The honest rooster

What happened before alarm clocks were a thing? Well, famers would depend on a “cock-a-doodle-doo” to know when to wake up. Every morning that would be the audio signal to get up and beginning a new day of labour.

@KoolShooters / Pexels

Do you like Chinese mythology?

Do you know which zodiac animal you are?

I will be writing a series of stories where I will talk about the twelve different Chinese zodiac animals. I will share some of my observations and fun facts about my friends and family that are born in those years.


Before adapting to the twenty-four-hour clock in western culture, in Ancient China, they used to divide a day into twelve periods. Each period is about two hours long and is named with the twelve earthly branches. When talking about the twelve zodiac animals, you will see the earthly branches written with the animals. Its purpose serves as a numerical number and also tells the time and date of the Lunar Calendar.

@Angela Roma / Pexels

Rooster 酉鸡 (yǒujī)

Rooster is the tenth animal in the twelve zodiacs.

Rooster (jī) is associated with the tenth earthly branch (yǒu) which is from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

@Enrique / Pexels

In traditional Chinese culture, the rooster was symbolic of punctuality, honesty, luck, prosperity, bravery, competitiveness, and holiness. First of all, roosters were the alarm clock for the people in ancient times. They didn’t have cell phones or alarm clocks back then and relied on the crow of the rooster every morning. They are punctual because they always crow on time, which is every dawn. In a few ancient civilizations, it was common to see gamecock, which was where two roosters fight each other. They believe that “fighting is in the rooster’s blood”. It was also believed that roosters could chase out all the ghosts because ghosts only appear at night and must disappear at the rise of dawn, which is when the rooster will crow.

People who are born in the Year of the Rooster (2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, etc.) are known to be hardworking, talented, confident, courageous, resourceful, popular, talkative, and trustworthy. They like to be in crowds and socialize with other people. They enjoy being the center of attention. They are very open and loyal to friends and family. My cousin is born in the Year of the Rooster and she is very attractive and beautiful. She got married last year and just gave birth to her son last month. She is a sweet, brave and lovely individual.

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