NHL’s Ban on Pride Tape: Backlash but no Sign of Backing Down

It’s now been almost two weeks since the NHL dropped a bomb on us. Not only have they pathetically banned pride themed warm up jerseys, but now the NHL has banned players use of Pride Tape. The one and only remaining colored symbol of LGBT-support players could show on the ice. It’s painfully ironic that pride warm up jerseys were banned because they were perceived to “trampled” on players individual rights, but of course not allowing players the autonomy to choose what tape they put on their own hockey stick is completely okay. And what’s even more shocking is that the NHL has decided not to rethink their actions despite the tsunami of shock and indignation on the part of LGBTQIA+ community and their allies. 

Community Disappointment

This was more than color and embellishment into the taping of pride. Pride tape has always represented growth, acceptance, and hope. This was the league’s opportunity to demonstrate that it really is an open and loving community. Instead, they destroyed an excellent opportunity to show their support for the members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Instead, the NHL deeply disappointed the community within as well as outside the hockey world. Pride tape embodied a glitter of light at the end of a tunnel, showing that sports culture was headed in a more accepting and encompassing direction. Its withdrawal made an unpleasant statement. Players are free to express themselves off the ice, but in the rink not everyone is equally welcomed.

A Lesson for the NHL

It’s clear that a lot of hockey fans did not like this decision. Indeed, the last two weeks have shown the world that Pride Tape was more than a symbol. It was a movement that served as a call to action. By banning it, the league has sparked a flame that continues to burn and sparks people to fight for diversity and acceptance.


The NHL now has had two weeks to consider their position in light of this disappointing decision. It is possible for them to reform, apologize, and affirm their commitment to inclusivity. But they would have to do a lot of self-reflection before they could start to resolve the damage they’ve done. Regardless the NHL has a decision, they can help make a world where sports can ignite and bring people together, or let ignorance keep it apart. Either way the LGBTQIA+ community and their supporters have a tough battle on their hands. 

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