The Housing Crisis in Vancouver: A Deepening Challenge

Vancouver, often recognized as one of the most beautiful cities in the world, finds itself in a housing crisis that has reached a critical level. Skyrocketing housing prices, far too little affordable housing, and increasing numbers of people who cannot find a place to live, have driven the city’s housing market into the ranks of the most expensive and unaffordable in the world. This is not only a local crisis but also a complex challenge with deep economic, social, and political roots. The basis of this article is to take a look at the cause, impacts, and efforts being made to deal with Vancouver’s current housing crisis. 


Vancouver’s housing market has long been long known for its high prices, but in recent years, the problem has skyrocketed. According to the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver, the benchmark price for a detached home in the city first broke the $2 million mark in 2020 and has continued to rise since then. These are prices that the majority of people cannot afford. As a matter of fact, Vancouver has been ranked among the least affordable cities in the world time and time again with regard to housing, with house prices far outpacing the average income. The same has been highly valued in average price for condominiums and apartments, and Vancouver does not exempt the rental market either. According to the CMHC, rental prices have continued to increase, with the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in some areas surpassing $2500 per month. These prices are simply unattainable to most, and hence the number of people living in overcrowded houses or not having a house has been steadily growing. The affordability gap is particularly obvious when compared to the average income in the city where the median income for a Vancouver household is around $80,000, which is significantly lower than the cost of purchasing a home or even renting a livable apartment. This discrepancy has created a widening divide between those who can afford to live in the city and those who cannot, exacerbating issues of inequality and social fragmentation.


The Vancouver housing crisis is the result of a complex combination of many factors, many of which have developed over decades. While the roots of the problem are vast, some key contributors include a booming population, limited housing supply, foreign investment, and speculation, among many others. Vancouver’s housing supply has failed to keep pace with its population growth. Geographically, there is an ocean to the west, mountains to the north, and the American border to the south that have geographically constrained the city. It has very limited land available for development. Such a low availability of land has made new construction difficult, particularly in high demand urban areas. Furthermore, the city’s zoning laws and  regulations have frequently hampered the kinds of housing being constructed. Long permitting processes, aligned with density and height restrictions in many neighbourhoods, have greatly diminished the building of much needed housing stock. Apart from that, it has also led to a high end luxury housing emphasis rather than the inclusion of affordable options within the reach of many working class individuals. The condominiums and other luxury apartments built by developers have been beyond the reach of most people in Vancouver. This restriction of the housing market has pushed average income earners out of the housing market to farther distances from the city or has forced them into renting instead of buying. 


Vancouver’s real estate market has become an international investment destination. Foreign buyers, particularly from China, have been buying into Vancouver both as a hedge and as a status symbol. The outside money has driven the prices up beyond the reach of local buyers. These buyers are not necessarily interested in living in the houses they buy, and quite often the properties remain empty for long periods of time, further depleting the supply of available housing. Besides foreign investment, speculation has also played a big role in Vancouver’s housing crisis. Oftentimes investors buy into properties with the sole aim of flipping them for profit, not to live in. All of this speculative activity has fueled rapid price increases, particularly in the condo market, and have made it increasingly difficult for local buyers to access the market. Additionally speculative buying has also been making the housing market more volatile, with large swings in price based on investor confidence. These challenges, due to their nature and effects, have seen the provincial government take many measures to curb foreign investment; these include the foreign buyers tax that was passed in 2016. Their effectiveness has further been debated as having only contributed to a slight slowing of the rate of price increases rather than addressing the root cause of the problem. During these years, Vancouver has built up a name for its livelihood, mild climatic conditions, and economic booming activities. People started to move to Vancouver for better job opportunities, improvement in the standard of living, and enjoying nature’s proximity, which this city provides. Demand for houses has reached an all time high in this city and its population also grows tremendously in recent decades. This high demand has run the prices up as several people compete for a limited number of homes. In many ways, high demand for housing in Vancouver reflects this city’s success. Rapid growth in the population put burdens on the already existing stock and further deteriorated the affordability crisis. Continuous demand and short supply keep the prices rising, hence local residents finding it hard to get a place to live.


The Vancouver housing crisis is as much about an increasingly wide wealth gap as it is about an unaffordably high cost of living. While real estate markets have inflated the city, wages haven’t kept pace with home prices. Vancouver’s median income falls far behind the cost of homeownership, putting basic housing out of reach for many of its residents. This has increased the disparity in the city between the wealthy and the working class population, increasing the division into social fabrics. Aside from this income gap, Vancouver contains a large poor population who are more vulnerable to the housing crisis. In response to the surging cost of housing, many of these residents have been pushed toward precarious living situations: renting substandard units, living with family members, or homelessness. At a personal scale, it meant housing became really basic and is nowadays highly unaffordable by the majority; and it worsened homelessness causing more citizens to either live on the streets temporarily or depend on some living shelters for home. This has also been made worse by the unavailability of affordable housing, as families are often forced to seek housing further out in suburban areas. But the crisis is particularly concerning to young people and first time homebuyers. Many of Vancouver’s younger generation find it simply impossible to buy a house, leading to a growing sense of frustration and uncertainty about the future. It creates an evident generational divide, in which many millennials and Gen Z’ers are left questioning if they will ever own property in the city in which they grew up.


The housing crisis has its impact on local businesses. High housing costs make it hard for workers to afford living near their workplaces, leading to longer commutes and labour shortages in some sectors. Companies struggle to attract and retain employees because of the unaffordable cost of living, hindering economic growth and productivity. Not to mention the cost of renting shop space for business owners. In the fight against the housing crisis, both the federal and provincial governments have taken up different policies to increase the supply of affordable housing to stabilize the market. Other than the foreign buyers tax, rent control, funds for the construction of affordable housing units have been introduced by the provincial government, municipal governments in Vancouver also try to remedy the situation through the approval of new housing programs and rezone areas that were previously at a low density for high rises. The affordable housing demand continues to outstrip supply, and the city’s real estate market is still one of the most expensive in the world. Critics say that much more can be done to deal with the crisis’s root causes by increasing the supply of affordable housing, laying down stricter regulations on speculative buying, and making rent more affordable.


The Vancouver housing crisis is deep rooted and very intricate; as such, it desperately asks for immediate attention. On account of the minimal number of affordable houses, the values are skyrocketing, and with the increase in population, more people in vancouver are finding this market hard to reach. Although attempts have been made, much is yet to be done if the city is to remain where people of all income classes can afford to live. Unless stronger steps are taken, Vancouver risks being the city where only the wealthy will thrive, leaving others lagging behind. The future of Vancouver’s housing market hangs in the balance, pending the ability of policy thinkers to come up with substantial solutions that make affordability and access for all a priority.

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