Do you like phone calls? When someone rings your phone do you dread answering? Or do you just pick it up with no problem?
I was out for coffee with a friend the other day and she got a call. “OMG I do not want to answer this”. I thought nothing of this – to me that’s a pretty normal response. Then I thought to myself hmmm I wonder why she doesn’t want to take the call, so me being the nosy person I am I asked her how come she was so quick to not answer. “Ugh, I just hate talking on the phone, texting is a thing, if you need to tell me something just text it to me”. It all clicked. I hate talking on the phone.
For the record, I’m not not a social person, I’d consider myself pretty social, but I have to agree talking on the phone sucks. And I’ll own up to it, I’m so guilty of ignoring a call then hitting the person with “busy right now, call back in a few” and I will never call back, I pretend I forgot. Or a message I find myself sending too often is “can’t call right now, but good to text, at work” or some variation of the “at work” part. I want to know what they have to say – maybe it’s some juicy tea or just a good question but really? Let’s save the small talk – text me the good stuff.
But do you want to know what’s worse…. a facetime…. like no thanks! When a facetime comes out of nowhere 9/10 times I’m not picking up and the odd time I do it has to be someone super close to me otherwise, you’re just wasting your time.
So what’s with this whole thing of not liking talking on the phone. Cause I’ve talked to a bunch of people who are in the same boat as me – we all just hate talking on the phone. And I know it’s a bad habit and it’s kinda rude, ignoring people and all. But what if it’s an emergency and they really need to get a hold of you? I know, I know, this is the worst case scenario but if someone really needed to get a hold of people I’d assume they’d call multiple times and maybe a text in between telling me to pick up – then obviously of course I’ll pick up the phone.
So what do you think? Am I a bad person for this? Is this something I need to change? Or is this all just more common than we know and the whole world secretly feels this way and everyone just needs to collectively boycott phone calls?