Canucks Historic Start! Is It Time To Go All In?

The NHL has now started to get a roll out on the season and the games of been amazing and exciting, but the question you and I are dying to ask is how are the Canucks doing? Will this be the year for hope for Canucks fans?

Last year, the Canucks probably have had a historically bad start to their season. The team started off with a 7 game loss streak and only had 2 points in 7 games! To put that into perspective, the most games loss in a row in the beginning of a season is 11 games. Second place lost 9 games in a row and we lost 7! A horrid way to start the season and just a bad season in general as a Canucks fan.

But, how about this year? Well for the way we looked at the beginning, I think this a surprising start! The Canucks are 5-2-1 to start the season off, and get this, this is their best start since the 05-06 season! With this hot start from the Canucks it puts them second in their division, only behind the defending Stanley Cup champions the Vegas Golden Knights. So, for sure, the Canucks are  ecstatic with this start, but what about the fans?

As a casual on looker of the Canucks, this makes me very excited to see if they can keep this up this year and make the playoffs. And, honestly this makes me want to become a hardcore fan again. Also, talking to some hardcore fans, this start is also getting their attention. They said that their play has been looking really good, but their stats don’t look sustainable. They are still excited for the Canucks, but it was something they felt like they needed to mention. So let’s ask the real question. Is it time for you to go all in on the Canucks?

Well, yes and no. Yes because this should give us hope. Their best start in 18 years?! What’s not to like about that. So we should be excited, we should hope that they will do good because they are our team but of course we should still be cautious. We are still early in the season, so anything can happen to derail the Canucks. Also, I feel, they still need to prove themselves a bit more. Yes, they have been winning games. Yes, they look good, but lets wait a bit before saying anything too definitive. I think we will see more what this team is actually like at around 20 games or so. But other than that lets be excited for the Canucks! And lets cheer them on to a good season and future!


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