When I was younger I used to be so afraid of dying. I’d think about my death, how I’d want to die, and hope that it wasn’t painful. I thought a lot about the afterlife too. Is there a heaven? Or is it just nothing? I think a lot of these thoughts stem from my Catholic school upbringing. I mean really it’s most of what we talk about, living our best Catholic lives on earth so that when we pass on we can go to heaven and have the “eternal happy life” I was taught about. But as I’ve grown older and come to my senses, I’m not too afraid of dying anymore. I mean it happens to everyone at some point right? So why fear it? Me and my friends like to chat about this subject from time to time, maybe we’re weird but we always come up with a good ol’ pros and cons list for immortality. Like if you really could, would you want to live forever? It’s honestly a pretty complex topic, but also maybe it’s not for you. Maybe you’re completely set against it or on the other hand maybe you’re constantly researching new technology and following all the latest health trends to make your life longer. Either way it’s an odd topic but one I just can’t put down and I’m always super fascinated to hear what other people have to say about it, but here’s what I have to say about it all. (And I will play devil’s advocate here and go on either side of the picture.)
How many times have you heard the phrase “Life is too short”. I bet a ton right? Maybe everyone who says this is right – maybe life is too short. Having a never ending lifetime would mean the possibilities are endless. But if the possibilities were endless and you had 365 x infinity days to learn every language, try every sport and visit every country then would you even be motivated to get it done? If there is no time constraint then maybe you would get lazy, maybe you wouldn’t make the most of your days and you’d take life for granted. Having a limited amount of days means you need to make the most of the time you have, I think having no pressure would just make you less motivated to try new things and live your life to the fullest.
But if you had the rest of forever, think of all the cool stuff you’d get to see. I always think about how my grandma grew up without phones or internet and now she has a full on Instagram account. She got to see a whole technological growth right before her eyes, but it would just keep getting cooler and more interesting as time went on. You could see the rise and fall of entire civilizations, geographics change, and watch the whole world grow right before your eyes. That could either be really cool or really scary. What if everything is going to start to change for the worse and right now is your primetime of life, would you really want to watch the world go downhill and live to be a part of it?
You know that feeling when you finish a TV series and suddenly don’t know what to do with your life? It’s like the one thing you were really into at the moment and now what do you do? You have to find a new show but at the moment you feel like nothing can compare. Now imagine that feeling on a universal scale. After you’ve done everything, seen everything, and experienced everything, what’s left? What if eternal life just becomes… dull? Would life lose meaning if you had unlimited time? Would you begin to take it for granted or would you still live everyday with a positive attitude. I feel like your attitude towards it all has to do with a lot of it. If you’re going into it with a positive vibe everyday then I guess that would make it less dull but if you have the mentality of “ughh here we go again another day” then I think after a while it would wear down on you.
One point that I always keep going back to is how you’ve seen first hand just how much the cost of life has risen, so if it just keeps going up and up would you have to keep working forever? And what about the retirement age? Technically that wouldn’t affect you cause you wouldn’t be physically aging and still in good working condition. Say you’re going to be 33 forever. And you’d have to work the same day job forever until you die to afford to live. I’d not like that one bit. I’d much rather work till I’m 65 and be able to retire and live out the rest of my days in peace spending time with family and friends. Wouldn’t the 9-5 life become extremely mundane? I mean for the most part a lot of people in the world are eagerly anticipating the retirement age, so if you never got to reach that would you really be enjoying your life?
What if it was only you who got to live forever? I think this one single point has the power to change the whole debate. It’s totally different if everyone got to live forever. Then you’d all be in the same boat and it’s all you know. But if it was just you living forever alone I think that would be so hard. You’d have to watch so many people come and go. Generations of friends, family, and loved ones pass away. Over and over. How many heartbreaks could you go through before you start emotionally detaching from everyone? Would relationships even feel the same if you knew they had an expiration date while you didn’t? I think this one point is my deciding factor. You’d get to watch so many nieces, nephews, grandsons and granddaughters be born and just know that one day you’ll have to go through the heartbreak of losing them. I’d rather not have to deal with it and be content with knowing that we’re all on the same cycle of life and I won’t be the only one left alone time and time again.
So, if you had the choice to live forever would you do it? It’s tempting, especially when you think about all the unfinished business you have in life. And of course if you have a big fear about what comes after life, I guess it would be nice to avoid that fear entirely right? But would it really be worth it if we had to watch everyone we love disappear, or if we ended up feeling like a relic of a past world? I think that’s what’s special about life, that it is limited. That makes us want to live everyday to the fullest and get out there and make those special memories. You don’t want life just to pass you by So, what do you think? Immortality, yes or no? And more importantly, how would you spend your extra centuries if you said yes?