Concert pet peeves – cash only, no AC, and flash photography

Concerts are a great way to spend the evening. You get to enjoy live music and vibe with people looking for a good time. Though, not everything is rosy, and certain things can really kill your vibe. I’m talking about the concert pet peeves that can take your night from a 100 to a 0. I’m going to share the pet peeves that absolutely drive me mad!

Cash Only

Cash Only / CasparGirl / Flickr

Cash Only

Imagine traveling for over an hour in busy traffic and finally arriving at a venue. The trip was kinda annoying but it’s fine because going to see your favourite band, and you’re so excited for the show. You want to remember this day forever so you rush to the merch booth and grab t-shirt or poster. Only to find out that they only accept cash… Who carries cash these days?!?! It’s 2023, even little Timmy’s lemonade stand takes tap nowadays. But now you have to miss out on merch or run to an atm because you didn’t bring cash. So, concert venues, please, all us beg, start accepting credit cards and digital payments.

Music Makes you Lose Control

Music Makes you Lose Control / Chris Gilmore / Flickr

Hotter Than Hell

Concert venues are known to get hot and sweaty. After a few hours everyone starts to smell and you just have to accept that fact. But when thousands of people packed are into a space the temperature can rise real quick. If the AC doesn’t work properly then you’ll feel like you’re trapped in a sauna after like 5 minutes. Now imagine standing in those conditions for hours. You’re surrounded by sweaty people, you feel like you’re going to pass out, and the smell, oh gosh the smell. If heatstroke doesn’t take you out, then the smell of sweaty smelly people absolutely will. It’s not a pleasant experience, and it’s one of the worst concert pet peeves. So, venue managers, please turn up the AC or install some industrial-sized fans before we all melt.

after the fire dragon

after the fire dragon / April Dawn / Flickr

Flash Photography

We get it, you want to capture the moment and keep it forever. But let’s be honest, pictures never turn out as good as you hope they would. So, what’s the point of ruining the concert experience for everyone around you by blinding them with your flash? It’s super annoying and  distracts everyone enjoying the concert. If you need to take a few quick pictures then that’s fine. You can take as many as you’d like as long as the flash stays off. It’s not difficult to follow very basic social etiquette.

Concerts are meant for letting loose and having fun. But, certain concert pet peeves can quickly turn the evening sour. So, concert venues, please start accepting digital payments, and turn up the AC. And, concertgoers, let’s all agree to be respectful and enjoy the moment.

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