The Flying Dutchman is soaring to Queen Elizabeth Theatre this weekend!

Get ready to set sail this weekend, because the Vancouver Opera will be showcasing Richard Wagner’s “The Flying Dutchman”. This masterpiece of a performance begins on April 29th at Queen Elizabeth Theatre and goes until May 7th.

If you aren’t familiar with “The Flying Dutchman” you should get to know some of what this incredibly thrilling story has to offer. The Flying Dutchman was a long-time captain of the sea who was struggling in a rough patch of the ocean during a crazy storm. The moral of the story is that you shouldn’t give up on something you want to achieve.

Without giving away what happens, The Flying Dutchman swears on everything that he will succeed in his quest, but his promise turns into a reality, and he remains on his battle with the sea for a long time.

You might have heard the saying “The ghost of the Flying Dutchman”, well this is the story where that saying originates. The show is generally well-received because of its unique balance between aspects of love, sacrifice and triumph.

(Canadian Opera Company)

My question after hearing that this show is coming to the famous Queen Elizabeth Theatre: what makes people want to attend a production such as the Vancouver Opera? You really do not know how the adaptation will play out in your mind, but I’d imagine most people would want to attend for the musical and production elements.

As someone who has some musical experience (playing a few instruments and taking band class in high school), I’ve learned to appreciate the power of storytelling through performance such as opera. You also must think about the cast which is carefully chosen. Having a major role in a production such as The Flying Dutchman can be quite a big deal, so it’s understandable why the people are well-received talents.

Going back to more info about the show at Queen Elizabeth Theatre, the opening show will take place on April 29th at 7:30 pm. Tickets aren’t as cheap as I would have thought they’d be for a show that is re-performed several times, ranging from $50-$200. However, after thinking about the elements that I mentioned that go into a performance (music, cast, production elements, etc.) the price seems justifiable for the tremendously coordinated show.

(Pexels / Andrew Neel)

So if you’re looking for a live show to check out, The Flying Dutchman is a perfect opportunity to take a dive into the world of musical production and performance.

If you want the latest news and info on the show, check out all the details at

Canada prepares for the IIHF World Championship 2023 – here’s who to keep an eye out for

With the NHL playoffs in full motion early in the 1st round, it’s almost time to start thinking about the Men’s IIHF World Championship hosted this year by Finland and Latvia. As usual, Canada will be a favourite to take home the trophy again, and its always intriguing to see which players will be a part of the team.

(Pexels / Tony Schnagl)

This event has not garnered as much attention in previous years because it happens during the heart of the NHL playoffs. But what’s unique about this tournament is that you can have players from NHL teams who get eliminated in the 1st or 2nd round join the team mid-way through the tournament.

One good example of a star player who has done this in the past is Sidney Crosby. But don’t get me wrong, this tournament remains very competitive despite the uncertainty of the players that will be representing the teams. The IIHF hopes to inspire the next generation of hockey players, so the more big name players that play in their tournaments, the better.

(Twitter / IIHF Hockey)

This year’s event was supposed to held in St. Petersburg, Russia, but Russia and Belarus remain banned from hosting and playing in any IIHF tournaments due to the ongoing Russia – Ukraine war. Finland’s Nokia Arena and Latvia’s Arena Riga will be the stadiums of choice, and as someone who enjoys seeing what different stadiums bring to the game, its always unique to see hockey played outside of North America.

Every year there are two teams that get promoted to the tournament (it’s like earning a job promotion, except earned through achievement) and this year we will see Hungary and Slovenia join the usual top countries.

I think its always important to highlight some of the players playing for Canada for the first time in this tournament. This year there will be eyes on a top prospect from Toronto, Ontario – Adam Fantilli.

The 18-year-old, who is years ahead in terms of hockey maturity than most, will get to show the world a preview of what he will bring to the NHL next season. Most people have heard of top prospect Connor Bedard, but Adam Fantilli is most likely going to be the next name called at the 2023 NHL entry draft.

Ranked number two by most scouts, Fantilli brings a well-rounded game. If I had to compare him to someone currently in the NHL, I’d say he plays similarly to Alex Barkov or Anze Kopitar but with more skill and speed.

Keep an eye out for Fantilli in this year’s tournament, he should be among the players that will help Canada hopefully secure the championship.

Remember to cheer on Canada this May – Go Canada Go!

Semi-pro soccer team TSS Rovers pull off an upset win nobody saw coming!

Everyone loves a good upset story in sports. Burnaby’s semi-pro soccer team TSS Rovers just did that. The Rovers became the first semi-professional team to beat a professional Canadian Premier League or MLS club in the Canadian Championship tournament.

What makes their victory so important is not just having the team in the spotlight, but it gives the players a chance to work towards finding jobs on pro soccer clubs.

The TSS Rovers defeated Valour FC on April 19th by a score of 3 to 1. It was a magical night at Swangard Stadium in Burnaby as the Rovers secured their spot in the next round of the Canadian Championship. Matteo Polisi was the player who helped carry the Rovers to victory as he scored twice against Winnipeg’s Valour FC.

It’s important to reiterate this, but this was the very first time a semi-pro team has defeated a pro team in this competition, which is quite an accomplishment. The Rovers are made up of players who are either looking to work their way up to the pro leagues or just players who have regular jobs and are playing for the fun of it.

(City of Burnaby – Swangard Stadium)

The scene at Swangard Stadium was an incredible experience for the Rovers players as they played in front of one of the largest crowds at this stadium since the days the Whitecaps used to play there. The game itself was entertaining as well, as the Rovers battled throughout and highlighted the skills which led them to a fair and deserving win.

Next up for the Rovers? The winners of the Pacific-Cavalry match. The team is happy they’ve gotten this far, but they’re excited to be seen as giant underdogs again in the next round. You can’t help but feel good for this team, because it’s not every day a semi-pro team gets to hop into the spotlight and make the news around the country.

If you had to describe the Rovers’ experience in a few words, I’d say you could call it “an opportunity that they believed in and achieved by showing they belonged”. Every time you hear a story like this one it brings a sense of national pride that gets tied to the overall sports experience.

The Rovers unexpected victory is a reminder to everyone that the unthinkable CAN happen, you just have to believe and give whatever it is you’re doing your best effort!


Get ready to conquer “The Monster”: coming soon to Victoria!

An inflatable obstacle course for adults is coming to Victoria in June. You heard that right, “The Monster” is the world’s largest inflatable obstacle course measuring in at over 300 metres long and promises to be a memorable experience.

(Facebook / The Monster YYJ)

This monster is not scary at all. This monster is all about fun. June 8th – June 11th is your chance to experience this beast at Royal Athletic Park in Victoria. This event started in 2017 in the UK and was completely sold out wherever it went, leading to its expansion to other parts of the globe. Victoria will be the first city in Canada to get this fun and unique experience, so it will surely be a popular site to behold.

The obstacle course is known as the “ultimate party playground” because of its over 40 obstacles. What are some of the names of these obstacles? There’s the “tunnel of love”, the “bouncy cage of doom” and the “mega slide”, each offering a thrilling experience. After you’re done this insanely operated obstacle course, you’ll probably be tired – but you’re in luck, as there will be food trucks, alcoholic drinks and live DJs keeping the atmosphere rolling.

I really don’t see how anyone could not enjoy an event like this, it really has something to offer for everyone looking to have a good time. Tickets are sold per 30-minute sessions and are a little pricy at $30-35 depending on your age, but a spectacle like this won’t come around often.

So, what would you do if you were at this obstacle course? I know I would be all over the place, feeling like a kid again but in an atmosphere surrounded by others around my age. You really can let out your youthful energy and have a blast. When I imagine this event, I think back to watching shows like Wipeout when I was growing up and thinking to myself about how cool it would be to try something like that. Check out this highlight video of what “The Monster” has to offer!

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: seeing an event like this coming to BC makes me appreciate the unique experiences that it has to offer over the summer. “The Monster” seems like it is a must-experience event so I will see if I’m around I’ll make sure to check out this event!

Get ready to defeat the monster in Victoria this June!


Richmond Night Market’s “Summer Wonderland 2023” starts this weekend

If you’ve never heard of the “Richmond Night Market” before, today is the day. The mega-popular event title for 2023 is “Summer Wonderland – A Little Slice of Magic” and the market is back once again this year starting April 28th.

There’s something magical or, some would say “nostalgic”, about the feeling you get when you walk into a night market. The darkness of night with the bright coloured signs, the sounds of people walking around, and of course, the smell of appetizing street food.

The Richmond Night Market offers all these feelings (and senses) at one of North America’s largest outdoor night festivals. It’s truly an event for everyone, I mean who doesn’t like a night out with friends, good food, live entertainment and an atmosphere like no other.

If you’ve never been to this event before here’s just some of what you’ll see throughout your night. First of all, there’s a giant 60-foot bouncy castle, how cool is that? (unfortunately, it’s for kids only). Look around and you will see market vendors selling anything and everything, from games, clothes, gadgets and whatever else you might imagine being sold at a night market.

(Richmond Night Market)

But what everyone talks about the most at the Richmond Night Market, and understandably so, is the food. The reputation gained from this event is one that ensures food and desserts from every part of the world, with a focus on the international side of food.

Some of the featured new foods for 2023 include food trucks from Indonesia, Turkey and Mexico. In total though, you can expect to see 100+ (yes, over 100!) food trucks that offer over 500 different menu options from drinks, food and desserts.

(Pexels / Pragyan Bezbaruah)

There’s plenty of opportunities to get to the Richmond Night Market throughout the summer. It will be open every weekend until October 9th. If you’re wondering how many people visit this place each year, the answer would be around 1 million!

Admission used to be free (many years ago) but is now $8 for general admission. The hours are Fridays-Sundays starting at 6 or 7 pm and stays open until 11 pm or 12 am depending on the week. There’s much more that this night market has to offer, so if you want to learn about its history and see everything it has to offer, visit their website at

As someone who has been to the Richmond Night Market many times over the years, I would recommend it. The food prices are quite expensive, but the ambience and overall experience makes it a night to remember.

The swift rise of Blue Jays prospect Ricky Tiedemann – from Vancouver to… Toronto?

Baseball can be such an intriguing sport for anyone – fan or not. Something that is often forgotten in baseball is the multiple stages of minor league baseball that serve as the stepping stones towards the big leagues.

The Toronto Blue Jays number one prospect as of today is a left-handed pitcher by the name of Ricky Tiedemann, and his seemingly rapid climb towards the MLB (which could come as early as next season) started here in Vancouver with the Vancouver Canadians.

If you’ve ever been to a Vancouver Canadians game before, you’ll know that most of the people in attendance are primarily there for the baseball ballpark atmosphere. The baseball can still be entertaining, but usually all the fans care about is if the Canadians win and most importantly: having a good time.

However, if you got a chance to see Ricky Tiedemann pitch for the Vancouver Canadians last season, you were in luck. Tiedemann was always seen as a “promising prospect” but nobody could have predicted how quickly he would be headed towards the MLB.

(Pexels / Shawn Reza)

Ricky is still only 20 years old, and he has shown his pitching dominance over three levels of minor league baseball: from low-A in Dunedin, to high-A with the Vancouver Canadians to double-A with New Hampshire all within one calendar year.

Tiedemann was even invited to last year’s “futures” game at the MLB all-star weekend which just goes to show that big things are coming for this special talent. Going back to his time with the Vancouver Canadians, there seemed to be a different atmosphere in the air when he got a chance to pitch at Nat Bailey stadium.

Even if the casual fan didn’t know who Ricky Tiedemann was, the city of Vancouver began talking about this young pitching phenom. Although Tiedemann is not from Vancouver, the city likes to think that Vancouver is where “his career all started” and people are now tracking his progress towards the MLB as a result.

For now, you will just have to wait and see if Tiedemann can “live up to the hype.” Players and coaches on the Toronto Blue Jays all seem to point out that Tiedemann is a really focused individual, and he is concentrated on his daily routines and progression as a pitcher.

So remember, the next time you’re in town watching a minor league team play, regardless of the sport, just think to yourself “I wonder if any of these players will make it to the pros”, because you never know where a players’ career can go from there!

BC Lions FanFest returns for another year in Kamloops

Most of us know everything that is going on with the Canucks during the NHL playoffs (newsflash, they aren’t playing), but it’s never too early to look ahead at what the BC Lions are doing leading up to their next season.

The popular “FanFest” event hosted by the BC Lions is back again for another year in Kamloops, and it promises to be just as spectacular as it always is.

(BC Lions)

Despite the event’s recent success, I’d still say that it is an underappreciated celebration that showcases the importance of getting the youth involved in football and supporting their BC Lions.

The Lions training camp usually happens in the city of Kamloops, and this is where the “FanFest” will be held at its usual location within Hillside Stadium. This year’s event will happen on May 20th from 2:00 – 5:30 pm and should be a fun-filled event for everyone.

If you had to summarize what the goal of this event is in one sentence, you could say that it is an opportunity for everyone to get together and celebrate the first event that kick-starts another season of football for the BC Lions. Oh ya, and it will be the first time fans will be able to see the BC Lions sweet new jerseys!

So, what happens at this festival? Well, the Lions start off the show with a live scrimmage to give everyone that is attending a sneak peak of what they can expect over the summer. After the game, they do an autograph session for 30 minutes. Who doesn’t like getting autographs? Just getting a chance to meet these pro players is enough of a reason to go to this event.

But that’s not all. If you thought that would be the coolest part of the event then you’d be wrong. The “Play with the Pros” clinic gives kids aged 6-13 the chance to practice their football skills with the BC Lions! I wish I was still a kid because that sounds like such a fun and unique opportunity that you won’t get to do every day.

(Pexels / Caleb Oquendo)

If you aren’t bringing any kids you can still be a part of the live entertainment which takes place around the stadium. There will be food trucks, beverages (alcoholic ones too) and a bunch of fun activities that get you in the spirit for the upcoming football season.

If you want to see the highlights of last year’s FanFest, check out the 2022 event recap at:

The excitement for the upcoming BC Lions season is higher than its been in a long time, and for good reason, as the team looks to build on a fairly successful 2022 season in their quest for their next Grey Cup!


Block Party Burnaby is coming this Weekend: at BCIT!

Craving some delicious street food this weekend? If you said yes like I did, get ready for the Block Party Burnaby!

(Greater Vancouver Food Truck Festival)

If you’ve ever been to a carnival or a festival before, you know just how scrumptious food truck food can taste (despite its often high prices). The “Greater Vancouver Food Truck Festival” makes several stops around the lower mainland throughout the spring and summer. Their next stop? A new location in Burnaby located at one of BCIT’s parking lots.

The event runs April 22nd from 11 am to 8 pm and April 23rd from 11 am to 7 pm. What makes this food truck festival unlike your typical street food gathering is the local talented musicians, several local artisan market vendors and over 20(!) unique and delicious food trucks.

Some people like getting surprised by which food trucks will be there, but if you want to see the lineup you can by visiting their website at:


What’s great about having a lineup available for those who plan on going or are browsing to see if they have something they might like is that you can see the wonderful variety on display right in front of you on the screen.

Not only does the website have a list of the food trucks that will be at this rocking food party, but they also include the food truck menus! One of the toughest things about going to any food festival is deciding what you want to pick out of all the tasty and diverse options. There’s only so much you can eat in one sitting!

Unfortunately, you can’t see how much these food items will set you back (hmm I wonder why?), but it’s great to be able to scroll through the menus filled with exciting options. A personal favourite of mine which I recognized immediately is “REEL Mac and Cheese.” Something about their creative names for their Mac and Cheese creations just brings the food and its flavours to life. Check out their menu from their website:


So, if you’re looking for something good to eat over this weekend, check out the Burnaby Block Party at BCIT! Admission is free, but tickets are required so you will need to grab yours on the “Greater Vancouver Food Truck Festival” website.

Events like this block party only highlight how great it is to live in the lower mainland during the spring and summer, there’s always so many events going on out there and you never know what you might explore next!



The Abbotsford Canucks begin their playoffs with high hopes

The Vancouver Canucks might not have made the playoffs (again!), but luckily the baby Canucks, formerly known as the Abbotsford Canucks, are in the running for the Calder Cup!

There’s actually a lot of excitement around the Abbotsford Canucks this playoffs, and for good reason. The roster going into the playoffs features a solid mix of AHL veterans, promising rookies, and players with NHL experience who came back for the playoffs.

The Abbotsford Canucks kick off their playoffs this week in a best-of-three series vs. the Bakersfield Condors, the AHL affiliate of the Edmonton Oilers. Rather than go into detail about what this series may offer, I thought it’d be a good idea to highlight a few of the players who hope to lead the Abbotsford Canucks to victory.

The first of two players that you should know about is defenseman Christian Wolanin. The 28-year-old from Quebec had a great season not only in the AHL but also in the NHL! I must say, he was better than half the defense the Vancouver Canucks had used before he made his debut.

Wolanin was rewarded by the AHL this week with the “Eddie Shore Award” for the AHL’s most outstanding defenseman for this season. Let’s hope he can make the big club at the start of next season, because he seems to be trending in the right direction!

The other player on Abbotsford that everyone should know about is Swedish forward Nils Hoglander. Nils is a fan-favourite who was on the Vancouver Canucks last season, but was moved down to the AHL early in the season as he just wasn’t fitting with how the team wanted to play as a unit.

But don’t get me wrong, Hoglander deserves to be in the NHL next season! He’s a two-way forward that plays the game the right way and should fit better with the team once next season begins.

So how will the Abbotsford Canucks do these playoffs? It’s anyone’s guess, but it’s nice to have some playoff hockey nearby. The stadium is a bit of a drive away if you live in Vancouver, but the atmosphere and playoff hockey (and affordable tickets) make it worth the journey.

The Abbotsford Canucks currently have a 1-0 lead in the series and will play once again at the Abbotsford Event Centre for game number two tonight, April 21st. If the Abbotsford Canucks can play like they did in the first game, they can get the victory and move on to round number two!

Go Abbotsford Canucks Go!

A new exhibition is coming to the Richmond Art Gallery starting this weekend

Looking for a new and unique art gallery to explore? The Richmond Art Gallery has a brand new exhibition titled “a small but comfy house and maybe a dog” starting this weekend!

The exhibition opens April 22th and runs until June 11th. If you’ve never been to the Richmond Art Gallery before, it’s located on Minoru Gate, near the Richmond Public Library and the Minoru pavilions. The gallery is generally viewed as an underrated attraction in the city of Richmond, but promises to offer a unique viewing experience for every visit.

So I know what you must be thinking right off the bat: what does “a small but comfy house and maybe a dog” even mean? Well, just like any other wacky or unique piece of artwork you might see online or in-person, the name behind the art usually has more meaning than you’d imagine.

The title of the exhibition actually comes from a text called “Me in the Future”, which is a story by Amy Ching-Yan Lam that she wrote when she was eleven. The story details what she thought her future would be like by the time she was twenty-five. One of the hopeful ideas Amy had was that she would have “a small but comfy house and maybe a dog”. Check out this sneak peek of the exhibition:

The artworks by Amy Ching-Yan Lam explore how her dreams of her future would work within the context of “colonial history”. Various pieces around the exhibition will make the viewers have a glimpse at relationships between certain aspects of our lives such as family, property and power.

One of the coolest attractions are several models created by Amy and artist HaeAhn Woo Kwon. They remade a bunch of toys, materials and objects that might be found in a “fantasy communal home”.

The imagined dog in the title of the exhibition is presented by a true story of a dog named Looty. British troops took Looty, a “Pekingese” dog from China during the Second Opium War and has since had its story retold through an animation and a book.


(Richmond Art Gallery)

There’s much more that this exhibition has to offer, but it can only be expressed through the actual experience at the Richmond Art Gallery.

What might seem like an “unexciting trip to the art gallery” might end up being a memorable experience for you this spring. You never know what something is like until you try it!