400…. Talk about a steal right?

Like Macklemore said one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Never judge a book by it’s cover cause you are able to find some truly one of a kind pieces that I bet nobody else will be rocking. Happy thrifting! 

Bottle Collecting Life

Looking for an extra way to make some extra quick pocket change but don’t want to have to go around applying anywhere? Well, let me put you on to bottle collecting. 

Beer fridge

And I know, you may be a little reluctant at first but I bet I can convince you, and if you’re already on the bottle collecting grind then I like your style. So why start bottle collecting, well first of all it’s just free money sitting there that’s tax free. Cmon, tax free money? How rare is that these days! It’s just a simple little task that can really make you some bucks. 

Bottle collecting does have a bit of a negative stereotype but let me flip the script for ya. I’m a 21 year old girl who likes to dress up, get my nails done and all that. But then I came to a problem. How can I afford to get my nails done or make those coffee runs to Starbucks when all of my paycheck goes to gas and car insurance? Bottle collecting. It’s 10 cents a bottle/can but man does it add up fast if I calculated my total earnings since summer I’d probably be around $300 and I haven’t even been taking it as seriously the last couple of months!

But the question always arises: how do you go about collecting your bottles. Well I obviously keep all of mine from my house and I always offer to host the pre before a night out so I can collect all those beer cans before a night out but I have some pretty sweet neighbours that put theirs aside for me too. So when garbage day rolls around I get up and bag the cans up before the garbage truck gets to my street and bam, probably around $10 made just from that! 

At bottle depots you have the option to count them yourself and receive the change or cash right there or you can sign up with your phone number online, drop your bags off, and your money gets deposited into your account a couple days later, it can’t be more simple! 

I’ve got my friends on it too, I mean seriously, it’s money sitting right there that you would’ve just thrown out, so get on it! And yes, I’ve definitely received my fair share of judgment about bottle collecting but hey, the haters are my motivators and it feels pretty good drinking my Starbucks that was technically “free”.

Girl Math Culture

If you’ve ever found yourself justifying a purchase with some questionable yet oddly convincing logic, congratulations—you’ve participated in girl math. The thought process that goes through your brain when buying a plane ticket for a trip in the summer “welllll I guess I’ll make it back by the time the trip rolls around” or maybe even if you’re making a return you might think “wow I just made $20! This is free money now” cause once it’s already left your bank account it’s a mute point right…? 


Girl math operates on one fundamental principle: if you can explain a purchase in a way that makes it seem like you didn’t really spend money, it doesn’t count. Simple. And it applies to everyone and anyone, unless you’re logical and think normally, then maybe you just don’t get the fun that is girl math. 

I live by some main girl math philosophies that definitely don’t help my financial state, but I think they do. 

  • If you pay for something in cash, it’s free. It never hit your bank account, so it was never yours.
  • If you buy something on sale, the difference between the original price and the discounted price is actually money you earned.
  • If you return an item and get a refund, that’s new money—not just getting your own money back.
  • If you buy an expensive pair of shoes for say $100 and wear them 100 times at a dollar per wear, they are free. 
  • If you buy concert tickets months in advance, by the time the event happens, it feels like you’re going for free.

Makes sense right? I know, I know, it does sound a tad bit silly, but hey I’m sure you’ve been in a position once or twice where you feel guilty after making a purchase but girl math just justifies that a bit more! 

Munich - "pep"

While girl math is all fun and games, I do know it’s obviously not the most financially sound strategy. It’s easy to get carried away when every purchase can be justified with enough creative reasoning. Suddenly, a $300 designer bag becomes “free” because you skipped your morning latte three times last week. I just can’t help it! Maybe I have a spending problem! 

So what do you think? Is girl math super justifiable? Or just a bad logically thinking? 

“Clean Girl” Aesthetic

If you’ve scrolled through TikTok or Instagram in the past couple of years and have an algorithm that does lean a little more girly and feminine, you’ve probably come across the Clean Girl Aesthetic. Kinda like the girls that got it all together. It’s a whole internet culture now. It’s a look, a vibe, and, to some, an entire lifestyle. Think clean make-up looks, slicked-back buns, cute outfits, gold jewelry, and an oat milk latte in hand. It’s effortless—but also meticulously curated.

The clean girl aesthetic is all about having (or looking) like you have your life put together. From early morning gym sessions, to reading that self help book, Mel Robbins podcasts, to eating clean, it’s about looking like you put a lot of effort in but having the minimal effort vibe (weird right). It’s almost unattainable, just another unrealistic standard that sets up girls for failure. I mean really what college student gets up at 5am for a pilates class, goes to school, and finishes up their homework by 9 and is in bed ready to sleep? Nobody I know, but I sure see a lot of it all over my social media. 

There’s a reason the clean girl aesthetic has taken over social media. It’s aspirational yet unattainable for most. Who wouldn’t want to have flawless skin, a trendy wardrobe, and the discipline to wake up at 5 AM for pilates? It feeds into this idea that if you just try hard enough, you too can become that girl—the one who never looks stressed, always has time to romanticize her morning routine, and somehow makes drinking lemon water look glamorous. It’s also an extension of the health and wellness movement, which has been huge in the past few years. Taking care of yourself is in, and looking like you effortlessly take care of yourself? Even better.

I used to try so hard to be one of these girls over all of my social media. The ones who spend their weekends journaling, walking, or reading and are in bed by 9 stress free but I realized I’m nowhere near that and that is perfectly fine. 

You don’t have to be cookie cutter perfect and have your life together every single day, I mean if you do good on you but if your like me and up to midnight catching up on homework and sleeping in through all your alarms, that’s perfectly fine too.