The next big social media app could revolutionize our online world

Social media apps continue to top the charts on the Apple and Google Play app stores. Classics like Facebook (and messenger), Twitter, and Instagram have been joined by more “recent” apps such as Snapchat, WhatsApp and TikTok. All of these apps share common purposes. They are networks where people can post content and interact with others from around the world.

Recently, I’ve been wondering what the next big social media app could look like, and if it could change the way social media apps are used in the near future.

(Pixabay / LoboStudioHamburg)

Every so often, I reflect on what is the most popular company for any given industry. For example, we know that McDonald’s is considered the “classic” fast-food restaurant, but will there ever be a franchise that surpasses them or have they already been at the top for so long that they will always be #1?

The same question applies when I am scrolling through my phone and seeing which apps I am using the most. Gone are the days when teenagers spent their phone time playing the best game apps such as “Fruit Ninja,” “Doodle Jump” and “Paper Toss” to name just a few. Today, most people are consuming much of their phone time on social media apps.

Going back to the McDonald’s example but for apps, will we ever see a social media app that dethrones today’s popular apps such as TikTok and Twitter and changes social media for future generations?

(Pixabay / geralt)

A lot of hypotheticals are involved when trying to imagine what the next “great” social media app could involve, and I’m not here to write about any billion-dollar business ideas. When you examine why today’s top social media apps are so successful, it all comes down to creating a platform that allows the user to connect and interact with any other user.

This social media concept has changed how we communicate with one another and has changed how content is being produced and consumed, such as shorter videos or “stories”. Creating a brand-new social media app would be easy to fail at, especially if it tried to copy what other big brands are already doing.

(Pexels / fauxels)

Instead, if there ever is a latest and greatest social media app it will have to be unlike any other social media platform before, while still having the goal of connecting users online through easy communication. Point being, it is really difficult to conceptualize how this would actually be executed, but I’ll be ready to hop on this app as soon as it starts to gain its popularity.

Right now this app is unknown to us, but I have a feeling that within the next ten years we will all be talking about a social media platform that will change how we communicate in the online world forever.

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