A Brief History of Strapping Young Lad

Strapping Young Lad was a trash/extreme metal band that was formed in 1994 and was around until 2007. Founded by British Columbia native Devin Townsend. Who is quite possibly the most well-known music figure when it comes the not only the metal scene in B.C. but in Canada in general.

Their first album was released in 1995 called “Heavy as a Really Heavy Thing”. Which is… quite intense to say the least. Even more so if you’re not someone who doesn’t regularly listen to trash or extreme metal. And it certainly sounded like a first album. What I mean by that is, you can tell there’s something there, it just needs to be polished out. Which is what they would later do with their next album called “City”

“City” was released in 1997 and is just as heavy, but is definitely more polished in comparison. Townsend even replaced the other three members from the first album with new members. They were; Jed Simon (guitar), Byeon Stroud (bass) and Gene Hoglan (drums).

“City” featured the band’s first hit song called “Detox”. Which features arguably the best performance from the band as a whole. Whether it’s Pete Townsend’s wide-range vocals and his heavy guitar playing, to the furious drums from Gene Hoglan. “City” was also ranked No. 45 on the “69 Greatest Metal Albums of All-Time” list from Revolver magazine back in 2002.

Strapping Young Lad would later go on a brief hiatus in 1999. This was due to Devin Townsend working on his solo work. However, they would later return in 2002 to work on their third album called “Strapping Young Lad” or “SYL”.

“SYL” released in 2003 and was a bit of a change compared to their previous albums. In that, it had a bit more of a death metal sound to it as opposed to the more industrial and extreme sound of “City” and “Heavy as a Really Heavy Thing”. Upon its initial release, it was met with a good reception but was considered to be inferior to “City”. Though the song “Aftermath” which, was the highlight from this album, is a solid entry in Strapping Young Lad’s discography.

Following “SYL” was the release of “Alien” in 2005. “Alien” feels more like a return to form after “SYL”. With having more of an industrial sound that the band had with their first two albums. “Alien” at the time was the album that reached highest in the charts upon its release. Reaching as high as No. 32 on the Billboard Heatseekers chart, as well as No. 35 on the Top Independent Albums chart. “Alien” also features another one of the band’s most popular songs titled “Love?”

The fifth album that was made by Strapping Young Lad was “The New Black” which released back in 2005. It ranked No. 8 on the Top Heatseekers charts, as well as No. 15 on the Top Independent Albums charts. However, this would be the last album made by Strapping Young Lad as they officially broke-up in 2007.

As for Devin Townsend, he’s still making music to this date. Townsend’s most recent studio album was in 2019 called “Empath”. While the other members of Strapping Young Lad have gone on to play for various different bands over the years.


Now would I recommend Strapping Young Lad to someone? Only to people who are into this intense style of music. As it is very overwhelming for people who aren’t accustomed to this type of sound. But for those who have listened to Strapping Young Lad in the past. Do you miss them? If so, leave a comment below.

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