Surrey Vaisakhi parade

It’s that time of the year again when communities come together to celebrate the vibrant and meaningful festival of Vaisakhi. This past weekend, on Saturday, April 20th, the annual Vaisakhi parade took place, marking an important occasion for Sikhs around the world. Vaisakhi holds deep significance as it commemorates the creation of the Khalsa, the community of initiated Sikhs, in 1699 by Guru Gobind Singh Ji. This momentous event not only marked the birth of Sikhism as a distinct faith but also symbolized the commitment to Sikh principles of equality, justice, and service.

Vaisakhi is celebrated through a parade in many different cities all over the world. People who attend can visit Gurdwaras, as a place to worship, and also enjoy the festivities on the streets that can be referred as Nagar Kirtans. The city of Surrey held its 26th parade this year, and the city of Vancouver and thousands of people celebrated its 45th last weekend. 

The city of Surrey had a bunch of roads closed on Saturday, ranging from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. on 128 St from 72 to 88 avenues, 75 and 76 avenues from 124 to 128 streets, 124 St from 75 to 82 avenues, and 82 Avenue from 124 to 128 streets. The parade began at 9 a.m. at Gurdwara Sahib Dasmesh Darbar on 85 Avenue and will end at the gurdwara at 4pm. Locals will need to show identification if they live in the area, but will not need a permit. 

The parade had many different tents and vendors around the blocked off streets, with the Conservative Party of B.C. having a booth and experiencing a great turn out.

The Surrey RCMP was also out in full force to show their support of the celebrations, with many of the force celebrating it themselves. The great weather Saturday morning served these celebrations excellently, with many people out in the streets enjoying the colourful floats, singing, dancing, live music and chanting of hymns. There was also a plethora of free vegetarian foods, and drinks served along the routes of the parade as a form of seva, or a selfless service that brings joy to the many people celebrating. 

These celebrations are a true site to see! Witness how much this faith means to people and take this as a chance to enjoy the culture, the great food, and the kindness that it brings out of people. If you had the opportunity, I hope you checked it out, and were not disappointed by the sheer beauty the parade holds.

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