Concert pet peeves – no personal space, screechers, abandoning and endangering kids

Going to a concert can be an exhilarating experience! Awaiting a show brings excitement to your life and gives you something to look forward to. Which is why it hurts so much when the experience gets ruined by very avoidable inconveniences. Your night can quickly turn into one of the most frustrating events when other people aren’t behaving themselves. Here are some of my biggest concert pet peeves that can turn an anticipated night out into an absolute nightmare.

Personal Space

I think almost all of us have experienced the icky feeling of people intruding on your person space. You’re patiently waiting in a packed venue. But the person beside you is basically standing on top of you and the person in front in is stomping on your toes. It’s uncomfortable and can even be dangerous if someone starts pushing or shoving. After a while it starts to get so unbelievably annoying. People don’t get to disregard your personal boundaries just because you’re in a crowd. If someone is getting too close for comfort, then don’t be afraid to ask them for some space. Of course, though your safety comes first. Please talk to security if they don’t back off and keep yourself safe.

Little Scream

Little Scream / Mike Cicchetti /Flickr

The Screamers

Another peeve that can ruin your concert experience is people who scream like banshees. Look, we get it, you’re excited to see your favorite artist perform live. But that doesn’t give you the right to bloody scream at the top of your lungs for entire time. It’s super annoying to the unfortunate people forced to be around you. Plus, the sheer intensity of a constant screech will probably damage someone’s hearing. If you feel the urge to scream, then that’s okay. There are acceptable times during the show where you can scream. Aim for a nice not too loud yell the end of songs or try to do it during the loud parts of the songs. Just please have consideration for the people around you.

Abandoning Kids

Next up: people who bring their kids to concerts and abandon them. We’re all for introducing kids to live music, but concerts aren’t exactly the safest places for young children. If you bring your little ones, then you need to be responsible. Make sure they’re safe and not causing a disturbance. Don’t let them run around unsupervised and accept that you might have to leave if they start to get scared or overwhelmed. It’s not other people’s responsibility to look after you children. And now I shouldn’t even have to say this but please for the love of everything good don’t put your baby onstage!!!!!!

There are plenty of things that can ruin your concert experience. Which sucks but you can’t control other people. But what you can do is be mindful of your own behavior and respect those around you. You can do your part to ensure that everyone has a great time. So, let’s all do our part to make concerts a fun and safe environment for everyone!

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