Things to do this week at home or socially distanced in Vancouver

Another day, another week in the life for all of us amidst a worldwide pandemic, at this point we must all be scratching our heads at what to do during these times, but I have you covered with some socially distanced or at home things you can do this week.

 We all need things to look forward to during these times of monotonous routines where one day slowly rolls into the next, until you feel like you’re in one of those groundhog day movies like Palm Springs, or… well… Groundhog Day. 

So taking the time to prioritize happiness, whether that be in the small things or having something to look forward to at the end of the week, is how we will all get through this strange time. Here are some ideas on things that are happening this week and how you can make the most of them.

Some of these options include going into public spaces, please do what you are comfortable with and what is safest for yourself, and as always stay socially distanced and masked. Now let’s jump on in!

Plan Out a “Dine Out Vancouver” Date: Dine Out Vancouver is coming back to Vancouver this year with some great deals at some even better restaurants, and the list of participating locations just dropped today!

There is every type of cuisine you can think of with breakfast, lunch and dinner options.

 A record number of restaurants are participating with over 330 locations all over Vancouver and even into the Fraser Valley. 

This event is happening between February 5th to March 7th and is a great way to get some deals on restaurants you have been meaning to try or at some of your old favourite spots. Prices range from 15- 50$  in some places and come with take away menu options.

There are even options to partake in virtual events including beer, wine and coffee tastings, among other virtual experiences. Find those options here

This is a fantastic way to support local business and the tourism industry which have both taken a massive cutback since the pandemic began. 

You may still have to wait another month, to actually participate in this event, but planning your course of action this week is sure to get you excited. Check out the list of participating restaurants on their website here.

Take Advantage of the Gross Weather Coming: We have been blessed with beautiful weather these past couple of weeks, but sometimes when there is nothing to do, nowhere to go and no people to socialize with, the sunny weather can tend to make me feel restless and sadder that there is nothing to do to take advantage of the gorgeous day.

We are supposed to have a couple of grey and rainy days coming up towards the end of the week, but instead dreading it, take advantage of it!

Gross weather really elevates the cozy feelings you get when you actually wanna stay at home (and are not being told to by government orders). Your bed becomes warmer, you want to stay in your pyjamas longer and curl up and enjoy.   

There are other little ways you can take advantage of the weather. Try your hand at baking something decadent like an easy cookie or brownie recipe and fill the house with an amazing aroma. Or use up some vegetables that are starting to wilt in your fridge and make a comforting soup to make your insides feel just as warm as the outsides.  Or crack open one of those books you planned on getting into at the beginning of quarantine and (still) never got around to it. 

It’s the perfect weather for your cozy pyjamas, a fireplace and really being intentional with your time at home.   

Here are some easy baking recipes if you need some inspiration for sweet treats at home!


Binge the Last Four Harry Potter Movies: Calling all witches and muggles, here is another way you can take advantage of cozy week, by watching the Harry Potter movies available on Netflix. 

I mean, I do still find it odd that only the last four installments are available on Netflix and not any others but it’s better than nothing and it won’t be for much longer, as they are coming off of the streaming service on January 31st for good. 

I binged this series at the beginning of fall when the gross weather was coming and maybe it’s just because I like to romanticize British culture but the grey days in these movies made me more prepared for the grey days I had coming.  

Hurry to watch these movies before it is too late and say good bye to Hogwarts

Try More Drinks from the Hot Chocolate Festival: I know that this was included in my entry last week but it’s just such a good way to experience a slice of Vancouver on the cheap and in a safe socially distanced way. Over 30 local locations of chocolatiers, cafes and even some gelato shops are participating in this city wide event, creating unique twists on hot chocolates like a popcorn infused hot chocolate at Glenburn Soda Fountain or an apple crumble hot chocolate from Peaked Pies Bakery.

 This event is happening until February 15, so it’s also a good way to plan for a nice Valentines Day date in a socially distanced way or get you out of the house right now.

Find a virtual map, participating locations and what kinds of hot chocolate they are offering here. 

With the gross (yet typical) Raincouver weather we will be experiencing, it’s nice to grab a decadent hot chocolate to warm up your soul, and help support local businesses as well.

Hopefully these suggestions sparked some ideas on how you can enjoy your week a little bit more. Have a great week!



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