The Voice Within: Do We All Have More to Say?

Have you ever felt like the “real you” was hiding just beneath the surface? That there were words, thoughts, or a whole personality locked away, waiting to break free? The idea of a hidden voice is something I’ve wrestled with for years.

Growing up, I was the quiet kid. In class, my hand rarely shot up. At parties, you’d find me in the corner, not the center. Was that just my nature? Or was I scared to let my true self be heard? I’ve always wondered whether everyone is capable of singing and it’s a matter of refinement, or if some people just ‘have it’?

Then came college, with its promise of transformation. I joined a debate club, forcing myself to speak despite clammy hands and a racing heart. I took a writing class where the professor praised my “distinctive voice,” a phrase I’d never heard before. Did that voice exist all along, muffled by nerves?

The more I experiment, the more I believe in the untapped potential within us, Especially in BCIT’s Radio Arts & Entertainment program. I see friends who are timid in conversation but fierce writers on social media. I meet classmates who seem reserved but come alive on stage in theater productions. Is it that we have multiple voices, or one voice that can manifest in countless ways?

It’s a question without an easy answer. Psychologists might talk about personality facets or conditioned behaviors. Artists might point to creativity and the urge to express ourselves in different mediums. My personal theory? We’re all carrying a symphony of voices inside, some bold and brassy, others soft and hesitant. It’s about finding the right instruments to play them on.

The quest for my own “hidden voice” has been messy. There have been awkward speeches, cringe-worthy posts, and those moments where I still shrink back instead of speaking out. But there have also been breakthroughs – the unexpected surge of eloquence during a first impression, the surprising wit I find when writing a funny text, the sense of connection when my words resonate with someone else.

I may never fully unlock every voice I harbor, but I’m determined to keep searching. Because I believe the real adventure isn’t about becoming a different person. It’s about discovering all the ways you can be the person you already are, just with the volume turned up a little higher.

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