Cuban Aroma

Hey, sit back and relax, my friend. Let me take you on a journey through the swirling haze of smoke, the rich aroma of Cuban cigars, and the comforting embrace of pipe tobacco. It’s a tale of how I fell in love with the art of smoking, thanks to the influences of my dear friend Gregory and the timeless wisdom of my grandpa.

It all began in Greg’s cigar shop, a cozy haven filled with the scent of aged tobacco and the chatter of fellow aficionados. Gregory, with his warm smile and endless knowledge of cigars, became my guide into this captivating world. He introduced me to the wonders of Cuban cigars, with their smooth draw and complex flavors that danced on my palate like a symphony of taste.

I still remember my first Cuban cigar, a Montecristo No. 2, carefully selected by Greg himself. As I lit it up and took that first puff, I was transported to a realm of pure bliss, where time seemed to stand still and all that mattered was the exquisite pleasure of smoke swirling around me. From that moment on, I was hooked.



Now I smoke Lusitanias and my favourite cigars might as well be the Fundadores. I would say I am becoming somewhat of an aficionado myself. Don’t get me wrong I still love my Quinteros on late night walks or Vegueros while golfing. But I came a long way for sure since I met Gregory.

At 2000 Cigars, Greg’s store, the atmosphere is always warm. Welcoming as always Tatiana, his wife, greets me as soon as I enter the store every Saturday with a hot cup of cuban coffee spiked with just the right amount of rum. As Gregory carefully selects a stick for me to challenge my palate, I grab one of his chairs and head out to find a “quite” spot for me to puff away, somewhere around his store in Vancouver’s busy business district.

After he picks something for us, he joins me for a smoke and…….let the stories begin!

Because that is what cigar smoking is all about. Since the creation of men, we figured out how to pluck these leaves, roll them, spark them up and puff on them. It’s an instinct. Something that God left in the back of our minds! Medicine! I would say. Just like when you have a bad tummy ache, and your brain is telling you to eat an apple. Same thing when you are in the middle of building a house in July, for example, and a storm hits, that floods the whole place up! And now your work is set back 4 weeks…that thing you are feeling all over your body…is your brain sending signals and asking for nicotine!

And there is no better way of getting that dose of nicotine than smoking, beautiful, rich, Tobacco. But not just in any way. But the best way of doing it. See, we have been around smoke forever, from generation to generation either it being a fire at home, to keep you warm, cooking, or getting rid of insects, we as humans, always need fire or smoke, they are important tools to us. And with all this, “healthy stuff” going on around in recent years, now we forget where we come from. Some of us, we need smoke to survive. To Distress. To be happy! Not only that, but let me tell you what cigar smoking is really about. It’s about stories. Sharing stories. Its about taking 2 hours out of your day, to be able to enjoy that cigar, and get some notes out of it, and write them down in your little notepad . 2 hours in which you should savour every slow puff, because you are burning around 60 to 80 bucks, which probably fed tens of families in the process of being manufactured, and then sold, and then eventually smoked by me. So when you smoke a cigar, take a moment and remember, that you are part of something much greater than just you puffing on a stick.

It is truly one of the best things ever.  In many of my best memories with some of the best people I ever met,  I can recall every single stick they were burning. A good cigar, at the right time, with the right people is magical.

“The word ‘ranting’ is kind of overused now. Literally, if you just talk about a subject for 30 seconds or more, even if you never raised your voice, if I just talk about it, it’s called a rant.”

Bill Burr

I met Bill Burr once because we were both looking for the same cigar, the same day, at the same shop. And after we started talking about other things we have in common, he invited me to get lunch. Then we continued our search for the cigar we couldn’t find, and at this point he invites me to his show that night at Rogers Arena, where I end up front row during the show and behind the stage right after, talking music with Bill and Nickelback, yes the whole band. We will talk more about that night another day, but my point is, cigars are MAGIC!

But Gregory wasn’t the only one who played a role in my journey into the world of tobacco. My grandpa, a wise old soul with a penchant for pipe smoking, also left an indelible mark on my smoking experience. Every day, like clockwork, he would pack his pipe with his favourite blend of tobacco and puff away, lost in thought or lost in the stories he shared with me.

There was something magical about watching grandpa smoke his pipe, the way he carefully tamped down the tobacco and lit it with a flick of his lighter. It was a ritual steeped in tradition and history, passed down through generations, and I couldn’t help but be captivated by it.

As I grew older, I found myself drawn to both cigars and pipe tobacco, each offering its own unique pleasures and nuances. With Greg’s guidance, I explored the world of Cuban cigars, discovering the wide variety of brands and blends that captivated my senses with every smoke-filled room.

At the same time, I delved deeper into the world of pipe tobacco, experimenting with different blends and learning the subtle art of packing and smoking a pipe just like grandpa taught me. There was a certain elegance to pipe smoking, a timeless charm that spoke to my soul and reminded me of simpler times.

Through it all, Greg was there, offering his expertise and friendship every step of the way. His cigar shop became my sanctuary, a place where I could escape the stresses of everyday life and immerse myself in the pleasures of smoking. And whenever I needed advice or guidance, Greg was always there with a smile and a cigar in hand.

But perhaps the greatest influence on my love for smoking cigars and pipe tobacco was my grandpa. His wisdom and passion for tobacco taught me to appreciate the finer things in life, to savour each moment and to cherish the memories we shared together.

Remember, smoking can be more than it seems at first glance, it is not just lighting up and getting sick, but a whole ritual, that might make your life considerably better.

So here’s to Gregory, to Grandpa, to all of my Brethren and to the countless moments of joy and camaraderie we’ve shared over a good smoke. May our pipes always be packed, our cigars always be lit, and our conversations always be filled with laughter and warmth. Cheers, my friend, to the journey of smoke and the memories it brings!


Discovering Romania: A Journey Through Its Natural Beauty and Rich Culture

“I think that ‘Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance’ was mentally taxing, if only because I had to go to a Christmas party shortly after I had wrapped photography in Romania at two in the morning as the Ghost Rider. The invitation had a Christmas ornament on it with Ghost Rider’s face on it as a tree.”

Nicolas Cage


Hey there! Let’s talk about Romania, this amazing country in Eastern Europe that’s just waiting to be explored. Romania has so much to offer, from its breathtaking landscapes to its rich history and vibrant culture. Ready for a journey through this beautiful land? Let’s dive in!

The Magnificent Carpathian Mountains

Picture this: rugged peaks, lush valleys, and endless adventures. That’s what you’ll find in the Carpathian Mountains, one of Romania’s most stunning features. In the summer, the mountains are alive with vibrant colors, perfect for hiking and exploring. You’ll discover hidden waterfalls, crystal-clear lakes, and some of the most awe-inspiring views you’ve ever seen.

And when winter arrives, the Carpathians transform into a snowy paradise. Skiers and snowboarders flock here to hit the slopes and enjoy the winter wonderland. With ski resorts for all levels, it’s the ultimate playground for snow lovers!

Discovering Transylvania’s History

Now, let’s head into Transylvania, the historic region nestled within the Carpathians. It’s famous for its medieval castles, like Bran Castle, which some people associate with Dracula. But Transylvania is more than just castles. Imagine wandering through charming towns like Sighișoara, with its cobblestone streets and colorful houses straight out of a storybook.

And don’t miss the villages of Maramureș, where time seems to stand still. You’ll see wooden churches, attend local festivals, and maybe even learn a traditional craft or two!

The Danube Delta: Nature’s Masterpiece

“My idea of heaven is a place where the Tyne meets the Delta, where folk music meets the blues.”

Mark Knopfler

From mountains to wetlands, Romania has it all. The Danube Delta is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it’s easy to see why. Picture winding waterways, lush marshlands, and wildlife everywhere you look. Taking a boat ride through the delta is an experience you won’t forget, especially if you’re a birdwatcher. There are over 300 species of birds here, making it a birdwatcher’s paradise!

Exploring Romanian Cities

Okay, let’s switch gears and talk about Romania’s cities. Bucharest, the capital, is a bustling metropolis with a mix of old and new. You can visit the massive Palace of the Parliament, stroll through beautiful parks, and soak up the city’s energy.

But Bucharest is just the beginning. Cities like Cluj-Napoca and Timișoara have their own charm, with lively atmospheres and beautiful architecture.

Indulging in Romanian Cuisine and Culture

You know what’s really cool about Romanian culture? It’s those awesome folk traditions that have been around forever. They’ve stuck around because Romania has these tight-knit rural communities that have kept these traditions alive and kicking.

And get this: some of these traditions go way back, even before the Romans showed up! I’m talking about stuff like wood carving, ceramics, weaving, and embroidery. They’ve got these vibrant, colorful costumes, decorations for their homes, and dances that have been passed down through generations.

But the best part? The music. Romanian folk music is like nothing else. It’s so diverse and rich, with all these different styles and rhythms. It’s like a whole world of music in one country!

Now, let’s talk about food because Romanian cuisine is amazing!

Romanian cuisine is like a melting pot of flavors from different cultures, but it still has its own unique twist. It’s been influenced by Turkish, Balkan, Hungarian, and Central European cuisines, creating this delicious blend that’s all its own.

What’s really cool is how Romanian dishes change with the seasons and holidays. Since Romania has strong ties to the Eastern Orthodox Church, you’ll find all sorts of special dishes for different times of the year.

Think of a big pot of soup called ciorbă, which comes in all kinds of varieties. There’s meat and veggie soup, tripe soup (ciorbă de burtă), fish soup, all with this tangy, sour flavor that’s just delicious. They use things like lemon juice, sauerkraut juice, vinegar, or this traditional ingredient called borș to give it that sour kick.

And let’s not forget about țuică, which is like the national drink of Romania. It’s this super strong plum brandy that packs a punch!


Where do I come from?

The historic province of Dobruja. More exactly the ancient city of Tomis ( now Constanta).

So, you know how names can have interesting origins? Well, Dobruja, that region we’ve been talking about, might have a pretty cool backstory. Most scholars think it comes from the Turkish version of the name of a 14th-century Bulgarian ruler, despot Dobrotitsa. See, back then, the Turks often named places after early rulers. Like, nearby Moldavia was called Bogdan Iflak after Bogdan I. There are other ideas about where the name comes from, but this one seems to be the most popular.

As for the city I come from, things get even cooler.

So, here’s a fascinating story about the origins of the city of Constanța. According to Jordanes, who wrote about it after Cassiodorus, the city was supposedly founded by Queen Tomyris of the Massagetae. She was a pretty powerful queen, known for defeating Cyrus the Great. After her victory, she decided to build a city on the Moesian shore of the Black Sea, which she named Tomis after herself.

Later on, in 29 BC, the Romans took over the region from the Odrysian kingdom and called it Limes Scythicus, extending as far as the Danube.

Then, in AD 8, the famous Roman poet Ovid got sent there by Emperor Augustus. He wasn’t too happy about it and wrote about his miserable exile in poems like Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto. He described Tomis as this remote, war-torn place at the edge of the empire.

Interestingly, a bunch of inscriptions found in and around Constanța prove that it’s built on the site of ancient Tomis. Some of these findings are even displayed in the British Museum in London. Cool, huh?

Here is a short story I made showcasing the lessons learned while growing up on my grandparents farm in Romania. This ancient tradition called ” The 7  Years from Home ” is something my family still abides by.



Romania is like a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. With its stunning landscapes, fascinating history, and welcoming people, it’s a place that will stay with you long after you’ve left. From the majestic Carpathian Mountains to the charming villages of Transylvania, there’s so much to explore.

Imagine hiking through lush forests, breathing in the fresh mountain air, and soaking in breathtaking views of rolling hills and valleys. Or wandering through medieval towns, where cobblestone streets lead to ancient castles and fortified churches. And let’s not forget about the Danube Delta, a haven for nature lovers with its winding waterways and diverse wildlife.

But Romania isn’t just about its natural beauty. Its rich history is woven into every corner, from the ancient ruins of Sarmizegetusa Regia to the grand architecture of Bucharest. And the people here are some of the warmest you’ll ever meet, eager to share their traditions and stories with visitors.


Since I was a little boy Time fascinated me. How slow or fast it can go and how everything is measured in it.

“Look at your watch. Don’t look at what time it is”

Jean-Claude Biver: Former CEO, LVMH Group

To me a watch was the ultimate expression of someone saying time is valuable to them without saying it.  Slowly falling in love with these timekeeping machines I realized they are more than just time tellers. Watches tell whole stories. Amazing stories, with heroes and antagonists and a damsel in distress. I realized there is nothing cooler in this world than wrapping your wrist in a story.

Today I want to talk about one of my Holy Grails. A watch brand that I would love to own one day. Any model from any year would be a delight to put on. Any reference in any colour. Today we discuss the one and only Vacheron Constantin.

It’s this Swiss luxury watch and clock maker that’s been around since 1755! It’s one of the oldest in the world, with an amazing history of watchmaking. Since 1996, it’s been part of the Richemont Group. They’re pretty big, employing about 1,200 people globally. Most of them work in their manufacturing plants in Geneva and Vallée de Joux, Switzerland.

Vacheron Constantin is super respected in the watch world. I mean, one of their pocket watches, owned by King Fuad I of Egypt, sold for a whopping $2.77 million at auction in 2005! That’s crazy, right? And get this, in 2015, they introduced the Reference 57260 pocket watch, which is officially the most complicated mechanical watch ever made, with a mind-blowing 57 horological complications. It’s insane what they can do with watches!

So, back in 1755, Jean-Marc Vacheron started this whole thing in Geneva, Switzerland. Cool, right? He was buddies with some big names in the Enlightenment era, like Rousseau and Voltaire, because they were all into philosophy, science, and watchmaking.

Fast forward to 1770, and Vacheron’s company made history by creating the world’s first horological complication. That’s a big deal in the watch world! Then, about nine years later, they came up with the first engine-turned dials. Jean-Marc’s son, Abraham, took over the family business in 1785.

But it doesn’t stop there. In 1810, Jacques-Barthélemy Vacheron, the grandson of the founder, stepped up as the head honcho. He was the one who started exporting the watches to France and Italy. Pretty savvy move, right?

But running a business solo was a bit too much for Jacques-Barthélemy, so he needed a partner to handle overseas sales. That’s where François Constantin comes in. In 1819, he joined forces with Vacheron, and the company became Vacheron & Constantin.

Their motto, “Do better if possible and that is always possible,” came from a letter Constantin wrote to Jacques-Barthélémy in 1819. It’s a motto they still follow today, which is pretty awesome.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. François Constantin was a globetrotter, marketing Vacheron & Constantin watches all around the world. Their main market? North America.

In 1833, they hired Georges-Auguste Leschot, a genius inventor who revolutionized their manufacturing. He standardized watch movements into Calibers, which was a huge deal. His inventions were so impressive that he even got a gold medal from the Arts Society of Geneva in 1844! They loved his pantographic device, which could mechanically engrave tiny watch parts and dials. Talk about innovation, right?

So, after François Constantin passed away in 1854 and Jacques-Barthélemy Vacheron in 1863, the company went through a series of heirs. It’s interesting – there was even a time when the company was led by two women!

In 1862, Vacheron Constantin joined the Association for Research into non-magnetic materials, which was a big deal for their innovation. Then, in 1877, the company officially became Vacheron & Constantin, Fabricants, Geneve. And get this, in 1880, they started using the Maltese cross as their symbol – a symbol they still use today. It came from a barrel component shaped like a cross, used to control the tension in the mainspring.

By 1887, Vacheron & Constantin was reorganized into a joint-stock company. That same year, a Vacheron Constantin Lady’s watch was inside Fabergé’s Third Imperial Egg. That’s pretty fancy! And to top it off, they were awarded a gold medal at the Swiss National Exhibition in Geneva for their achievements.

Then, in 1906, they opened their first boutique in Geneva. It was a big step for them!

But things got tough during the Great Depression. In 1936, Charles Constantin took over as the head of the company, the first Constantin family member to do so since the 1850s. But in 1940, Georges Ketterer bought the majority of Vacheron & Constantin’s stock from Charles Constantin. Tough times for the company.

George Ketterer passed away in 1969, and his son, Jacques Ketterer, took over as the head of Vacheron & Constantin. Then, in 1970, the company officially changed its name to Vacheron Constantin.

But things got rocky during the 1970s and 1980s due to the quartz crisis. It hit a lot of traditional watchmakers hard. When Jacques Ketterer died in 1987, Vacheron Constantin went through some changes. Sheik Ahmed Zaki Yamani, who was Saudi Arabia’s former Oil Minister and a big watch enthusiast, became the majority shareholder. He kind of made it part of his personal collection of holdings.

But in 1996, the Swiss Richemont Group swooped in and bought the entire share capital of Vacheron Constantin. That was a big move.

Fast forward to 2004, and Vacheron Constantin opened up their new headquarters and manufacturing spot in Plan-les-Ouates, Geneva. The building was designed by Bernard Tschumi, and it’s pretty noteworthy for its architecture.

Then in October 2005, the Richemont Group named Juan Carlos Torres as the CEO of the company. Right now, Vacheron Constantin is an active member of the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry FH, and they churn out about 20,000 timepieces every year. They’re definitely keeping busy!

And now let’s dive into one of my favourite models of all time, the Overseas.

The Overseas for me is one of the prettiest, most durable and comfortable watches ever made. The sheer simplicity and the amazing craftsman detail on these pieces make me come to tears every time I try one on. I am not there yet where I can afford one. Instead the closest I got for an integrated bracelet luxury sports watch with a simple blue dial was the Tudor Royal. This tho… this is different. The difference in price is also reflecting the quality of the movement and finishing. With the Overseas well over 23.000 USD and the Royal just slightly over 3.000 USD.


It is a big step in price and status as well as in the quality of the movement and the finishing. But in my eyes. Dan the watch lover not collector. I now know it is not that big of a step between them. The only big difference in due time is the much lower servicing bills my grandkids will receive for the Tudor compared to the Overseas.

I no longer want my all time favourite Vacheron. I found something cheaper and better for me, in the crazy world of watches of today.

And I am still keeping it in the Rolex family.

Is the Holy Trinity of watches about to change hands?

I am not sure what is going on but more and more entry level luxury brands are aiming higher and higher and with exclusivity from the big brands nowadays reaching a new high. It feels like the smaller brands who come up with amazing models are about to take over.

Will this be the biggest change in the watch world since the Quartz Crisis?


East European Comic Con


Hey, guess what? Romexpo in Bucharest is exploding with imagination this weekend because of Comic Con! It’s the ultimate hangout for movie buffs, TV series fans, comic book enthusiasts, and gamers. I mean, it’s practically a tradition for sci-fi lovers! And you know what’s super fun? The cosplay competition! People go all out, dressing up as their favorite characters. Bonus: special guests, like Harry Potter’s dad, are there.

Over in Bucharest, it’s East Europe’s biggest Comic Con, drawing over 50,000 fans. Actors from Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, and The Witcher are giving autographs…for a fee, of course. But it’s worth it for a selfie with Myanna Buring from The Witcher or Jack Gleeson, aka Joffrey Baratheon from Game of Thrones.

And there’s more! Visitors can check out one of the largest Lego constructions ever – a scene from Star Wars! Gamers can try out the newest video games and meet some big names in the gaming world.

Last year’s Comic Con drew over 50,000 movie and comic book enthusiasts. This year’s edition is a two-day event at Romexpo from 10 in the morning until 7 in the evening.


“We live in a bubble sometimes, and you can get out of touch with your fans. You go to the studio, you come home. But coming to Comic-Con is a real opportunity to connect with the people that made your show happen and are responsible for its continued success. It’s really humbling.”

Kunal Nayyar


Did you know Comic-Con has been around since 1970? It’s grown into the largest convention of its kind in the world! Forbes even says so. The convention has a massive impact on the city, bringing in over $140 million every year.

Comic-Con is organized by a team of volunteers and workers who are just passionate about this stuff. They even use the money from the event to fund other cool projects like Storytelling Across Media and WonderCon.

And man, the stuff you can do there! Besides the panels and workshops with pros, you can catch previews of new movies, check out the coolest comics, and even get your hands on some exclusive collectibles. Plus, there are tons of events like the Masquerade costume contest and the Independent Film Festival.

It’s not just about comics and movies though. There’s a whole bunch of anime stuff too. And the TV shows! They outnumber the movies nowadays. Premium channels like HBO and Showtime are there, promoting their hottest shows.

So, if you’re a fan of pop culture, Comic-Con is the place to be. With over 1000 panels and thousands of vendors, it’s like a geek paradise. And the best part? You get to hang out with people who love the same stuff you do.

And hey, if you’re in Canada, there’s something for you too! Niagara Falls Comic Con 2024 is happening soon, with tons of exhibitors, comic books, movie cars, cosplay contests, celebrity autographs, and more. It’s going to be epic!

Now, let’s dive into more details. What’s Going On at Comic Con

Cosplay Galore:
The highlight of Comic Con is definitely the cosplay competition! You won’t believe the creativity people bring to their costumes. From superheroes to villains, and everything in between, the costumes are out of this world. And it’s not just about looking the part; participants often embody the characters they portray, making for some unforgettable moments.

Meet Your Heroes:
Ever dreamed of meeting the stars of your favorite shows? Comic Con makes it happen! Actors from Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, and The Witcher are there, giving autographs and taking selfies with fans. It’s a chance to interact with the people who bring your favourite characters to life on screen and express your appreciation for their work.

Lego World:
Imagine one of the largest Lego constructions in the world – a scene from Star Wars! It’s mind-blowing to see, and it’s just one of the many attractions at Comic Con. From intricate models of iconic spacecraft to detailed dioramas of famous movie scenes, the Lego exhibit is a must-see for fans of all ages. And if you’re feeling inspired, you can even try your hand at building something yourself in the interactive Lego play area.

Gaming Paradise:
For all the gamers out there, Comic Con is like heaven. You can try out the newest video games and even meet some of the biggest names in the gaming industry. From indie developers showcasing their latest creations to major studios offering sneak peeks at highly anticipated titles, there’s something for every type of gamer. Plus, you can compete in tournaments, join gaming communities, and even meet your favorite online influencers in person.

Artists’ Alley:
One of the coolest parts of Comic Con is Artists’ Alley, where you can meet and interact with some of the most talented artists and writers in the industry. From comic book legends to up-and-coming creators, you can chat with them about their work, get personalized sketches, and even purchase original artwork to take home. It’s a unique opportunity to connect with the creative minds behind your favorite comics and discover new talent.

A Bit of History:

Comic-Con has been around since 1970 when a group of passionate fans organized the first convention. Since then, it’s grown into the largest convention of its kind in the world. The impact it has on the city of San Diego is huge, bringing in millions of dollars every year. What started as a small gathering of comic book enthusiasts has evolved into a global phenomenon that celebrates all aspects of pop culture.

Behind the Scenes:

Did you know that Comic-Con is organized by a team of volunteers and workers who are just as passionate about pop culture as the attendees? They work tirelessly to make sure everything runs smoothly, from setting up panels to arranging special events. It’s a labor of love that brings together people from all walks of life who share a common love for comics, movies, TV shows, and more.

What to Expect:

From panels and workshops with industry pros to previews of upcoming movies and TV shows, Comic-Con is packed with excitement. You can also browse through thousands of vendors selling everything from comics to collectibles. And don’t forget about the cosplay contest – it’s a sight to behold! Plus, there are plenty of opportunities to meet fellow fans, exchange ideas, and make new friends who share your interests.

TV Shows Take Over:

In recent years, TV shows have become a major focus of Comic-Con. With dozens of shows represented, it’s a chance for fans to get up close and personal with their favorite actors and creators. From exclusive sneak peeks at new episodes to behind-the-scenes insights into their favourite series, TV fans won’t be disappointed.

Canada Represented:

If you’re in Canada, you’re in luck! Niagara Falls Comic Con 2024 is just around the corner. It’s a three-day event featuring exhibitors, comic books, movie cars, cosplay contests, celebrity autographs, and more. It’s going to be epic! Located in the heart of Niagara Falls, the convention offers stunning views of the iconic falls and plenty of entertainment for fans of all ages. Whether you’re a hardcore comic book collector or just looking for a fun day out with the family, Niagara Falls Comic Con has something for everyone.

So, what are you waiting for? Get ready to geek out at Comic Con! Whether you’re into comics, movies, TV shows, or gaming, there’s something for everyone. See you there!