Summer Olympics 2024

Two years ago, we had the Winter Olympics in Russia, and next year we have the Summer Olympics in France! The 2024 Summer Olympics are taking place in Paris, which is très chic. I am personally more of a fan of the Winter Games (mostly just for figure skating), but the Summer Games do feature a lot of really neat events. Interestingly, the Winter Games were actually created because of the success of the Summer Games! So technically, the Summer Games are the true olympics. The first ever games were held in Athens, Greece in 1896, which seems like a million years ago, but was actually only 127 years ago. Still though, that’s a really long time ago. For some dumb reason (it’s because I’m uneducated) I thought that the Olympics have just been consistently happening since Ancient Greece times. In my unlimited wisdom, I guess I just failed to consider history in its entirety. But anyway, my favorite events are archery, volleyball, and gymnastics! I also like to watch swimming, too, because I used to be a swimmer myself. Reportedly, next year’s Summer Games are set to be one of the most viewable games in HISTORY, which is a pretty crazy fact. I guess the time zones around the world line up so that it makes it easier for everyone to tune in at once. Also, France is making a lot of strides towards LGBTQ+ acceptance at the games! Go France, we see you, nos alliés européens!


I remember the last time I actively watched the Summer Olympics was Rio in 2016. I thought that the equestrian events were, for the most part, pretty cool, but I remember thinking that the DRESSAGE event was super weird. Dressage is basically riding the horse around in a circle for a little bit and then getting a score. HUH? If there are any horse girls reading this, please explain, because I was so confused, and still am. Every other event is sporty and athletic, which, you know, makes sense for the Olympics. Sometimes I wish that I could do like one event, just to see how far I could get. I think it would also be really hilarious to have like one normal person participating in the games next to all these super-athletes. I like when all the countries come together at the beginning, too, to do the opening ceremony. When it’s Canada’s turn, the true patriot within me makes herself visible.


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