Why Is January So Awful?

For a month that’s practically built up around new beginnings, fresh starts, habits, and being the best version of yourself, January kinda sucks. And it isn’t just me who feels this way, I talked to 3 separate friends and my mom and we all came to the same conclusion – January sucks. 


“January is just one of those months you feel every day of” my friend told me this today and I’ve never resonated harder with something in my life. I mean it;s so true. I have felt every day. Something has happened every day. Most months I just feel it slip away before I can even blink twice, but January is feeling like all the months in one and I’m starting to be done with it. 

There’s even a “blue Monday” in January. As if Monday’s aren’t the worst already! Now we need to title a monday “blue Monday” like cmon! Give me a break! It’s literally known as the most depressing Monday of the whole year and duhhhhh of course it falls in January. For those of you who skipped over it without noticing, I’m envious, but I certainly did it, it was one week ago today where I bought a lovely vanilla latte, put it on the roof of my car to put my back in, and drove off. And on top of that. My window was down. At least the bright side was that my freshly washed hair smelt like vanilla … hip hip hurray. 

For there to be such a huge culture around having January be the beginning of turning your life around, I sure feel like my life is just heading in a backwards direction. The days are still short, it’s freezing, and let’s be honest, going right back into the swing of things after a gorgeous holiday off just sucks. I’m beginning to think I’d rather just have no holiday then I wouldn’t get a taste for that freedom and crave it in the months after. 

Without Snow You'd Never Know People Were Here

I think a big reason January can be such a let down is because everyone usually has such high expectations for it. Like “I’m going to run 5k everyday and drink so much water and only eat kale!” no kidding you only lasted a day, that’s just setting yourself up for failure which will lead to the January blues. Mix those emotions with all the dry Januaryers (me) and you got the recipe for disaster. But don’t worry, the countdown is on only 4 days left till February.  

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