I Have A Writer’s Block

I have a writer’s block at the moment. Somebody, please motivate me. I had a long day yesterday, and the day before, but I’m trying to meet the writing quota in the small cracks of time. But I feel so uninspired. I’m pretty sure you know how I feel as I write this down. Why is there nothing in my head when there are plenty of topics I could potentially write about?

The first reason is my laziness. To be precise, I don’t have the desire to search for inspiration. Is it because I feel kind of sick? Too much stress after school restarted? Or because I lacked proper concentration because I had to hang out with my friends, or they would be pretty disappointed unless I had work? I think it’s all of the above.

Secondly, my attention span is in the way. They say that the average human attention span is 8 seconds. Goldfishes have 10 seconds. Am I no better than a fish? I want to finish my game, Elden Ring. I’m pretty invested in it, although I suck at it. But why am I not invested in my writing? Is it because I don’t like writing? Yes. But if I don’t write, will it affect my marks? Yes. Dang it.

My lack of writing skills has been sticking with me since birth. And it’s not because English is my second language (I suck at my mother language more). How can I blame something I do not have? The lack of skill causes a lack of interest thereof.

My bad habits are also to blame, too. I have a tumour in my head called procrastination, which prevents me from being productive and creating a cure for cancer. I tried to fix it by watching life motivation videos, but they only got rich people talking about their good habits. But you can’t rush geniuses, and I’m trying to get by. Maybe I should reduce the amount of decisions I have to make. How about choosing not to write more articles today…

My writer’s block is causing me to question myself as to why I have one in the first place. The reason I’m writing it is for you to write a comment and give me an idea of what to write, or at least give me some encouragement or discouragement. But then again, did I just finish writing an article? Let’s goooo, but how many more do I have to write…

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