Do you ever have that moment where everyone around you is into one thing but you just can’t seem to get into it, that’s me with reading right now. And don’t get me wrong, I do like reading, but lately I’ve been having a hard time getting into books and sticking with them. It’s like I’ll start a new book, read the first 2 chapters, and then push it aside for a bit.
Right now, I feel like everyone around me is on this huge reading train. It feels like everyone around me is always posting their latest reads, talking about a new series, or recommending old one’s, I can’t keep up!
In the summer, reading is definitely something that’s more enjoyable for me. The beach, with a refreshing drink in hand and a good book you just can’t seem to put down is the perfect match for a good summer day. And that’s the best part with reading. When you get so invested in a book you can’t put it down and you’re turning page to page so fast you get so into it. But for me that’s rare, and when I don’t have that hooked in feeling with a book, it’s hard for me to stay into it.
During the school year it’s hard for me to stay reading. It makes sense though, with so many school readings to do and homework at the end of the day, the last thing on my mind is picking up a book, I just want to go to bed! I also feel as if sometimes I’m just forcing myself to read so I’m really not retaining anything and getting lost in the story line.
I’m at the age where people are switching from TV shows to reading and it’s scaring me. I feel like there’s this whole group of people just maturing right in front of me and I can’t keep up! It’s almost like I feel like there’s this judgment put towards me when I say I’m not into reading. It’s like I get the vibe that people just don’t think I’m intellectual enough or something, I swear I am, I’m just not really a reader!
Are you a big reader? Is reading a thing I need to jump on or am I just doing fine living my life with a couple books in the summer?