Cheers! – thoughts on drinking culture

Being over the age of 19 is so awesome because you finally get the opportunity to start delving into addictive substances. Gambling, tobacco, scratch tickets, drinking, etc…so many fun and safe activities for adults! I’m being silly, of course, but alcohol consumption in particular definitely has a certain culture surrounding it. I’m not personally that big of a drinker, but I do enjoy it on occasion. I would classify myself as more of a social drinker, I suppose. I’m a cocktail girl. No beer for me, sorry. Drink(s) of choice? Either a vodka soda with lime, or a gin and tonic. I’m classic! 


Drinking is a historical activity, of course. Humans have been drinking since some guy figured out that letting a pile of fruit go bad actually creates a magical juice. There was a time where drinking alcohol used to probably be THE most fun you could have doing anything. Flash forward to the present, it’s still a pillar in the navigation of modern social settings. 

Drinking “socially”, like how I usually go about it, basically means that you’re drinking without the intention of getting drunk, and more so just to have fun with whoever you’re out with. Drinks can also be used as social currency. Buying someone a drink can be used as a way to express interest in someone, or just to do something nice for a friend. Drinking by yourself is often seen negatively, and drinking (excessively) during the day is usually not common, but things like mimosas are ONLY meant to be consumed in the morning/brunch time. The concept of a “happy hour” refers to when bars and restaurants start serving drinks at lower prices, usually in the evening. Different drinks are consumed at different times of the day (like mimosas) and for different occasions. And the list goes on! 


Drinking etiquette and all the rituals and rules surrounding it are actually really interesting from a social perspective. Obviously, alcohol can be abused and turn into an addiction if approached irresponsibly, so it’s important to be safe. Everything in moderation, after all. It might be slightly weird to say, but in a way alcohol is quite the unifying substance–there’s a reason it’s referred to as a social lubricant. Having just a little bit can make socializing so much easier if that’s something that may be a bit difficult otherwise (it is for me). 

I am of the opinion that a little alcohol, if the situation is right, can be fun! As long as you’re being safe, I don’t see much wrong with drinking here and there. I can only imagine what Prohibition in the US must have been like, with alcohol being straight-up banned. 

I know that not everyone drinks, and if you don’t, no worries. You’re doing your liver a favor. But for those of us that do, make sure your alcohol consumption etiquette is up to par, and drink responsibly!

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